Maternal Anatomy and Pelvic Bone Flashcards
What is the blood supply of perineum?
Internal Pudendal Artery
It is a part of the ovary where follicles are produced or developed.
Homologue of penis.
What is the most common type of pelvis?
Mixed type
What is the boundary of the true pelvis from the false pelvis?
linea terminalis
What is the landmark of the midpelvis?
ischial spine
It is the pelvic conjugate that can be measured clinically.
diagonal conjugate
Part of the fallopian tube where fertilization takes place.
Part of the uterus that undergoes during menstruation.
functionalis layer of endometrium
Location of the Bartholin’s gland
5 and 7 o’clock position
During internal examination, I noted the cervix to be soft. It is called ___ sign
a. Chadwick
b. Goodel
c. Hegar
d. Swift
Isthmus softening
Hegar sign
Ideal level of regional anesthesia for CS
a. T4
b. T10
c. L2
narrowest part of the fallopian tube
a. ampulla
b. isthmus
c. interstitium
d. infundibulum
The epithelial lining of the labia minora medial to the Hart line
a. Squamous keratinize
b. Squamous non keratinize
c. Simple columnar
d. Simple cuboidal
I underwent normal vaginal delivery without difficulty to a 3200g baby. What is the possible shape of my pelvis?
a. Android
b. Anthropoid
c. Platypelloid
d. Gynecoid
After delivery, my patient wanted to have bilateral tubal ligation, where should I cut it?
a. Interstitium
b. Isthmus
c. Ampulla
d. Infundibulum
The patient had myomectomy, her wish is to undergo normal delivery. It is not allowed due to possible:
a. Uterine perforation
b. Uterine rupture
c. Uterine infection
d. All
A 60 years old multigravida came in due to vaginal spotting after sexual intercourse. On examination, you noted atrophy on this part.
a. Ovaries
b. Fallopian tubes
c. uterus
A parturient patient was noted with CPD, you opted to do
CS, where will you do the uterine incision
a. Body
b. Fundus
c. Lower uterine segment
d. Anywhere in the uterus
A patient sustained straddle injury. During examination, the hematoma extended to the anterior abdominal wall. Where is the injury? It is ____________ to Colles fascia.
a. Anterior
b. Posterior
c. Superficial
d. Deep
rare malformation in which the vaginal orifice is
a. Imperforate hymen
b. Transverse vaginal septum
c. Infection
d. Uterine didelphys
Muscles during episiotomy except;
a. Internal anal sphincter
b. Bulbocavernous
c. External Anal Sphincter
d. Superficial transverse perineal
A patient is profusely bleeding, pregnancy test negative, the most important finding/findings is/are:
a. 2x3 cm ovarian cyst
b. Subserosal myoma
c. Thickened endometrium at 2.5 cm
d. All
I will do oophorectomy, what ligament will I cut
I want to do culdocentesis
a. Left lateral vaginal wall
b. Rectouterine space
c. Vesicouteriine space
d. Right lateral vaginal wall
During hysterectomy, so that I will not injure the ureter. I should be familiar with its location
a. 2.5 cm lateral to the cervix
b. 1 cm lateral to the cervix
c. 2 cm lateral to the cervix
d. 1.5 cm lateral to the cervix
The patient has recurrent STI, she had treatment for 5x now, the most important affected organ which causes infertility
a. Cervix
b. Vagina
c. Fallopian tube
d. Uterus
I underwent CS secondary to CPD. What is/are the possible area/areas of obstruction?
a. bandc
b. inlet
c. outlet
d. midpelvis
e. aandb
B & C
A multigravid patient, 2 yrs after her last NSD complained of a mass in the vagina
a. simple cyst
b. Meckels diverticulum
c. Bartholins duct cyst
d. epidermal inclusion cyst
I will perform cone biopsy of the cervix in my patient. Where will I place the suture to prevent profuse bleeding?
a. 6 and 12 o’clock position
b. 3 and 6 o’clock position
c. 3 and 9 o’clock position
d. 6 and 9 o’clock postion
branches of femoral artery, except
a. superficial circumflex iliac
b. superficial epigastric
c. superior epigastric
d. external pudendal
LOWER lamellae of the clitoris
a. Prepuce
b. Fourchette
c. Frenulum
d. urethral meatus
blood supply of the proximal vaginal wall, _____ artery
a. middle rectal
b. uterine
c. inferior vesical
d. internal pudendal
Epithelial lining of the endocervix
a. stratified squamous non keratinized
b. stratified squamous keratinized
c. columnar
d. cuboidal
In the uterus, the muscle content is greater in the __ part.
