How the CCP won popularity from the people (1949-53) Flashcards
Land reform
Why land reform was important to peasents
* it impacted peasents ability to grow and therfore how they could support themselves
How it was carried out
* starting in ‘key point’ villiages teams of 30-40 CCP cadres worked with local peasent asscoiations fanned out across the countryside to spread revolution
* peasents would identify landlords for humilliation and beatings the ccp stoked the class divide, many landlords were killed
How this won support
* peasents would believe the CP was on thier side of the class war
* made them gratefull to the CP
Marriage reform
Life for women pre 1949
* footbinding + arranged marriage still around
* in 1922 women only accounted for2.5% of students
* things were better under CP in Jiangxi in the 1930s it was illegal to buy wives
New marriage law1950
* outlawed arranged marriages and the payment of dowries to a husband
* concubinage was banned
* widowed, divorced or unmarried women given the same property owning rights as men
how this won support
* wins support from women and gives them a voice
Education in china pre 1949
* no more than 20% of children attended primary school
* entry to schools and uni were restricted by high cost
* only 5% of students passed in any one year
* 30% of adults illiterate
Changes brought by the CCP
* rejected traditional chineese education for elitist methos and reliance on books
* Mao thought learning should be from experience
* by 1956 less than half of children 7-16 were in full time education
* children in primary school became 96% 10 years later
How this won support
* allowed people to understand propoganda
Health in China pre 1949
* improved with greate number of doctors and hospitals under the GMD
* few provisions in rural areas where most people lived
Changes brought by the CCP
* preventative approach - mass campaigns to spread knowledge about hygine and avoiding disease
* three teir health system adopted in rural areas with villiage, township and ocunty hospitals
How this won support for CCP
* Improved quality and length of life for his supporters