Marriage & Divorce Flashcards
What does the General Marriage Rate mean?
marriages per 1000 men/women over the age of 16 per given year
What does secularisation mean?
Society becoming secular, less religious.
What does monogamy mean?
One partner at a time.
What does serial monogamy mean?
Only ever been with one person at a time, but marrying more than once.
What does polygamy mean?
Marriage to more than one person at a time (two types).
What does polygyny mean?
A type of polygamy - when a religion or culture allows a man to have multiple wives.
What does polyandry mean?
A type of polygamy - when a culture allows a woman to have multiple husbands.
NEW RIGHT Perspective
What does the New Right believe marriage encourages?
What does this result in?
People are more motivated to provide as high of an income as possible.
NEW RIGHT Perspective
What does the New Right believes marriage betters?
The socialisation of children.
Two parents, male and female, can socialise children more effectively from separate viewpoints.
NEW RIGHT Perspective
What does the New Right believe marriage promotes?
The sharing of parental responsibilities
It enforces its importance.
NEW RIGHT Perspective
What does the New Right believe marriage discourages?
The reliance on benefits.
It encourages both partners to be employed, providing more of an income.
NEW RIGHT Perspective
NR COUNTER ARGUMENT - __% of families are headed by a ______ couple. This suggests that _______ is not in as great of a _______ as the NR suggests.
a) 67%
b) married
c) marriage
d) decline
__% of all marriages are ________ - ___ remarry more than ______ do because women’s _________ for _______ reduces their opportunities.
Men can ________ at any ___ whilst women have a ________ _______.
Women have a more _______ experience of ________ than men.
a) 40%
b) remarriages
c) men
d) women
e) responsibility
f) children
h) reproduce
i) age
j) biological deadline
k) negative
l) marriage
What can decline in marriage be partially blamed on?
Give a specific statistic.
It’s very expensive.
7.5% decline in marriage rates for social class 7 (unskilled manual workers) since 2001.
According to R_____ B______, _______ families are common in ________ and _______ British families.
________ ________ families are common amongst British _____.
________ ________ families are common amongst British _____ _______ ______.
a) Richard Bertraled
b) nuclear
c) Bangladeshi
d) Pakistani
e) extended horizontal
f) Sikhs
g) extended vertical
h) East African Indians
According to R_____ B_______, Asian families have/are:
- less _______ and _________.
- often ________.
- little ________ between _____.
- _____ at a _______ age.
- often have _______ at a _______ age.
a) Richard Bertraled
b) cohabitation and divorce
c) arranged
d) intermarriage between faiths
e) marry at a younger age
f) children at a younger age
African Caribbean families - ____ likely to be in a ______ marriage.
__% of British born African Caribbean adults are in ______ marriages, compared to __% of _____ adults.
a) less
b) formal
c) 39%
d) formal
e) 60%
f) white
African Caribbean families - C_______ and G________ argue the main reason for more lone-parent households in AC families is because _______ chose to live ________ e.g __% of AC lone-parent households compared to __% of _____ households.
AC women are ____ likely to be _______ than AC men - they prefer ________ independence.
There is a _____ extended ______ network.
Often have ‘_______ ___’.
a) Chamberlain and Gulbourne
b) mothers
c) independently
d) 24%
e) 10% of white households
f) more
g) employed
h) economic
i) strong
j) kinship
k) ‘fictive kin’
Mixed-race families - African Caribbean families are ____ likely to ______, especially with _____ people.
_____ of UK children with AC parents also have a ____ parent.
a) more
b) intermarry
c) white
d) half
e) white
Divorce Law - divorces were virtually _________ and only obtainable through an ____ of _______ which was very _____.
In 18__, men could divorce _______ wives which was very ______ and had to be _____.
Made ______ for women in 19__.
a) non-existent
c) Act of Parliament
d) costly
e) 1857
f) unfaithful
g) costly
h) proved
i) easier
j) 1923
Divorce Law - what did the Divorce Reform Act of 1969 mean?
Neither partner had to prove fault.
You had to prove you had been a couple for at least 2 years.
You had to prove the marriage had irretrievably broken down.
Divorce Law - The 19__ F______ L___ Act encourages ______ to seek ________ but allows ______ after a period of ________.
a) 1996 Family Law Act
b) couples
c) mediation
d) divorce
e) reflection
Divorce Law - what did the 1996 Family Law Act encourage?
It encouraged couples to seek mediation but allows divorce after a period of reflection.
Divorce Law - In 20__, both individuals in the couple had to leave with _____ of all ______ including _______ and ______ rights.
a) 2007
b) 50:50
c) assets
d) salaries
e) pension
Divorce Law - What happened in 2007?
It was stated that both individuals in the couple had to leave with 50:50 of all assets including salaries and pension rights.
Divorce Alternatives - ________ is where one _____ leaves the other but remains _______ ______.
a) desertion
b) partner
c) legally married
Divorce Alternatives - ________ ________ is when the ______ separates the _______ and ______ affairs of the couple but they remain _______ and are not free to ______.
a) legal separation
b) couple
c) financial
d) legal
e) married
f) remarry
Divorce Alternatives - ______ _____ ________ is when the ______ continue to live _______ but remain ______ in _____ only.
a) empty shell marriage
b) couple
c) together
d) married
e) name
Divorce Alternatives - Since divorce became more ________, these solutions have become more ________.
a) available
b) unpopular