Definitions in functionalism and the family Flashcards
What is primary socialisation?
The process by which children learn the norms, values and behaviours of their society, typically within the family
What is the nuclear family?
A family structure consisting of 2 parents and their dependent children, considered the traditional family unit
What is sexual regulation?
A function of the family to control sexual behaviour through social norms, often linked to maintaining stable relationships
What are economic functions?
The family provides financial support and resources for its members
What are reproductive functions?
The family is responsible for producing and raising the next generation
What is gender socialisation?
The process by which individuals learn societal expectations and norms associated with their gender
What are the instrumental and expressive roles?
Parson’s concept where men take on instrumental roles (breadwinner) and women take on expressive roles (caregiver) in the family
What is stabilisation of adult personality?
The family provides emotional support to adults, helping them cope with the stresses of daily life. Also referred to as the warm bath theory
What is the privatised nuclear family?
A self-contained family unit focused on the home and its members, with minimal reliance on the extended family or community
What is the biological/sexual division of labour?
The division of family roles based on biological differences, often linked to traditional gender roles
What is social and geographical mobility?
The ability of nuclear families to move socially and geographically due to their smaller, self-contained structure
What is the march of progress?
The view that family life has improved over time, becoming more equal and democratic
What is the symmetrical family?
Young and Willmott’s concept of a family where roles are more equal and shared between men and women