Manual 106 -113: Osteology and Arthrology Pelvis/Gluteal Flashcards
not articular fossa of acetabulum
acetabular fossa
articular portion of acetabulum
lunate surface
- peripheral acetabulum
two names for external surface of ilium
dorsum ilii
gluteus maximus origin is posterior to what line
posterior gluteal on ala
gluteus medius origin is between
posterior and anterior gluteal line
gluteus minimu origin is between..
anterior gluteal line and inferior gluteal line
origin between inferior gluteal line and margin acetabulum
rectus femoris
attachments external lip iliac crest
fascia lata
tensor fascia latae
attachments internal lip iliac crest
iliac fascia
attachments to ASIS
tensor fascia latae m
inguinal ligaments
attachments to AIIS
straight head rectus femoris
iliofemoral ligament
portion of iliacus m
attachment to groove medial to AIIS
psoas major/ iliacus
- site of fusion b/w pubis/ilium
- medial to groove for iliopsoas
iliopectineal eminence
attachment to PSIS
sacroiliac ligament
attachment to iliac fossa
iliacus m
articulation b/w sacrum and ilium
sacroiliac joint
takes origin from internal surface of body of ilium
obturator internus
does the ilium have a ramus?
body and wing of ilium are separate internally by …
- arcuate line
- externally by the margin acetablulum
the greater sciatic notch is formed by
- both ischium and ilium
- proximal is inferior to PIIS
- distal ends ischial spine
strongest most inferior hip bone
separates greater and lesser sciatic notches
ischial spine
attachments to ischial spine
- sacrospinalis ligament
- superior gemellus m
attachments to ischial tuberosity
- quadratus femoris [lateral tuberosity tear-dropped facet]
- inferior gemellus [superomedial tuberosity]
- semimebranosus [ upper lateral quadrilateral portion]
- long head biceps femoris [ below oblique line quadrilateral portion]
- semitendinosus [ below oblique line quadrilateral portion]
- addcutor magnus [traingular portion ]
- sacrotuberous ligament [triangular portion]
separates hamstring origins
oblique line
- semimebranosus to upper lateral
- long head biceps femoris and semitendinosus below
attachments to qudrilateral portion of ischial tuberosity
- oblique line separates the hamstring origins
- semimembranosus on upper lateral portion
- long head biceps femoris and semitendinosus below
attachments to triangular portion of ischial tuberosity
- adductor magnus
- sacrotuberous ligament
attachment to internal surface of ischium
obterator internus
direction of ischial ramus
directed anteriorly from ischial tuberosity and joins the inferior pubic ramus
attachments to external surface of ischial ramus
adductor magnus
obturator externus
attachments to internal surface of ischial ramus
obturator itnernus
forms margin of obturator foramen
lateral border of ischial ramus
what attaches to medial border of ischial ramus
perineum attachments
what attaches to the body of the pubis
adductor longus
adductor brevis
attachments to superior rami of pubis
inguinal ligament (pubic tubercle) pectineus (pectin pubis)
feature lateral to pubic crest on superior rami of pubis
pubic tubercle
- inguinal ligament attachment
feature lateral to pubic tubercle
pectin pubic
- pectineus attaches
lateral extension of pubic crest
iliopectineal line
direction of inferior rami of pubis
directed posterolateral from pubic symphysis
adductor compartment attachments to inferior rami of pubis
- gracilis
- adductor brevis
- adductor magnus
- obturator externus
how many primary ossification centers in pelvis?
- ilium above sciatic notch 8th wk
- ischium in body 4th month
- pubis in superior pubic ramus 4-5 month
- all mett at acetabulum to fuse at 13/14 yrs
how many secondary ossification centers in pelvis?
- pubic symphysis
- iliac crest
- ischial tuberosity
- inferior portion of acetabulum
the base of the sacrum articulates with..
