Domestic Division of Labour Flashcards
Explain symmetrical family
Parents have shared responsibilities - mainly nuclear, limited contact with extended kin.
What are conjugal roles?
The separation of a couples household roles based on the gender.
What is the domestic division of labour?
The way that domestic work is divided out between partners.
What is an egalitarian marriage?
A marriage where power is equally distributed.
What is malestream sociology?
Sociology has been male dominated meaning there is little sociological research on issues that affect women.
Marxist feminists claim the ______ ____ want women to stay at ____ because:
They _______ future ______, ____ of charge to ________.
The ________ is an _______ consumer, ________ to _______.
a) ruling class
b) home
c) produce
d) workers
e) free
f) capitalists
g) housewife
h) important
i) contributing
j) capitalism
Radical feminists claim ____ work hard to maintain ________ ______ roles in the ________.
The _______ role serves ____ and their _______.
a) men
b) patriarchal
c) gender
d) household
d) housewife
e) men
f) interests
Criticisms of feminism - H_____ (19__) argues many women make a _______ decision to ______ their roles as ______ over their ______.
Some aren’t ________ in truly ________ marriage - they get their ______ from the ____ they fulfill in the _____.
a) Hakim (1996)
b) rational
c) prioritise
d) mothers
e) careers
f) interested
g) egalitarian
h) self-worth
i) roles
j) home
Criticisms of feminism - who is the primary critique of the feminist outlook?
Hakim (1996)
Functionalist - Parsons stated women are ________ leaders and men are __________ leaders.
a) expressive
b) instrumental
Functionalist - Parsons stated women are expressive leaders and men are instrumental leaders.
What does this mean?
Expressive = emotional support Instrumental = breadwinner in charge of discipline
Feminist - what did Wilmott & Young (1975) find after interviewing 2,500+ people across London?
Symmetrical family became the norm across working-class & middle-class communities.
Composed of 2 parents & their children.
‘Privatised’ (infrequent contact with extended family).
Dual-career & egalitarian.
Feminist - what did Wilmott & Young (1975) state characterised the symmetrical family? (3)
2 parents & their children.
‘Privatised’ (infrequent contact with extended family).
Dual-career & egalitarian.
Radical feminist - what did Oakley state about the reality of research/theories into symmetrical families & the domestic division of labour?
‘What people say is more egalitarian than what they do’.
Radical feminist - what did Oakley (1974) find after interviewing 40 housewives in London?
The patriarchy was present: 15% of husbands regularly participated in housework & of this 15%, some saw it as favours to wives.
Feminist - Wilmott & Young (1975) & Oakley’s (1974) research was from the 1970s.
Give evidence of similar findings in the 21st century.
Craig (2007) found women do 30-50% more housework than men, despite common female employment.
Functionalist - what is Charles Murray’s ‘Relative Resources Theory’?
Domestic responsibility should be dependent on how much you earn.
Feminist - it is argued women have a dual-burden of work. What do Dunscombe and Marsden (feminists) state about this?
It isn’t a dual-burden but now a triple shift where they do a full day’s paid work, housework/childcare & emotional work.
Feminist - Diane Bell (1990) described the _____________ where women manage family’s _______ just as men may manage the ____________.
a) ‘economy of emotion’
b) emotion
c) household budget
Feminist - what did Dunne find that relates to differences between heterosexual couples and lesbian couples regarding the domestic division of labour?
They were symmetrical with an equal distribution between housework & childcare.
Evaluation - the _______________ of 20__ found that a very _____ _______ supported a _________ model where the ____ went out to ____ and the _______ looked after _____ & _______.
a) British Attitudes Survey 2012
b) small minority
c) traditional
d) men
e) work
f) women
g) home & family
Postmodern feminist - the PERSONAL LIFE PERSPECTIVE (Carol Smart) suggests family ______ should be considered by the _______ family ______ put on them rather than _______ they fit ___________ structures.
How people choose to divide ________ tasks could have a number of ________ and not necessarily a _________ of _______ structures in society.
a) relations
b) meanings
c) members
d) assuming
e) marxist/feminist/functionalist
f) household
g) meanings
h) reflection
i) power
Radical feminist - when did Dobash and Dobash (1980) find male violence most often occurred?
When men believed their wives weren’t performing their sex and housework roles correctly.
Radical feminist - Dobash and Dobash (1980) found male violence occurred when men believed their wives weren’t performing their sex and housework roles correctly.
How did 1/3 of women interviewed feel?
They deserved the attacks.