Massage Therapy Issues and Guidelines Flashcards
How can relaxation techniques help patients with spasticity during massage therapy?
Relaxation can reduce overall reactivity, while stress, agitation, and physical activity can increase reactivity.
What should be emphasized at the beginning of a massage treatment for spasticity?
Emphasize relaxation techniques at the start and incorporate them throughout the session.
How should the massage therapy environment be maintained for patients with spasticity?
Keep the environment peaceful, consistent, and predictable. Inform the patient and avoid unexpected actions.
What qualities should hands-on techniques have when treating patients with spasticity?
Techniques should be consistent, smooth, and comfortably firm. Avoid anything ‘pokey’ or with a stop-start quality.
What types of massage techniques should be avoided for spasticity patients?
Avoid targeted reflex techniques like vibrations and tapotement.
When might nociceptive-stimulating techniques be used in spasticity treatment?
Only with strong indication and within the patient’s tolerance of the resulting responses.
What is usually the neutral position for spastic joints?
Flexion is typically the neutral position for spastic joints.
How should spastic joints be positioned during massage treatment?
Position the limb in the most neutral position possible, with extra pillowing if needed to maintain comfortable flexion.
Why is sidelying often preferred for treating patients with spasticity?
Sidelying helps maintain a neutral, comfortable position for spastic joints during treatment.
How should flexors and extensors be managed during massage for spasticity?
Keep flexors shortened while moving the limb, and move extensors into extension as much as possible within the flexion-dominant range.
How long should you wait before manipulating muscle tissue to calm muscle spindles?
Wait at least 30 seconds before beginning tissue manipulation.
How can GTO responses be used effectively despite being weakened?
Isolate the stretch to the tendon, avoiding muscle stretch during the technique, and target the mid-tendon or aponeurotic attachment precisely.
What temperature range is generally best tolerated for hydrotherapy in spasticity treatment?
Warm temperatures are usually well tolerated, while cool may help soothe pain or inflammation in some cases.
Why is it important to ensure a warm treatment space for spasticity patients?
A warm space helps reduce hyperreflexia and keeps the patient comfortable, with extra blankets if needed.
What are the steps for performing ROM work on spastic joints?
- Start with comfortable flexion and hold for 30 seconds.
- Slowly extend to resistance or early spastic reaction.
- Reduce by 10 degrees, hold for up to 30 seconds.
- If resistance lessens, stretch more.
- If the reaction is intense or spreads, return to neutral and rest.
What should you avoid when performing ROM work on spastic joints?
Do not massage and stretch at the same time.
How can joint mobilization benefit spastic joints?
Joint mobilization stimulates joint cartilage succussive action, loosens and maintains joint capsules and ligaments, and can avoid triggering hyper-reflexive responses.
What should be done before stretching spastic tissues?
Warm up the tissues as much as possible, but adjust based on the patient’s tolerance.
When is it best to perform massage therapy for patients with spasticity?
When the patient has an optimal amount of anti-spastic medication in their system.
What preference might some patients have regarding stretching in treatment?
Some prefer stretching interspersed throughout treatment rather than at the end, especially if end-of-session stretching leaves them unrelaxed.
What spasticity-reducing technologies might be used before massage treatment in institutional or rehab settings?
Equipment that supports standing or rolling prone over a large ball can help reduce spasticity before massage treatment.
What is the ideal preparation for a massage treatment in institutional settings?
Have the patient in the treatment position, with clothing adjusted as needed, and allow them time to rest quietly beforehand.
How does ischemia contribute to increased spasticity?
Poor circulation from increased tone and decreased mobility causes irritability in poorly perfused and/or drained muscles, worsening spasticity.
How do altered biomechanics and degenerative joint changes affect spasticity?
Abnormal range, mechanics, and degenerative changes increase reflex reactivity, even if not perceived as painful.
What impact do compensatory postures and movements have on spasticity?
They overstress muscles and exacerbate spastic reactions.
How does contracture contribute to increased spasticity?
It compromises tissue circulation, joint health, and reduces tolerable movement, increasing spastic reactions.
How can poor tissue healing affect spasticity?
Inflexible or matted scarring and poor tissue health add to irritability and spastic reactions.
How can resistance exercise benefit patients with spasticity?
It helps maintain muscle strength and function while also reducing tone levels in spastic muscles.
Why is cardiovascular (CV) status important to monitor in patients with spasticity?
Spasticity, especially full-body spasticity, can stress the heart, requiring regular CV status checks.
What should be avoided with medically induced functional contractures?
These contractures should not be removed.
Why is skin care essential for patients with spasticity?
Poor voluntary movement can lead to skin care issues; watch for signs of breakdown and ensure good skin health.
What precautions should be taken for skin care during massage?
Avoid massaging early-stage decubitus ulcers, prevent bunched sheets or repeated rubbing on bony prominences, and follow any temperature or lubrication restrictions.
Where can additional skin care guidelines be found for spasticity patients?
Refer to Spinal Cord Injury notes for further skin care guidelines.