Maternal Testing And Screening Flashcards
What timeframe is classified as 1st trimester screening? 2
- 11weeks 3 days
- 13 weeks 6 days
When is the 2nd trimester detailed anatomy scan?
18-20 weeks
When is dating done?
1st trimester
When do we do the growth and fetal wellbeing scans? What are some examples?2
As needed
1. Fetal assessment scan (FAS)
2. BPP and biometry and doppler
What are triple screen/ quad screen test?
Maternal blood test
What are some additional tests done outside of the 1st and 2nd trimester tests? 6
- Triple screen/ quad
- Non invasive prenatal testing
- Chorionic vili sampling
- Amniocentesis
- Percutaneous umbilical blood sample
- Fluorescence in Situ hybridization (FISH)
When is triple screen tests done?
16 weeks
What do we assess with triple screen?
- Maternal serum alpha feta protein
- Unconjugated estriol
- Beta hCG
What does the triple screen help use detect?
- Trisomy 21
- Trisomy 18
- other chromosomal abnormalities
What is the detection rates of triple screen?
Where is MS- AFP produced? 4
Mainly in the fetal liver also found in
1. Yolk sac
2. GI tract
3. Kidney
4. Placenta
AFP crosses the fetal placenta into what?
Maternal circulation
When does the MS-AFP levels rise?
About 14-20 weeks
Why would we have abnormal levels for MS AGP? 3
- Wrong date
- multiples
- Fetal abnormality
What is the MS-AFP for athletic women?
Increased MS- AFP
What does abruptions cause in terms of MS-AFP?
Increase it if enough fetal and maternal blood mix
What is a pro and con for MS-AFP?
It is sensitive but not specific
If conditions is MS- AFP is decreased it is related to what? 2
- Trisomy 21
- Trisomy 18
If MS-AFP is increased it is related to what? 7
- Open neural tune defect
- Gastroschisis
- GI obstruction
- Cystic hygroma
- RH sensitivity
- Placental abnormality
- Fetal death
Beta HCG is produced by what?
Trophoblasts which become the placenta
If beta hCG is increased what does it mean? 4
- Multiples in pregnancy
- Molar pregnancy
- Wrong dates
- Trisomy 21
If beta hCG is low what does it mean?
Trisomy 18
What produces unconjugated estriol?
Fetal adrenal glands and liver produce and synthesize a hormone that travels to the placenta which deconjugates it to estriol
Fetal malformations disrupts the normal process resulting in what?
Unconjugated estriol in the maternal blood
Decreased levels of unconjugated estriol are a marker for what? 2
T21 and T18
What do we look for in a quad screen?
Triple screen + Hormone Inhibin A
What produces inhibin A?
The baby and the placenta
Increased levels of inhibin A suggest what?
According to AHS those that have inhibin A, we will find what? 3
- Neural tube defects 80% of the time
- Anencephaly 95% of the time
- Down syndromes 81% of the time
What is the 1st trimester screen test?
Early risk assessment
What does the 1st trimester screen test combine? 3
- Nuchal translucency
- Blood test
- Maternal age
What chromosomal anomalies does the 1st trimester test screen for? 3
- T13
- T18
- T21
What is the detection rate for 1st trimester screen?
What is the false positive rate for T21, in the 1st trimester scan?
What is the 1st trimester screen positive screen tests for T21, T18, T13?
- T21 = 1:300
- T18 = 1:1100
- T13 = 1:3000
In the 1st trimester, all trisomy’s are associated with what? 3
- Increased maternal age
- Increased fetal NT
- Decreased PAPP-A
In the 1st trimester scan, T21 B hCG levels are what?
For Trisomy 18 and 13 in the 1st trimester, Free B-hCG look are what?
In the 1st trimester, when the presence of a nasal bone is assessed in the NT scan, the detection rate for T21 is what?
Increased to 95%
When would a nasal bone considered hypoplastic or absent? (value)
What does NIPT stand for?
Non invasive prenatal testing
When is blood test taken for NIPT?
Maternal blood test taken at 10 weeks LMP
What do we test for during NIPT?
Testing the cell free DNA (cfDNA) in maternal plasma
How accurate is NIPT?
Extreme accurate >99% detection rate
False positive rate <0.1%
What are some maternal factors to consider for NIPT?
Increased maternal BMI can result in false negative result
Is NIPT considered a screening?