Manufacturing Industries Flashcards
The process of producing goods in large quantities from raw materials into more valuable products
ie paper from wood, iron from ore
Manufacturing benefits
- employment, combat poverty
- supports primary and tertiary sectors
- foreign exchange
- modernise agriculture
- decreases reliance on agro based jobs
Share of manufacturing in GDP
1. India
2. East Asia
- 17%
- 25-35%
India’s manufacturing: current growth rate
Desired growth rate
What council has been set up to achieve the goal? How?
NMCC: National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council
appropriate govt policy interventions
efforts by industry
Industrial locations are affected by
Raw material
Agglomeration economies
Cities provide services like banking, transport, financial advice, labour to industries.
Industries come together and make use of these advantages known as agglomeration economies
Industries: Raw materials
Agro based
Raw materials from agriculture
Ex: tea, coffee, cotton
Mineral based
Raw materials from rocks and minerals
Ex: Iron and steel, aluminium, cement
Industries: Main role
Basic/key industries
Products are used as raw materials by other industries
Iron, steel and copper smelting
Consumer industries
Toothpaste, phones, cars
Industries: Capital Investment
Small scale
Maximum investment allowed on assets of a unit <1 crore
Industries: Weight and bulk
Heavy industries: iron and steel
Light industries: electrical goods
Industries: Ownership
Public Sector: owned by govt
Private Sector: private individual or group
Ex: Dabur Industries, TISCO, Bajaj Auto Ltd
Joint sector: jointly owned by govt and individuals
Ex: Oil India Ltd
Cooperative: run by producers, workers, suppliers or all
Ex: Sugar in Maharashtra, Coir in Kerala
Air pollution: definition and causes (4)
The presence of undesirable substances like particulate matter, carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide in high proportion in the air
Caused by smoke emissions of chemical/paper industries, smelting plants, burning of fossil fuels in factories, brick kilns etc that ignore pollution norms
Gas leaks like the Bhopal Gas Tragedy
Harms human/animal health, plants, buildings, atmosphere
Air pollution steps (2)
Use oil/gas instead of coal
Fit smoke stacks to factories
- inertial seperators, fabric filters, electrostatic precipitators, scrubbers
Water pollution: def + causes
Organic and inorganic industrial wastes and affluents are discharged into rivers
In India: phospo-gypsum, fly ash, iron and steel slags
Chemical ind, textile, dyeing, petroleum refineries, paper ind
Discharge dyes, detergents, heavy metals, salts and acids, plastic
Water pollution steps
- Minimise usage by reusing and recycling
- Rain water harvesting
- Treat hot water and effluents before releasing them
- Primary: mechanical (sedimentation, grinding etc)
- Secondary: biological
- Tertiary: physical, chemical, biological (recycling) - Legal regulations on drawing ground water
Noise Pollution effects + cause
Impairment/loss of hearing
Heart rate/blood pressure
Drilling, construction, generators, factories, machinery
Noise pollution: steps
Redesign machinery to reduce noise and increase efficiency
Fit machinery and equipment with silencers
Noise absorbing material, personal earplugs
Thermal pollution
when hot water from factories or thermal plants are discharged into rivers without cooling
kills aquatic animals
wastes from nuclear power plants, nuclear/weapon production facilities cause birth defects and cancer
land pollution: glass, packaging, salts, garbage makes soil useless
Rainwater percolates and spreads pollutants to ground water
NTPC steps
- Optimum utilisation of equipment, adopting latest techniques, upgrading
- Minimising waste by maximising usage of ash
- Providing green belts to nurture ecological balance
- Reducing env pollution: ash pond management, ash water recycling system and liquid waste management
- Ecological monitoring, reviews and database for all its power stations
Automobile industry
Provides vehicles for transport of passengers and goods
Ex: trucks, buses, scooters
Healthy growth due to contemporary models and increase in demand
Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Pune, Jamshedpur, Indore, Lucknow
IT and Electronics Industry
Transistor sets, phones, televisions, computers, radars
Bengaluru: Electronic capital of India
Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Pune, COIMBATORE
Employment generation
Chemical Industries: Inorganic
Sulphuric acid (fertilisers, dyes, paints, adhesives)
Soda ash (soap, detergent, paper, glass)
Nitric Acid
Caustic soda
Chemical industries: nature
Fast growing and diversifying
Small scale and large scale units
Growing rapidly in organic and inorganic sector
It is its biggest consumer
Basic chemicals are further processed into other chemicals to be used in industries, agriculture or consumers
Chemical Industries: Organic
Petrochemicals (synthetic fibres, drugs, plastics, pharmaceuticals)
Located near oil refineries or petrochemical plants
Aluminium Smelting
2nd most imp metallurgical industry
Light, strong, malleable, good conductor of heat and resistant to corrosion.»_space; zinc, steel, copper
Used for utensils, aircrafts, wires
Tamil Nadi, Maharashtra, Kerala, Odisha, West Bengal
Aluminium smelting process
Bauxite: Raw material, dark red and bulky
Bauxite is extracted from a bauxite quarry
At the aluminium refinery, bauxite is crushed and alumina is dissolved out
At smelter, alumina goes through electrolysis with cryolite as its electrolyte and Al is obtained
Fertiliser Industries
Nitrogenous fertilisers
Phosphatic fertilisers
Ammonium phosphate
Complex (Nitrogen, phosphate and Potash)
Potash is completely imported
Industry expanded after Green Rev
Kerala, Tamil Nadu, UP, Punjab, Gujarat