Marxist sociologists Flashcards
What did Engles theorise?
That monogamous family structures arose to control inheritance and ensure property rights
What key things did Engles identify?
Monogamous family structures
Promiscuous horde
Private inheritance
Inheritance of wealth
What is the promiscuous horde as suggested by Engles?
Where there are no restrictions on sexual relationships
In Engles view, why did monogamy become essential?
Because of the inheritance of private property
What is private property?
Where men had to be certain of the paternity of their children to ensure that their legitimate heirs inherited from them
What did the rise of the monogamous nuclear family represent in Engles view?
A world historical defeat of the female sex. This was because it turned her into a mere instrument for the production of children
What did Zaretsky (1976) critique?
The family for providing the illusion of a refuge whilst perpetuating capitalism
What key things did Zaretsky (1976) identify?
Cushioning effect
Unit of consumption
According to Zaretsky (1976) what did the family also perform?
An ideological function by offering an apparent haven from the exploitative world of capitalism in which workers can have a private life
What does Althusser believe the family does?
Socialises the next generation into the ruling class ideology and the unequal social hierarchy which maintains capitalism by ensuring the next generation accepts the ruling class ideology
What key thing did Althusser identify?
What did Donzelot explore?
How the state uses policies to monitor and control family life
What did Hochschild analyse?
emotional labour within families and workplaces, highlighting gendered inequalities