This test is used in determining the uteroplacental perfusion.
Umbilical Cord Artery Doppler Velocimetry
The fetal heart rate tone can be detected by transvaginal ultrasound at ___ days post conception
These are fluctuations of the fetal rate above and below baseline.
This is described as gradual decrease of FHR when uterine contractions start, that gradually return to baseline as the uterus relaxes.
early deceleration
This test is used in determining uteroplacental perfusion
Umbilical Cord Artery Doppler Velocimetry
The parasympathetic regulation of heart rate is
expected to mature at ___ weeks AOG
28 weeks AOG
Enumerate contraindications of contraction stress test
● Previous classical CS, or other uterine surgery the scar may open or rupture
● Premature rupture of membrane before term
● Placenta previa (mother will bleed if you do CST)
● Incompetent cervix (little stress on the cervix will affect dilatation, you will stimulate that cervix and there will be premature delivery)
● History of preterm labor (it may recur)
● Multiple gestation
● Performing CST in these cases may lead to premature delivery.
Measuring nuchal translucency at 11-13 weeks of gestation is confirmatory for Down’s congenital abnormality.
Only 2-3% of all birth defect is considered major contraindicated in pregnant patients
Rabies vaccine is not contraindicated in pregnant patients.
false, contraindicated
A Biophysical profile result of 8/10 with normohydramnios indicate acute asphyxia
false, not asphyxia
Dimples on the cheeks is considered birth defect
false, not a birth defect
Offending agent has to cross the placenta in minute
amounts for it to cause congenital abnormality.
false, agent must cross
For patients with probable growth restricted fetus, it is wise to do umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry
Enrollment of pregnant patients in research trials is allowable provided that they are notified of the possible congenital effect to the fetus.
Tobacco as a potent and widely abused teratogen.
false, alcohol
Varicella vaccine is safe for pregnant patients
false, contraindicated not safe for pregnant patients