Managing Natural Hazards/the atmosphere and human activities Flashcards
Plate boundaries:
Where two or more plates meet.
Constructive(divergent) plates:
Plates moving away from each other.
Destructive(converging) plates:
Two plates moving toward each other.
Conservative plates:
Plates sliding past each other.
What is the focus of an earthquake?
Where the earthquake begins underground.
Instrument used to measure the magnitude of an earthquake.
What is the epicentre of an earthquake?
Point of the surface above the focus.
Factors that affect the impact of an earthquake:
*relief of area.
*development of human settlement.
*population density.
*building densities and strength.
How cyclones form:
*between 5° and 20° north and south.
*60m deep water.
Flooding caused by:
*heavy rainfall.
*prolonged rainfall.
*land relief.
*storm surges/tsunamis.
*saturated soil.
Human flooding causes:
*climate change.
Effects of El Nino:
*surface water in Pacific ocean along South America warms.
*altered storm patterns.
*droughts in North and South America.
*warmer worldwide climate.
Gases in the atmosphere:
*carbon dioxide- 0.042%
Managing impacts of natural:
Composition of the atmosphere:
*water vapour.
*carbon dioxide.
Causes of drought:
*El Nino effect
*lack of precipitation.
*hazard map.
*lava diversion channels/barriers.
*building reinforcements.
*earthquake proof houses.
*monitoring precipitation/temperature.
*monitor tremors.
*pattern checking.
*measurement of magnetic field.
*checking animal behaviour.
*satellite tracking.
Temperature inversion:
Where temperature increase with altitude instead of decreasing.
Greenhouse gases:
*carbon dioxide.
*nitrogen oxides.
*tropospheric ozone.
What increases carbon dioxide:
Burning fossil fuels/deforestation.
What increases CFCs:
Aerosol sprays/refrigeration/fire extinguishers/air conditioning.
What increases methane:
Cattle and rice production/deforestation/decomposition of waste.
What increases nitrogen oxides:
Vehicle exhausts/chemical fertilizers.
What increase tropospheric ozone:
Unburnt fuel vapours/chemical reactions involving nitrogen oxides.
Impact of climate change:
*melting ice.
*sea-level rise.
*forced migration.
*loss of habitat/biodiversity.
Carbon footprint:
A measure of our impact on the environment.
Carbon capture/storage:
carbon dioxide waste transported through pipes to storage.
Managing atmospheric pollution:
*transport policies.
*international agreements.
*carbon capture/storage.
*CFC replacement.
*reduced use of fossil fuels.
Smog impact:
*eye/throat irritation.
*respiratory disease(asthma)
*lung cancer.
*stroke/heart attacks from fine particles.
*breathing difficulties.
Acid rain impact:
*making undrinkable water.
*stomach pain/diarrhoea.
*acidification of groundwater.
*crop damage.
*nutrients(calcium) leached out of the soil.
*fish die.
*buildings weathered.
*tree root damage.
Ozone depletion impact:
*sun burn/cancer.
*retina damage/cancer.
*radiation limits phytoplankton reproduction.
*food web affected.
*biochemical composition.
Transportation policies:
*creation of cycle lanes/metro-systems/trams/bus lanes.
*electric cars encouraged.
*vehicle bans.
*public transport made free.
How acid rain is formed:
Burning fossil fuels produce sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen react with water in the atmosphere.