Maternity Flashcards
Name 3 cardiovascular changes that occur in pregnancy
-increased BP
-increased HR
- increased CO
Miscarriages occur within the first __ weeks of pregnancy
23 weeks
What does Gravida mean?
number of pregnancies
what does parity mean?
how many times woman has given birth including, live births, stillbirths and terminations
What is classed as pre-term birth?
under 37 weeks classed as premature
21 weeks + 6 days- comfort management
How do you measure symphysis fundal height?
-Locate at the top of pubic bone, place tape measure
- measure to top of the uterus
- measurements should be in centimetres the number of weeks pregnant
- 20-36 weeks +/-2cm
- 36-40 weeks +/-3cm
- 40+ weeks +/-4cm
- Fundus at the level of the umbilicus is roughly 22 weeks.
- Fundal height below the umbilicus = <22 weeks = unlikely to survive pre-term birth.
What question should we ask about foetal movement and position?
When did mum last feel baby move?
1. Longitudinal- head palpable over lower pelvis
2. Oblique- head palpable in the iliac fossa, but nothing in the lower uterine
3. Transverse- foetal felt in flanks, but nothing above
Describe Cord management after birth
-Baby fully delivered, crying, dry, in mother’s arms/breastfeeding.
-Cord has stopped pulsating.
-Apply clamp 15cm from the baby umbilicus and apply second clamp 3cm further along.
-Cut between the two clamps, ensuring no part of the baby is in the way.
what is a poor APGAR score?
<4= poor
4-6= fair
>7 Good
When is the McRoberts manoeuvre used?
shoulder dystocia- knees to chest
What is the next move in shoulder dystocia if McRoberts manoeuvre does not work?
suprapubic pressure-using CPR hands apply sustained pressure to the fetal back in a downward and lateral direction above the mother’s pubic symphysis. If continuous pressure is not successful a rocking movement may be tried. Do not apply fundal pressure.
- if unsuccessful- move mother onto all fours
What do you do in a cord prolapse?
-don’t touch it with anything but a dry [ad to gently replace it with the vulva, keeps warm and prevents spasms, use a pad to prevent further prolapse
- walk to ambo- avoid chair or sitting position
What does breech mean?
baby’s feet or buttocks are visible instead of head
What do you do in a breech?
Position with legs supported or sitting on edge of chair or on all fours.
Observe for descent, hands poised ready to receive the baby or intervene.
Allow the baby to descend spontaneously - this will usually be in the sacroiliac (tum to bum) orientation.
Start a timer once the buttocks are delivered and encourage continuous pushing.
Allow the body to hang until the nape of the neck is seen and then support spontaneous birth of the head.
Do not clamp or cut the cord until the head has been delivered.
If delivery is delayed, the following additional manoeuvres should be considered:
Apply pressure behind the knees (Pinards manoeuvre) to help release the legs.
If the arms don’t deliver spontaneously, once the elbow is visible apply gentle pressure in the antecubital fossa to flex and release the arm.
Use Lovset’s manoeuvre to facilitate release the arms if they are extended behind the neck e.g. nuchal arm.
Use supra-pubic pressure and Mariceau-Smellie-Veit manoeuvre to aid delivery of the head if semi-recumbant.
Use shoulder press manoeuvre to aid delivery of the head if on all fours.
What does En Caul mean?
baby and placenta born with amniotic sac intact