Managing Canada's Industries - Fishing and Forestry Flashcards
List the 3 natural and 3 economic uses of a forest.
Natural Uses - Provides habitat, purifies air and water, and cycles nutrients.
Economic Uses - Provides us with timber and wood, employment access, and good source for trading.
Who owns and manages the vast majority of Canada’s forest?
The majority of Canada’s forest are owned and managed by Canadians Provincial and Territorial government.
Describe the three methods of harvesting forest as discussed in class.
1) Clear cutting - Cutting down all the trees within a designated area.
2) Shelterwood cutting - Clearcutting trees that are part of an old growth forest.
3) Selective cutting - Only cutting down selected trees.
How much of the world’s forest does Canada possess?
Canada posses 10% of the world’s forest.
In which three provinces is most of the forestry sector located in?
Most of the forestry sector is located in Ontario, Quebec, and British Columbia.
Why are some forest fires fought while others are allowed to naturally burn?
The decision to fight or flight a fire depends on its impact on people, place, and profit. If an area is large and very populated you should fight the fire because of its impact on people. However, if the area is small and sparsely populated you should let the fire burn out naturally.
Explain using examples, how a forest fire can have a positive impact on the Boreal Forest?
Yes, wildfires can be positive for forests because they are a natural part of the ecosystem to maintain the health and diversity of the forest. For example, Jack Pine is a tree that has cones that are covered in a wax coating that needs heat in order to release its seeds. These seeds then germinate and produced nutrients to support plant and tree growth.
More forest fires are caused by humans yet burn less hectares of forest than forest fires caused by lightning strikes. Explain why using specific examples.
Lightning strikes tend to occur in more remote areas, because of this, it can be harder to distinguish. Due to the vast area of land that’s struck, there is more area for the fire to spread, leading to an increase in the area that’s burned. However, human made fires are often made in small areas that are easier to extinguish.
Which three provinces primarily have employment in the forestry sector?
The three main provinces that have employment in the forestry sector in Ontario, Quebec, and British Columbia.
Outline four issues that the Canadian forestry industry faces.
The 4 issues that the Canadian forestry industry faces are: Environmental concerns, global challenges, and market competitions, climate change, and indigenous rights.
Who is Canada’s largest export market of fish and seafood products?
The United States is Canada’s largest export of market of fish and seafood products.
What is Canada’s most valuable seafood export in terms of sales? (Which one makes the most money?)
How far does Canada’s fishing limits extend from shore (in nautical miles)?
200 nautical miles from shore.
The ocean waters off Nova Scotia and Newfoundland that are less than 200 meters deep are referred to as?
The Continental Shelf
Explain the difference between gill netting, otter trawling and purse seining.
1) Purse seining - Is when a net circles around a group of fish, and is drawn together, catching the fish.
2) Gill netting - When a net hangs from the surface, catching fish by their gills as they swim.
3) Otter trawling - When a bag shaped net is dragged across the ocean floor, catching fish.
Which method of catching fish is the worst for the environment and explain why?
Otter trawling is considered the worst method of fishing for the environment because of many reasons. One being, that it destroys the natural seafloor habitat. As the net is dragged across the ocean floor, it destroys everything that is in its path, including plants, coral reef, and rock gardens.
Describe the five classification of fish and provide an example for each.
1) Ground fish - Fish that live and feed at the bottom of the ocean = Cod.
2) Paleagic fish - Fish that live and feed primarily near the botttom of the ocean = Tuna.
3) Shell fish - Fish that has a shell = Lobster.
4) Fresh water fish - Fish that live in fresh water. (Trout)
5) Anadromous fish - Fish that spawns in fresh water, but spends most of their life at sea. = Salmon
What is aquaculture?
Aquaculture is the farming of fish, shellfish, and aquatic plants, in both freshwater and saltwater.
What province or territory would you find the most aquaculture operations in Canada?
In Canada, you would find the most aquaculture operations in British Columbia.
What are the top farmed aquaculture species?
Explain the difference between inshore fishing and offshore fishing.
1) Inshore fishing - Small, consists of small boats, can only fish within a certain distance (16-25 km), only has 1-6 people in crew, limited access to gear, and only takes day trips.
2) Offshore fishing - Big, large boats, has a large fishing range (370 km from shore), large variety of gear, a crew size of 12-16 peopl, and can go fishing for 2 weeks or more at a time.
Explain why the east coast fishery collapsed in the 1990s.
This happened due to the process of over fishing in previous years.
Define ecological footprint. Why is it an important concept for Canadians?
Ecological footprint is a method that determines how dependent humans are on natural resources. With this data, we can determine the sustainability of our lifestyles.