Gender roles and relationships sociologists Flashcards
What did Oakley focus on?
On the division of domestic labour, highlighting that while men and women may share household tasks, women often still perform the majority of unpaid domestic work, reinforcing gender inequality
What did Bott introduce?
The concept of “joint” and “segregated” conjugal roles, where joint roles involve shared responsibilities and equal decision-making, while segregated roles involve more traditional, gendered responsibilities in the household
What did Willmott and Young argue?
For the gradual move towards egalitarian family roles
What did Parsons argue?
That the family functions to maintain social order and stability, with distinct roles for men and women, where men are responsible for instrumental tasks (providing) and women for expressive tasks (nurturing)
What did Walklate focus on?
On domestic violence and its gendered nature, asserting that women are disproportionately victims of domestic abuse, and that this reflects power imbalances in society
What did Dobash and Dobash investigate?
domestic violence, highlighting how it is rooted in patriarchy, with men using violence to assert control over women within marriage
What did Gershunny study?
The impact of employment on gender roles in the family, showing that as women entered the workforce, there was some shift towards more equal sharing of domestic labour
What did Duncombe and Marsden find?
That women in dual-earner families often experience a “triple shift” of paid work, housework, and emotional work, suggesting women carry a heavier overall workload in family life
What did Pahl research?
Financial decision-making in families, revealing that men generally control household finances, even in families where women contribute equally to income
What did Vogler et al investigate?
Financial pooling in couples, suggesting that men tend to have more influence over financial decisions and that this reflects broader gender power imbalances
What did Man Yee Kan study?
the division of labour in dual-earner families, finding that although there has been some shift toward gender equality in domestic roles, traditional gender norms still persist
What did Dunne research?
Same-sex couples, highlighting that in such families, there is often a more equal division of domestic labour, challenging traditional gender roles in heterosexual families