During CS, I noticed uncontrollable profuse vaginal bleeding due to atony, what artery should I ligate to preserve her reproductive career?
a. Uterine
b. Internal Iliac
c. Common Iliac
d. External Iliac
A 13-year-old female was brought to the emergency due to severe abdominal pain. According to her mother, she is experiencing it monthly. On PE, the hymen was noted to be intact and bulging. What is the most probable diagnosis?
a. Imperforate hymen
b. Transverse vaginal septum
c. Dysmenorrhea
d. Pelvic congestion
24 hours after hysterectomy, you noticed a hematoma in the labia majora. What is the ligament that should be ligated?
a. Cardinal
b. Uterosacral
c. Round
d. Broad
Round ligament contains this artery.
a. Sampson
b. Simpson
c. Simon
d. Sumon
3 days after the hysterectomy, the patient complained of left plank pain and hematuria. The most possible reason is the injury to the ________________
a. Right ureter
b. Left ureter
c. Bladder
d. Kidneys
A patient came in complaining of vaginal pain. On examining the external genitalia, you noted a mass in 5 and 7 o’clock positions. What should you do to relieve the symptoms immediately?
a. Excision
b. Incision and drainage
c. Marzupiliazation
d. Give antibiotics and pain relievers
A few hours after CS, the patient complained of severe abdominal pain. You noticed an enlarging mass on the anterior abdomen. You immediately coordinated the patient for an operation because vital signs were deteriorating. On opening, there was a hematoma on the muscle layer. It was__epigastric artery that was not ligated
a. Superficial
b. Superior
c. Anterior
d. Inferior
My patient will undergo normal vaginal delivery. What is my landmark to properly block the nerve supply?
a. Perineum
b. Vagina
c. Ischial spine
d. Sacrum
I am currently rotating at the Pathology department. I was assigned to examine the fallopian tube under the microscope. What should be the epithelial lining of the said organ?
a. Squamous keratinized
b. Squamous non-keratinized
c. Simple columnar
d. Simple cuboidal
I examined a parturient patient and I was able to palpate her sacral promontory. It is this part that is contracted.
a. Inlet
b. Midpelvis
c. Outlet
d. aandb
Iwilldoasalphingo-oophorectomy,whatligamentwill I cut?
a. Utero ovarian
b. Infundibulopelvic
c. Cardinal
d. aandb
I will do dilatation and curettage, I will infiltrate local anesthesia in the cervix to block___.
a. S2-S4
b. S2-L1
c. L2-S2
d. T10-L1
The anterior division of hypogastric artery, except
a. Internal pudendal
b. Iliolumbar
c. Uterine
d. Middle rectal
A 21 yr old patient came in due to profuse vaginal bleeding, on examination I noted a laceration on the posterior wall of the vagina
a. Uterine artery
b. Middle rectal artery
c. Inferior vesical artery
d. Internal pudendal artery
A 44-year-old had recurrent Bartholin duct cyst
a. Marsupialization
b. Incision and drainage
c. Excision
d. Any of the choices
The lining epithelium is a single layer of columnar epithelium
a. Endosalpinx
b. Myosalpinx
c. Mesosalpinx
d. Serosa
Several days after the Pfannenstiel incision, patients
complain of loss of sensation at the suprapubic area. What could be possibly injured?
a. Iliohypogastric
b. Hypoinguinal
c. Intercostal
d. ilioinguinal
While doing the operation, the Obstetrician noted bleeding while transecting the rectus muscle, what blood supply had been lacerated?
a. Superficial epigastric artery
b. Deep circumflex
c. Inferior epigastric
d. Superficial epigastric
During crowning, a midline episiotomy is done. With your background on the external genitalia and perineum, what is the most commonly cut during the process?
a. Perineal body
b. Pubococcygeus muscle
c. Bulbocavernous muscle
d. Ischiocavernous
After delivery, what organ should be well contracted to avoid postpartum hemorrhage?
a. Vagina
b. Ovaries
c. Uterus
d. Cervix
I want to ligate the hypogastric artery to control uterine atony, I will ligate _____________ to its posterior division
a. Distal
b. Proximal
c. Lateral
d. Anterior
It is a branch of the internal iliac artery that supplies the buttocks and thighs, except
a. Lateral sacral
b. Iliolumbar
c. Superior Gluteal
d. Middle rectal
Mcroberts Maneuver is done in shoulder dystocia and it increases the diameter of the ______
a. Midpelvis
b. True Pelvis
c. Outlet
d. Inlet
I want to assess the AP diameter of the pelvis, I will measure the ____ conjugate.
a. True
b. Obstetric
c. Diagonal
d. Transverse
The following findings of an adequate pelvis, except:
a. Ischia spines prominent
b. Sidewalls divergent
c. Sacrum is well curved
d. Pubic arch wide
It is the smallest pelvic diameter
a. Diagonal conjugate
b. Obstetric conjugate
c. Intertuberous
d. interspinous
Polycystic ovary can be observed in this part:
a. Cortex
b. Medulla
c. Follicles
d. All
It attaches the ovary to the pelvic sidewalls
a.Uteroovarian ligament
b.Suspensory ligament
c.Broad ligament
d.Round ligament
All are main support of the uterus, except a.Uterosacral ligament
b.Cardinal ligament
c.Round ligament
d.Levator ani muscle
Ena was brought to the ER due to severe abdominal pain few minutes ago. BP was palpatory 50, CR 134, RR 26. Abdomen was tender. Pregnancy test was positive. You considered ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Where is the most common location?
a. Insterstitium
b. Isthmus
c. Ampulla
d. Infundibulum