Mao's first 5 year plan Flashcards
The first 5 year plan
In 1952 the CCP announced the first 5 year plan for industry which closely mirrored the soviet model of industrialisation.
As in soviet russia, market forced would not influence how much was produced, instead clear production targets would be set and mointored by the party.
Mao hoped to repeat the USSRs success, ‘ the soviet unions tommorrow is our today’ promised one CCP slogan. The ccp considered insutrialisation as the key to catching up to the rest of the world. It declared ‘becuase china did not have her own heavy idustry and her own war industry, she was being trampled on’.
The first 5 year plan
The desicion was also practical since the USSR was chinas only ally. A trade embargo had been imposed by the western powers as a result of chins involvment in the korean war.
This forced China to rely on the USSRs economic help, later Mao bitterly regreted adopting the soviets model without adapting it.
the USSRs support
The soviet support was extensive and esential it included
the construction or reconsturctoin of 156 major industrial enterprises, including seven iron and steel plants, 24 electic power stations and 63 machinery plants.
industrial experts to supplu the technical knowledge and experience of organising a centrally planned economy that the chinese lacked. 11,000 soviet and eastern european indutrial experts were sent to china. Helping to design and consruct them and train the workers
inviting 28000 chinese technicians to study in russia in order to learn from ‘older brother’
a 300 million us dollar loan over 5 years
The Plans targets
The plans successes
The plans faliures