Lecture: Thigh I/II - Butaric Flashcards
pelvic girdle
os coxa and sacrum
what side of the femur is the linea aspera on?
medial lip of the linea aspera leads proximally to …
pectineal line and spiral line
the lateral lip of linea aspera leads proximally to …
gluteal tuberosity
demarcates boundary between tibia articular surface and patellar articular surfaces
medial and lateral sulcus meniscus
largest sesamoid bone
patella (froms within quadriceps femoris tendon)
lateral v. medial facet of the patella
medial - more shallow
lateral - larger and deeper
femur ossification
1 primary center (shaft)
4 secondary centers
femoral head present, but no greater trochanter
1-4 years
greater trochanter apparent, but open triradiate suture and no lesser trochanter
4-14 yrs
superficial fatty subcutaneous fascia
camper’s fascia
deep membranous subcutaneous fascia
scarpa’s fascia
investing fascia of thigh
fascia lata
- thickened laterally (IT band), thin medially
oval shaped opening in deep fascia, allows for passage of great saphenous v
saphenous hiatus (fossa ovalis)
innervation quadriceps fermoris
femoral nerve
only quad to flex the thigh
rectus femoris
non-quad anterior thigh muscles
- iliopsoas
- sartorius
- articularis genu
helps you sit cross legged
makes sure synovial membrane of the knee doesn’t get caught with flexion or extension
articularis genu
forms the medial border of femoral triangle
adductor longus
which neurovasculature structure is not part of the femoral sheath?
femoral n.
intermuscular tunnel for femoral neurovasculature
adductor (subsartorial) canal
the short head of biceps femoris is grouped with but technically not a hamstring. why not?
doens’t extend the thigh, different innervation, different attachment
lumbar plexus levels
L1-L4 ventral primary rami
all the plexuses are ventral primary rami not dorsal (just goes to the back)
posterior divisions of lumbar plexus
lateral femoral cutaneous n.
femoral n.
** typically extensors and abductors
anterior division of lumbar plexus
ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric n
genital femoral n.
obturator n
lumbosacral trunk n.
*** typically flexors, adductors
root ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric n.
root genital femoral n.
root lateral femoral cutaneous n.
root femoral n.
root obturator n.
root lumbosacral trunk
tingling, numbness, or burning in lateral thigh
entrapment of lateral femoral cutaneous n.
sacral plexus roots
(L4) L5-S4
tibial n root
where does the tibial n. come from
tibial n.
anterior division of sacral plexus
where does the common peroneal n. come from
posterior division of sacral plexus
lumbosacral trunk root
superior gluteal n. root
L4,5 S1
inferior gluteal n. root
L5 S1,2
posterior femoral cutaneus n. root
** mixed anterior and posterior
sciatic n. root
pudendal n. root
anterior v. posterior branch of obturator n.
posterior - muscular
anterior - muscular and cutaneous
posterior v. anterior divsions of plexuses general rules
posterior: typically extensors, abductors, everters
anterior: typically flexors, adductors, inverters
motor to short head biceps femoris
common peroneal n.
where is the inferior cluneal branch? ***
- comes off the posterior femoral cutaneous n.
- supplies sensory to transverse gluteal line
- the other cluneal nerves come from dorsal primary rami (inferior comes from ventral)
cruciate blood supply to hip joint
superior: inferior gluteal
medial: medial femoral circumflex
lateral: lateral femoral circumflex
inferior: 1st perforating a.
all but superior come from profunda femoris,
form a cross-shaped anastomosis
main blood supply to femoral head
medial femoral circumflex
which genicular a. goes into the knee joint?
middle genicular a.