a. anterior
b. posterior
c. lateral
d. anterior and posterior
Layer of the endometrium which regenerates after menstruation
a. functionalis
b. basalis
c. parietalis
d. serosa
Normal size of the ovary during childbearing years (LxWxT)?
a. 2.5-5cm x 1.5-3cm x 0.6-1.5 cm
b. 3-5cmx2-3cmx1-1.5cm
c. 1.5-6cm x 1.5-4cm x 1-2 cm
d. 2-5cmx1-3cmx0.5-2cm
During labor, fetal head engagement is defined by the fetal head’s passing through the pelvic inlet.
a. biparietal diameter
b. occipitofrontal diameter
c. head circumference
d. occipitomental diameter
Fragments of stratified epithelium are embedded beneath the vaginal surface after normal delivery?
a. epidermal inclusion cyst
b. dermoid cyst
c. sebaceous cyst
d. endometrioma
Ischial spine is the landmark of?
a. inlet
b. outlet
c. midpelvis
d. false pelvis
Postpartum hemorrhage was noted, internal iliac artery ligation was performed, uterine ischemia was prevented due to the artery.
a. ovarian
b. uterine
c. internal pudendal
d. middle rectal
Greater vestibular gland,
Excision of the bartholin’s gland abscess was done to
a. urethral
b. paraurethral
c. scene
d. Bartholin
Varicosities in the labia majora during pregnancy should be treated.
a. False
b. True
Blood supply of the posterior vaginal wall, _____ artery?
a. inferior vesical
b. internal pudendal
c. uterine
d. middle rectal
Boundary of Hesselbach triangle, except
a. inferior epigastric vessel
b. inguinal ligament
c. external oblique muscle
d. rectus abdominis muscle
Upper lamellae of the clitoris?
a. fourchette
b. frenulum
c. prepuce
d. urethral meatus
Hernia that protrudes through the abdominal wall?
a. direct
b. indirect
c. diastasis
d. incisional
Consists of double layer drape of peritoneum?
a. round ligament
b. broad ligament
c. uterosacral ligament
d. utero ovarian
Blood supply of the external anal sphincter?
a. middle rectal
b. inferior rectal
c. internal pudendal
d. superior rectal
Clinically, it is the shortest distance between the sacral promontory and the symphysis pubis, _____ conjugate.
a. diagonal
b. transverse
c. obstetrical
d. true
epithelial lining of the ectocervix
a. columnar
b. stratified squamous non keratinized
c. cuboidal
d. stratified squamous keratinized
Layer of the endometrium which is sloughed off during after menstruation
a. serosa
b. basalis
c. functionalis
d. parietalis
In the uterus, the muscle content is lesser in the ______ part
a. anterior and posterior
b. lateral
c. posterior
d. all
e. anterior
The strongest layer of the abdomen that must be closed to prevent incisional hernia
a. peritoneum
b. subcutaneous tissue
c. muscle
d. fascia
After normal delivery the patient was profusely bleeding. Uterus was well contracted. A laceration of the distal part of the vagina was noted
a. vaginal artery
b. internal pudendal artery
c. middle rectal artery
d. uterine artery
IamcurrentlyrotatingatthePathologydepartment.Iwas assigned to examine the fallopian tube under microscope. What should be the epithelial lining of the said organ?
a. squamous non keratinized
b. Squamous keratinized
c. cuboidal
d. columnar
A 44 yr old patient had recurrent Bartholins duct cyst,
a. any of the choices
b. incision and drainage
c. excision
d. Marzupialization
1st - incision and drainage
2nd - excision
3rd - marzupialization
My patient is 20 years old, her ovarian width size is
a. 2.5-4cm
b. 2-3.5cm
c. 3-5cm
d. 1.5-3cm
I will do dilatation and curettage, i will infiltrate local anesthesia in the cervix to block ____
a. L2-S4
b. T10-L1
c. S2-S4
d. L2-S2
During crowning, a midline episiotomy done. With your background on the external genitalia and perineum, what is the most commonly cut during the process?
a. Perineal body
b. Pubococcygeus muscle
c. Ischiocavernous
d. bulbocavernous muscle
I want to ligate the hypogastric artery to control uterine atony, I will ligate ___ to its posterior division
a. medial
b. anterior
c. lateral
d. distal
e. proximal
adequate pelvis, except
a. sacrum well curved
b. pubic arch wide
c. sidewalls divergent
d. sacral promontory not accessible
e. ischial spines prominent
Several days after Pfannenstiel incision, patient complain of loss of sensation at the suprapubic area. What could be possibly injured?
a. Iliohypogastric
b. Hypoinguinal
c. Intercostal
d. ilioinguinal
My patient is 55 years old, her ovarian width size is
a. 1.5-3cm
b. 0.5-1.0cm
c. 2.5-4cm
d. 2-3.5cm