5th lumbar vertebra
anterior 3/4 of each ala on sacrum =
costal process
posterior 1/4 of each ala on sacrum =
transverse proces
apex of sacrum
- inferior end that articulates with coccyx
what m take origin from anterior/pelvic surface of sacrum
iliacus - superolateral
pififormis - segments 1-4
shape of posterior surface of sacrum
narrower than anterior
midlie longitudinal ridge on sacrum
middle sacral crest
- rudimentary spinous processes of sacral vertebrae
between middle sacral crest and articular crest on sacrum
- sacral gooves
- laminae of the vertebrae
longitudinal ridge of articular processes on sacrum
articular crest
foramina lateral to articular crests
posterior sacral foramina
auricular surface of sacrum articulates with…
ilium at sacroliliac joint
- covered by hyaline cartilage
3 depressions on sacral tuberosity are for…
dorsal sacroiliac ligament
attachments to thin inferior lateral portion of sacrum
- gluteus maximus
- sacrospinous
- sacrotuberous
ossification of the sacrum
- primary center and 2 epiphyseal plates for the body on each sacral vertebra
- 2 ossification centers for each vertebral arch
- 2 epiphyseal centers on each lateral surface
- 1 ossification center on lateral portion each upper 3 vertebrae
how many vertebrae in coccyx
4 usually range 3-5
does the coccyx have laminae, pedicles, spinous processes
does have lateral rpocesses
attachments to lateral processes of cocyx
sacrotuberous lig
sacrospinous lig
gluteus maximus
attachment to anterior surface of coccyx
sacrococcygela ligament
shape of anterior surface of coccyx
large pair of superior articular processes on posterior surface of coccyx
cocygeal cornua
ossification of coccyx
1st: 1-4 yr
2nd: 5-10 yr
3rd: 10-15 yr
4th: 15-20 yr
pelvis m v w : pubic angle
wider in women
pelvis m v w: sacrum
shorter/wider in women
pelvis m v w: size
larger in men
pelvis m v w: pelvis inlet
larger in women
pelvis m v w: shape
oval in women
heart in men
pelvis m v w: obturator famina
smaller, triangular in women
pelvis m v w: ilia
less sloped in women
pelvis m v w: ASIS
wider in women
pelvis m v w: sciatic notch
wider in women
pelvis m v w: ischial spines
women point less
type of joint hip joint
breakdown of acetabulum
1/5 pubis - medial
2/5 ischium - lateral
2/5 ilium - superior
deepest non-articular portion of the hip joint
acetabular fossa
- primarily ischium
articular, cartilage covered surface of hip joint
lunate surface
attaches to lateral margin and synovial membrane to deepen the acetabulum
acetabular labrum (fibrocartilaginous ring)
the lunate surface is not complete _________
inferiorly - here is the acetabular notch
ligament bridging the acetabular notch
transverse acetabular ligament
direction of head of femur
rough depression in head of femur
fovia capitis femoris
what attaches to fovia capitis femoris
ligament capitus femoris
attachments of the articular capsule
margins of acetabulum few mm from labum
- laterally to medial side of greater trochanter
- anteriorly to itnertrochanteric line
- posteriorly 1 cm above itnertrochanteric crest
fibers over the neck of femur are greater than over acetabular rim
the articular capsule inferiorly blend with
transverse acetabular ligament
where is articular capsule thick/thin
- thick anterior/superior
- thin posterior/inferior
the articular capsule distally becomes
zona obicularis
- ligament around neck of femur
the articular capsule proximally becomes
iliofemoral, pubofemoral, ischiofemoral ligaments
shape of acetabular labrum
longest, widest, strongest ligament around hip joint
shape of iliofemoral ligament
inverted Y shape
- stem = ilium belwo AIIS
- base 1 = anterior part of greater trochanter (iliotrochanteric ligament)
- base 2 = intertrochanteric line
what transverses the iliofemoral ligament?
articular branch of deep branch of medial femoral circumflex
the pubofemoral ligament is ________ to iliofemoral
origin of pubofemoral ligament
obturator crest
superior ramus of pubis (anteiror iliopectineal eminence)
distal attachment to neck of femur and blend with iliofemoral
direction of pubofemoral ligament
shape of ischiofmeoral ligament
origin and distal attachment ischiofemoral ligament
origin = posterior body of ischium and inferior acetabulum
- direction superior lateral in spiral course
distal attachment: posterosuperior pat neck of femur below greater trochanter
how long is ligament capitus femoris
4 cm
proximal and distal attachment of ligament capitus femoris
2 lateral bands fixed to margins of acetabular notch
medial band blends with transverse acetabular ligament
distal: fovea capitus on femur
acetabulum corses _____ transverse acetabular ligament to the acetabular fossa
nerves to the hip joint
- femoral
- obturator
- accessory obturator
- inferior gluteal n
blood vessels to hip joint
- medial/lateral femoral circumflex
- superior/inferior gluteal
- obturator
- 1st perforating
(heavy ligaments avascular)
type of joint sacroiliac joint
synovial joint
sacroiliac joint formed by
auricular sacrum and ilium at 1st three sacral vertebrae
ligaments of the sacroiliac joint
- anterior sacroiliac [ventrolateral surface sacrum to margins of auricular surface of ilium]
- posterior sacroiliac [2sets of fibers]
- interosseous
deep/short fibers of posterior sacroiliac joint
origin: tuberosity of ilium and PIIS
passes inferomedially
attach: posterolateral sacrum
superficial/long fibers of posterior sacroililac joint
origin: PSIS
attach: third tubercle of sacrum
blend with sacrotuberous ligament
suspends sacrum b/w two iliac bones
interosseous ligament
- blends with superficial posterior sacroiliac ligament