Marketing III: Distribution Flashcards
Economic activities concerned with getting goods from manufacturers to final customers.
Channel of distribution
Decision concerning the number and types of intermediaries (btw the manufacturer of a product and its final user) to be used in the distribution; it will affect the total cost of the product to be distributed (depending on the nr of stages).
Physical distribution
Selecting the most suitable mode of transport.
Storage, Planning, Recycling
The process of planning, implementing and controlling the cost-efficient flow and storage of materials, equipment and inventory btw the point of production and the point of consumption.
Zero-stage channel of distribution
Door-to-door selling
From the producer directly to the final user.
One-stage channel of distribution
Features one type of intermediary eg retailers that are supplied by the producer direct.
Two-stage channel of distribution
Features two types of middleman eg wholesaler and retailers.
Eg Spar, Merkur, Billa
Retailers are the last link in the chain of distribution; in fact, any company that sells to final customers makes retail sales. Usually retailers prefer to serve local markets which they understand (nationwide), but recently they seem to enter foreign markets - through franchising.
Vertical distribution arrangement under which an independent contractor (franchisor) grants another one (franchisee) specified rights in return for a franchising fee.
Starbucks, McDonalds (Marinopoulos GmbH)
Department store
Kaufhaus, Warenhaus
eg Müller,
“One-stop shopping” / “We supply everything from a needle to a crocodile”
Large retail establishments offering a wide range of goods => departments (mancare, makeup etc)
eg Media Markt
Retail outlets which carry a restricted range of goods (eg only electronics, furs, shoes etc).; usually they specialise in one particular line of products.
Unit shop
eg alimentara
Small, independent, owner-operated retail establishment; usually facing heavy competition from large retail concerns, may have some advantages.
Multiple store
Filialunternehmen, Ladenkette
The same company!! (Nu franchising)
Consists of two or more outlets which are centrally owned and operated. Although this permits standardisation of shopfronts, layout product range etc, it can be at disadvantage, because it is less flexible than a unit store (will adapt slower to a demand change).
Mail order (Versandshandel)
Eg Amazon?
System of retailing where a customer places an order by mail or by telephone and the goods are deliverd to his home (usually COD payment).
Any sale to a business customer or institution of goods or services not intended for personal use.
(Merchant) Wholesaler
Buys and sells products or goods for his own account.
Wholesaling middlemad (agent)
Acts for the principal’s (eg a manufacturer) account.