Market Sizing Flashcards
Client: private security checkpoints in US airports.
Passengers can pay 5$ a head and zip through in less than 1 min.
What’s the market size for such a venture ? (Just on week days)
1.Focus on 10 busiest US airports,
Make the calculation on one airport then multiply by 10.
2.Assume OHare Has 4 main terminals. Each terminal has 24 gates, so that’s 96 gates.
Plans take off and land 10h/ day —> 960 flight a day
50% departures, average passengers 100
48000 departing passengers a day
3/4 are business and 3/4 des business willing to pay 5$
27000 a day x 240 business days= 6.5 M
65 millions customers x 5= 325 M
How many cans of soda (coke Pepsi sprite etc) are consumed every year in the US?
—> population question
—> 4 generation: 320M /4 : 80 millions par generations
-Age group: 0-10,11-20,21-40,41-60,61-80
-no of people: 40m,40m,80m,80m,80m
-soda drinkers: 25%,25%,25%50%,25%
-Soda per week: 2, 5, 5, 3, 2
-Soda per year: 100, 250, 250, 150, 100
How many piano tubers are there in Boston?
- START with the general population of Boston, break it down by household and then by household income: upper class, middle class, working poor. Estimate how many households in each group own a piano and how often it gets tuned.
Estimate the nb of pianos a tuner can tune a day.
Nb of pianos to be tuned a year/
Nb of pianos a tuner can tune a year
- Pop of Boston: 600000, 3 persons per household—> 200000 households
Upper income: 25k
Middle: 100k
Poor: 75k
How many pay phones are there in Manhattan ?
- Blocks point view:
11 block across and 200 blocks long: 11200= 2200
Substract Central Park: 4 block50 blocks=200blocks
2 pay phones per block: 2000*2= 4000 pay phones
- Intersections
300 streets long and 10 streets wide: 3000 streets
One pay phone for every two intersections donc 1500 au total
How many cars are towed in San Francisco each year?
Pop: 750 000
The average households: 1,5 p 500 000 households 60% have one car:300 000 10% have 2 cars: 50 000x2= 100 000 30 don’t own a car Because of good public transportation
2000 additional cars a day come into the city (2000*350) = 700 000
Visitors: 20% get towed
Ridèrent: 10% (they have garages, parking permit)
How much did Americans spend on coffee last year ?
Tableau :
- Âge
- # of people per generation
- Coffee drinkers
- Cups per week
- cups per years
—> j’aurais rajouté une partie price of cup depend du revenu et donc de l’âge
Estimer le marché des essuie glaces en Chine:
E= (nb de voiture - (nb de voitures/espérance de vie d’une voiture) ) eperance de vie d’un essui glacé
Déterminer le nb de voiture, estimer l’espérance de vie d’une voiture et soustraire les nouvelles voiture. Estimer l’espérance de vie d’une essuie-glace et diviser par le nb de voiture.
En chine: 1.5 milliards de personnes, 3 personnes par HH (a cause de la politique de l’enfant unique) donc 500 million HH. A cause de la pauvreté en région rurale et l’augmentation de la classe moyenne 1/5 des HH possède une voiture. 100 millions de voitures
Espérance de vie d’une voiture: 10 ans donc 10 million de nvelles voiture tous les ans. 90 millions d’anciennes voitures.
Espérance de vie d’un essuie glace: 3 ans
30 millions d’essais glace
Estimer qlq dans un avion:
- Grâce à la circonférence d’un cercle:
Circonférence d’un cercle= pi x diamètre
Ici pi x diamètre (largeur) x longueur
+ triangle rectangle pour les ailes !
Longueur aile: 24 m
Longueur avion: 72 m
Largeur: 6 m
How big is the market for used shoes in the US? In dollars
2 options: tackle the pb from a channel perspective(how many shoes are available in second hand shops, online, sales) or supply (how many people sell their used shoes average price and assume that demand equals supply.
What type of shoes sold ? (Nice one «gently worn). For s’amplifier, the market for second hand= fashion shoes
250 M in the US, 5% by fashion shoes. Around 10 M
How many shoes purchased first hand? 10 paires for those people 100 million pairs
What percentage of this 100 million is sold to second hand strifes : 5% of these consumers resell there shoes
Price : 50$
250 millions