Marxist political economy Flashcards
Who is Karl Marx
German philosopher that created the idea of Marxist political economy.
What is a Marxist political economy
The relationship between people and economics, Marx’s
What did Marx’s see between the relationship between capitalism and people
People were being classified according to their labour power, capitalists exploited workers.
What did Karl marks believe in work is
He believed work was what makes us human and fulfills our species essence to live, be creative .ect
What do capitalist do in terms of employment
Capitalists employ workers to produce new commodities, theses commodities are worth more than the workers wage
How can Marx’s ideas occur in todays capitalist and globalised economies
His ideas occur in parallel with the financial crisis and recession. His thoughts also provide answers to systematic problems found in global capitalism.
What is labour in relevance to Marxist political economy and capitalism.
Labour is a commodity sold in the marketplace to those with the means of production (capitalists use labour to create commodities)
How to capitalists make money through their labour (commodities)
Capitalists use labour to create new commodities that can be sold at a higher price than the original
What does Marx’s political economy teach capitalists control
The means of production
How does wage labour work
Large part of the mode of production capitalism, made workers work for capitalists while they sold the workers labour to produce a commodity for a higher margin, for profit.
How did the industrial revolution change Britain
- Changed landscape, people moved from rural to urban areas.
- changed gender roles, women and children were also expected to work in the factories.
- lead to the creation of towns and cities.
How was the industrial revolution fuelled in Britain
By the new establishment created by a new era of bourgeoisie class
What did wage workers experience during the industrial revolution and how did it effect them
Exploitation and low wages lead to drop in living conditions and quality of life
Why did the nature of capitalism continue to do during the industrial revolution, and what was a good thing it brought?
A ‘downward spiral’ of exploitation towards workers. But it did bring tech advancements
What is alienation and why did it occur in Europe in the 1970s
Alienation is being isolated or unconnected. Marx’s felt that humans work should be representative of this, europe , especially in the 70s didn’t reflect this.
How did workers feel when alienated and what was the cause of this
Workers felt trapped and alienated, this is because the nature of efficient production lines in factories as well as having little rest time
What did Karl Marx famously say about workers
‘Workers of the world, unite for you have nothing to lose but your chains.’
What are proletariats
Workers, the lower classed that worked for the capitalists (bourgeoise), have nothing to give in a capitalist mode of production but labour as they own no means of production
What is a bourgeoise
The capital class who owns the mean of production, they employ labour, they exploited the proletariats
What are the petit bolougenese
There are considered the middle class, they could afford to buy some labour power
What did Marx’s believe about the petit bourgeoise
That due to the nature of capitalism they would be faded out and some become bourgeoisie and some become proletariats
What are lumpen proletariats
The outcast of society, such as criminals and prostitutes, pushed out of society and Iscolated
What are landlords
People that own the lands , tracing back to feudal modes of production make their money from fixed assets.
What are peasantry and framers
A scattered social class, that doesn’t affect social class. Most go on to be proletariat or landlords
What did Marx’s state about the changes in modes of production through time.
That modes of productions changed in a linear way.
How did Marx’s. thinks the linear path of changing modes of production went
Primate communism (hunter gather)
Feudalism - (medieval europe, japan)
What did David Harvey say about capitalism
Capitalism will never fail and it would have to be pushed. The capitalist class will never surrender their power.
What is commodity fetishism
Consumers being distance from the social and environmental due to the covering by market exchange.
What does capitalism encourage in defences to consumer fetishism
Driving commodity fetishising without understand the value. eg: jeans with rips are valued more as they are fashionable than a normal pair ?/?? Idk