Managing people 1.4 Flashcards
What is the difference between staff as a cost and staff as an asset?
Cost = treating employees as a resource of the business and finding skills a business needs and then finding employees to meet this Asset = treating employees as the most important resource to a business and a source of competitive advantage
What are some key features of a cost?
- Little communication, taller organisational structure and little delegation
What are some key features of an asset?
- competitive pay, empowered and encouraged using delegation and flatter organisational structures
Benefit and drawback of a cost
Cost effective and quicker decision making but increased absenteeism
Benefit and drawback of an asset?
Motivates employees and increases productivity but more expensive
What is flexible working?
There are a variety of options offered to employees such as location, hours, pattern of working
Benefits of flexible working?
- Saving costs when working from home for example, increased motivation, meeting needs
Drawbacks of flexible working?
Increased administrative costs involved in running a flexible business.
What is multiskilling?
staff carry out many tasks instead of one which increases job rotation.
What is outsourcing?
delegating a task or business process to an external provider who them manages and completes the tasks in that sector
What is a individual approach?
When employees negotiate contracts etc directly to the employer
What is collective bargaining?
This is when contracts etc are represented through trade unions who are able to fight the workers case
When may a vacancy become available?
- Skills gap, someone leaving and growth of the business
What is the main differences between a job description and a job specification?
A job description is when a business lays out what the job role will involve the individual doing and a specification is the qualifications and requirements that an employee must have.
Advantages of internal recruitment…
- They already understand business operations, policies and practises
- Already known in the business
- May be cheaper for the recruiter
Advantages of external recruitment?
- They can bring in new skills
- new innovation
- Large businesses may see no worry with paying more for someone externally
What are the 3 stages that come after deciding what recruitment a business wants?
- Shortlisting the applicants
- Interviewing and assessments
- Appoint and re-advertise
What is on-the-job training?
Training that takes place at the employers place of work
People can be given mentors
Work shadowing (working alongside some experienced)
What is off-the-job training?
Not working at this point
What the hierarchal structure in a business?
This is how a business is split up into departments and the people who manages each of these departments. The higher up the hierarchy people are, generally the more power and responsibility that they have
What is the chain of command in a business?
Shows the level of authority within the work place. Information is passed up the chains of command and the orders are passed down the chain of command
What is span of control in a business?
The number of people being managed in all departments. For example, one manager may manage 5 people whereas another may manage 1. The one who manages 5 has a wider span of control
What are the advantages of a centralised structure?
Senior management has more control which means faster decision making and may not make bias decisions
What are the advantages of a decentralised structure?
Employees are motivated and empowered. Reduces stress on senior management. May have better knowledge of ‘local’ conditions.
The differences between tall and flat organisational structures?
Tall have a long chain of command but a narrow span of control and a flat organisational structure have a wider span of control and a shorter chai of command.
What is a matrix organisational structure?
Involves getting people in from different areas of the business to form a project team which then means all areas of the business are heard and none are missed
Implications of different organisational structures…
Tall - slow decision-making and less communication
Flat - loss of control of workforce and poor productivity
Matrix - May be difficult to co-ordinate teams from different departments.
What is Taylors approach (scientific management)?
The theory is finding exactly what you want your workforce to do and then find the cheapest way to do it
A: Higher wages can be achieved, increased productivity
D: May not suit all people, time consuming, ignored other aspects of the business
What is Herzerg’s theory (the two-factor theory)?
People are motivated by hygiene factors (pay, working conditions) and motivator factors (recognition, improvement.)
A: Job enrichment, increased productivity
D: Can become expensive to alter policy in the workplace
What is the order of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
Food and shelter, safety needs, relationships, Esteem needs, Self-fulfilment
What is Maslow’s theory (hierarchy of needs)?
A: meets the needs of all workers, simple to understand, inclusive
D: some may disagree with orders, hard to measure satisfaction retained from hierarchal level
What is Mayo’s theory (human relationships theory)?
Motivation comes from the relationships in the workplace.
A: increased freedom, needs of workers being met
D: Hard to meet everyone’s needs, less focus on work.
What are the 5 financial incentives that improve employee performance?
Piecework, commission, bonus, profit share, performance-related pay
What is the difference between job enrichment and job enlargement?
Enrichment is having an increasing range and complex tasks whereas enlargement is the addition of extra tasks
What is consultation?
When managers and leaders obtain the views of employees when making decisions
What is the difference between management and leadership?
Leaders have a vision and are the ones who direct the business whereas managers are there to motivate and set business objectives.
Advantages and disadvantages of autocratic leadership
A: managers make all decisions and improved productivity
D: Less motivation
Advantages and disadvantages of democratic leadership
A: Hearing other people out, motivation
D: Slower decision making, arguments
Advantages and disadvantages of paternalistic leadership
A: higher motivation, social needs met, building a relationship
D: Over-reliant on the leader, slower decision making
Advantages and disadvantages of laissez-faire leadership
A: motivation, feeling more involved and increased responsibility
D: Indecisive, slower decision making and depends on how skilled workers are