Decision Making Techniques 3.3 Flashcards
What is a quantitative sales forecast?
Using past data as a way to create numerical future data in order to predict sales and business performance
How to calculate a three year moving average.
The year u want to calculate a moving average for, add that year to the year before and the year after and then divide by 3 to give the 3 year moving average
How do you find the 4 year moving average?
The year you want to calculate, add the 2 years prior and year year post to the year and then divide by 8 to give the 4 year moving average
What is meant by the term extrapolation?
This involves using past data in order to make future predicitions
How do you calculate variation?
Actual sales - trend
What are some of he limitations of quantitative sales forecasts?
- Predicting data too far in the future may be unreasonable because trends can’t predict future trends.
- Dynamic markets are hard to predict
- If they are not revised frequently, may not be reliable
What is casual modelling?
This has an aim to find the link between one variable and another. The data can later then be put into a scatter graph
What is the definition of investment appraisal?
How a business evaluates whether an investment project is profitable. This is done by comparing the capital cost of the project with the next cash flow
How does simple payback work?
How long it takes for a project to recover or go back to the initial outlay
What are the 2 steps to finding the payback time?
- Finding the cumulative net cash flow by calculating the net cash flow for each year and including the initial cost of the investment
- Then add up the net cash flow until you reach the cost of initial investment. This shows how many years it takes
How do you calculate the number of months it takes to reach the pay back time if necessary?
(Amount required/ net cash flow in that year) x 12
What ae 3 advantages of a simple payback method?
- Simple to use
- Technology changes makes it a useful tool
- Firms may adopt this method if they have cash flow problems
What is average rate of return?
This is measuring the average annual profit on an investment as a percentage of the initial capital cost
Advantages of ARR?
- It can be compared with other business investments
- Can be compared with IR for example to see if the percentage is worth the investment
Disadvantages of ARR?
- The value of money changes over time due to inflation
- If IR are relatively similar to the ARR then investment may not be worth it
What is discounted cash flow?
This is when we have to add the interest rate onto one year and then add the same interest rate onto the new total each year
What is NVP?
Calculates ARR but takes into account IR and time
Advantages of NVP
Takes into account economic factors
What is a decision tree?
Its the use of estimates and probabilities to predict likely outcomes
How do you calculate probabilities in decision trees?
Multiply the cost by the probability
Then add the 2 probabilities together and minus the initial cost
What is a critical path analysis?
When a business is creating a project, there has to be a technique in order to determine the most efficient way in order to complete each activity involved in a project
What does critical path analysis calculate?
- The earliest and latest each activity can start and finish without making the project longer
- The longest path of planned activities to end the project
What is float time?
This is when an activity can b delayed without making the project longer
What are the 3 main advantages of critical path analysis?
- Improves efficiency because it gives the EST and LFT each activity on the project
- Aids resource planning as it tells us when certain resources are needed
- Forces managers to make detailed planning as the time frame must be met so that the project is completed on time
What are the 3 main disadvantages of critical path analysis?
- The durations are estimates, some activities may take shorter period
- Quality of the activities may not be taken into account because managers may be rushing to get the activities and project done
- Creates a rigid structure so any delays could mean the project is put to a halt.