Maternity Flashcards
What are s/s of Respiratory Distress Syndrome?
RR 60 breaths per min or greater
Grunting, nasal flaring, cyanosis, intercostal and sternal retractions
Describe the 3 causes of postpartum hemorrhage
> Uterine atony – Atony describes a lack of normal muscle tone.
Lacerations - Uncontrolled tearing of perineal tissue
Hematomas - Collection of blood within tissue
Define Acrocyanosis of newborn
Peripheral blueness in the hand and feet result from poor circulation. Is normal and will resolve.
When assessing signs of adequate oxygenation, no not use the limbs
What is the quality of respirations of the newborn?
Shallow and irregular
When do the 3 phases of newborn care occur?
- Phase 1 - From birth to 1 hour (usually in delivery room)
- Phase 2 - From 1 to 3 hours (usually in transition nursery or postpartum unit)
- Phase 3 - From 2 to 12 hours (usually in postpartum unit if rooming-in with the mother)
First stage of labour— from onset of regular uterine contractions to the full effacement and dilatation of the cervix (can last 4 to 6 hours). describe 3 phases (latent, active, transitional)
Latent phase: up to 3 cm dilatation, regular contractions, mostly progress in effacement
Active phase: 4-7 cm dilatation, contractions every 2-5 minutes, descent of fetus begins
Transitional phase: 7 cm to full dilatation; contractions every 2 minutes and very intensely felt by mother
Second stage of labor—
expulsion of fetus (30 minutes to 2 hours) – from complete dilatation and effacement to the birth of the infant
o Pushing is stopped to allow for controlled delivery of the head
Third stage includes—expulsion of placenta (5 to 30 minutes); uterus maintains a contracted state, constricting blood vessels and controlling bleeding
expulsion of placenta (5 to 30 minutes); uterus maintains a contracted state, constricting blood vessels and controlling bleeding
Fourth stage of labour —recovery; delivery of the placenta to 2-4 hours after birth
—recovery; delivery of the placenta to 2-4 hours after birth
how do you Calculate length of pregnancy
- Identify first day of LNMP.
- Count backward 3 months.
- Add 7 days.
Define: - Gravida
any pregnancy, regardless of duration, also the number of pregnancies.
Define: - Primigravida
woman who is pregnant for the first time.
Define: - Cervical Dilation
Full effacement and dilation of the cervix to 10cm.
Define: - False Labor
Contractions without effacement or dilation of the cervix.
Define: - Braxton Hicks
Irregular contractions which begin in early stages of labor
- Diagnosis of preterm labor is based on
cervical effacement and dilation of more than 2 cm.
pre-eclampsia vs severe pre eclampsia signs and symp
Pre-eclampsia oPregnancy-specific syndrome oNew-onset proteinuria ohypertension Urine protein values
Severe pre-eclampsia oProteinuria oSystolic BP >160 mm hg oDiastolic BP >110 mm hg o Cerebral disturbances oEpigastric pain
what is placenta previa
- Placenta implants in lower uterus instead of top one-third of uterine fundus
- classified by placenta position
Clinical manifestations of placenta previa
Painless, bright red vaginal bleeding with a uterus that is soft and relaxed or relaxes between contractions
what is Placental abruption
premature separation of placenta in second half of pregnancy or during labour
- High risk of maternal and fetal morbidity
manifestations of Placental abruption
o Sudden, intense pain with or without bright red vaginal bleeding
o Concealed bleeding
o Hard uterus that does not relax between contractions
o Signs of maternal shock with tachycardia, hypotension, cold clammy skin, pallor, LOC
Nursing Care Immediately After Birth for mother
- Observing for hemorrhage
o Vital signs
o Skin color
o Location and firmness of uterine fundus
o Lochia – drainage and discharge following delivery
o Pain - Promoting comfort
o Keep warm and dry
o Ice to perineum to help reduce swelling and bruising
it normal for flow to be absent? Explain.
- Immediately after delivery there should be some lochia flow for at least 21 days, otherwise if none or large/excessive amounts (soaking pad less than 2 hours must be notified) = ABNORMAL
- Could indicate subinvolution of the uterus
normal amount of blood loss during labour and delivery for Vaginal delivery
500 ml