colonial journalism in india
william bolts attempted to start first newspaper in india in 1776- faced challenges
hickey bengal gazette(1780)
hickey faced legal consequences for scurrilous attacks on governor generals wife
print media in indian cities
calcutta- hickeys gazette, india gazette, bengal journal
madras- madras courier, harkarv, madras gazette, india herald.
bombay- bombay herald, courier, bombay gazette
urdu press in india
1822- jam-e-jahan numa published in urdu
urdu guide- 1858 was the first daily nwspaper
leohinoor (jan 14- 1850), dini, bihar, zameenddar(1903, lahore), partap(march 20,1919)
press in US today
1745- daily and 7602 weekly newspaper
-64,000 magazines in US
-employment in print industry exceeded 2 million people