Mary's Foreign Policy Flashcards
Where is Calais?
What is Papal Supremacy?
The Pope is the Head of the Church.
What is Royal Supremacy?
Monarch is the Head of the Church.
What were Mary’s Foreign Policy aims?
- To ally with Habsburgs through marriage to Philip of Spain (married in July 1554).
- To restore Papal Supremacy (ties with Rome).
When did Pole welcome England back into the Roman Catholic Church in the Pope’s name?
November 30th 1554 - after the 2nd Act of Repeal which went through parliament in January 1555.
Why is Papal Supremacy not fully restored until the 2nd Act of Repeal of January 1555?
The 2nd Act of Repeal undid the Henrician Reformation.
Who was Pope Julius III?
The Pope when Mary came to the throne.
Who was Pope Julius III replaced by in 1555 and why was this significant?
Julius III replaced by Paul IV ~ fiercely anti-Habsburg ~ brought England into conflict with Papacy.
When did Charles V abdicate?
January 1556.
Who are Habsburg-Valois?
Two leading families (France and Spain).
What effect did the abdication of Charles V have on Philip’s opinion of the importance of England?
He had little time for England.
Why was the Netherlands worth defending?
Trading partner.
Why did England finally declare war on France?
Thomas Stafford came back to England and capture of Calais Pale ~ looks like an invasion.
When did Philip leave England?
September 1555.
What did the abdication of Charles V lead to in October-January 1556?
Splitting of Charles V’s Empire between Philip II and Ferdinand (brother of Charles).
What did the Treaty of Vaucelles of February 1556 mean and when was it broken?
- Peace between France and Spain ~ broken September 1556.
What reopened the Habsburg-Valois war in July 1556?
Alliance between France and the Papacy
In January 1557, how many troops did England send to the Netherlands and why?
- 6,000.
- Netherlands = trading partner.
When did Philip return to England and why?
March 1557- to press for support in the war.
Who landed at Scarborough in April 1557?
Thomas Stafford (exiled English Protestant).
When did England declare war on France?
June 7th 1557
When did Scottish raids on England begin?
July 1557
In January 1558, how many troops did England have and how many troops did France have during the capture of Calais Pale?
- 2,000 English.
- 27,000 French.
When was the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis passed?
April 1559 (Elizabeth).
How significant was the loss of Calais - economically?
Loss of Trade that came through the port ~ however, the importance of the staple merchants in Calais had been brought down to an end by the long-term decline in the traditional markets.
How significant was the loss of Calais - image and morale?
- Kings of England had claimed this land since 1347 ~ its final surrender could be seen as a humiliating abandonment of sovereign English territory.
- Morale was shaken by the loss ~ propagandists helped the sense of humiliation not last for long.
How significant was the loss of Calais - territorially?
- Calais = last territory on the French mainland controlled by England ~ gained importance by this status.
However, little could be achieved by maintaining it ~ only a matter of time before the French took it back.
How significant was the loss of Calais - militarily?
- (The Calais Pale had been used as a springboard to launch Henry VIII’s attacks in the 1520s and 1540s ~ but was a strategic irrelevance).
- Was difficult and expensive to maintain a permanent garrison there ~ became a burden to defend.
How significant was the loss of Calais - diplomatically?
- The loss of Calais has often been seen as the result of the failed Anglo-Habsburg alliance.
- Mary depended on Spanish advisers and her slavish pursuit of Spanish Habsburg policy ~ seen as betraying England’s interest.
- Philip abandoned England by allowing France to keep Calais under the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis ~ Mary died in November before the treaty was signed.