maternal behavior Flashcards
adult female sheep
adult male sheep
young sheep
adult female goat
adult male goat
young goat
young goat
adult female meat cattle
adult female meat cattle
adult male meat cattle
young cattle
maternal B timeline
- nesting: finding a separate place for birth
- responsiveness: showing interest in others’ young
- discrimination: investing all her energy in her young only
* ie bonding
- 1-3d prior to birth: separates from group
- in order to bond with offspring & keep it from responding to other mothers' pheromones
- 1-1.5h prior: restless, moving, vocalizing = parturition about to happen
once bond is formed, mother & offspring return to group
types of young:
- precocial: stand soon after birth
- can see, hear, stand, walk, have fur
- horses, cattle, goats, giraffes - altricial: depend on mother
- often blind, no fur/wool/hair, cannot walk/stand
- dogs, humans, rabbits, birds
different types of young = diff maternal care B
maternal/offspring B: survival strategies
followers: mothers take young with them while they feed
* ex: sheep ➞ lambs follow ewe
* benefits: moving around all the time allows:
* vigilance ➞ look for predators
* startle easily
* easy escape from predators
* safety in numbers
hiders: mothers leave young in safe spot while they feeg
- could be for up to a couple days
- benefits: hiding offspring in 1 place allows:
- avoiding predators
- safety in numbers w/in crèche
- ex: cows, goats, deer
- cows hide their calves in grass
- crèche calve nursery
- “crib”, “cradle”
- immediately—few days post-birth: offspring on its own ➞ unlikely to run from predators
- as offspring gets older:
- stays in crèche
- begins to travel with mother
able to run from predators
sampling methods: choosing subjects
ad libitum: whoever is within view
focal: specific animals w/in a group
scan: whole group
sampling methods: choosing timeframe
continuous: continuously
- most comprehensive
- information:
- % of activity budget: % of observations spent performing that B
- duration: sum of duration of each event
- # bouts: number of events
- benefit: true representation
- con: time consuming
instantaneous: at predefined intervals
- check if performing B at regular set intervals
- less comprehensive
zero/one: within an interval
- yes or no: is the animal doing B at least 1x during interval
- least accurate