Marketing II: Price & Promotion Flashcards
Pricing policy
Preis und Konditionenpolitik
Marketing activity which is complex (many variables are involved) and important (success and survival of the company - on the long term - depend on it).
!! Discounts are also part of the price policy
Cash-and-carry price
“Naked” product to be picked up and paid for immediately by the buyer.
Premium price
Prestigepreis, Qualitätsmarke
E.g. a watch (Rolex) positioned and advertised as a prestige gift
=> higher price
Market-skimming pricing
= Skim-the-cream pricing
The skimming (smantana; spuma societatii) strategy involves charging a high initial price (like Nikon cameras for professional photographers); then, they graduately lower the price with time.
Market-penetration pricing
Setting an inital low price to reach the mass market immediately.
Loss-leader pricing
Best known promotional pricing tool; it requires setting a price that is below it’s costs (even if one makes losses)
One use of a loss leader is to draw customers into his store to buy the (now) cheap product while buying other products from the store
=> loss from the “cheap” product + higher profits from other goods in the store = profit
Good value
Generationg profits from an established product by maximizing sales rather than margins.
Promotion (products)
An exercise in persuasive communication, the idea being to inform, persuade and influence customers in order to increase sales without resorting to price competition.
Promotional mix
A combination of promotional tools - eg advertising, PR, personal selling, sales promotion etc - used to inform, persuade and influence a particular target group.
Depends on the nature of the target market, promotional budget etc.
Promotional tool used to inform, persuade and influence a particular target group with the view of modifying the behavior in some way desirable for the advertiser.
It involves dissemination of messages over the mass media and is paid by an identified sponsor.
Advertising medium
All those means used to communicate advertisements to a chosen audience (mass media). Advertisers have the task of selecting the medium suitable for the particular purpose: vechicle (eg radio) and an advertising schedule (appropriate time for running the advertisement).
Also known as AD; A message or announcement presented in a medium at the expense of the advertiser to persuade a particular target audience to accept an idea or to buy a product.
Advertising agency
A firm providing not only advertising services (planning and implementing advertising campaigns), but also other marketing services (sales promotion, direct marketing, market research etc).
Public relations
The deliberate effort to establish and maintain mutual confidence btw an organisation and its public (general public, employees, shareholders etc).
Arrange: press conferences, cultural events, handle complaints, organise lobbying.
Attempt to influence decisions made by officials in the government.
Personal selling
persönlicher Verkauf
May be carried out either behind the counter (in retail outlets) or in the field by SALES REPRESENATIVES/ SALES FORCE. Since it involves face-to-face contact it gives feedback to the seller (he is able to modify the presentation in mid-course); tends to lead directly to a sale.
Sales force
Mitarbeiter im Außendienst
Collective term denoting those employees of a firm who are engaged in selling its products; normally referes only to people selling in the field: SALES REPRESENTATIVES.
Trade fair
Complex promotional events staged to enable a company to exibit their products, meet customers and, possible, snoop on competitors.
Sales promotion
It can be subdivided into customer promotions and sales-force promotion; tends to have a short-term focus (eg this week’s special offer).
May refer to a small item given away in conjunction with the purchase of another article.
Direct marketing
Direct mail or telemarketing; somewhere btw personal selling and advertising (cand suna la telefon si te intreaba daca vrei sa cumperi ceva).
Captive product pricing
Pricing strategy cand charge high price for products without which you cannot use the other product (cartuse cartridges for printers)