Management of Natural Landscapes - L3 Flashcards
What is the Agriculture Act 2020?
The Act implemented numerous changes, but most prominently begun the transition period away from area based payments under BPS, towards the ELM scheme, whereby farmers and landowners would be paid to manage land in environmentally friendly ways.
What are the BPS reductions in payments?
In an effort to gradually taper down BPS payments as the new schemes take affect, this year we have seen a 50% deduction in payments. Following the Budget last week, we now know that BPS payments are going to be reduced by 76% next year, with a cap at the first £30,000 of reference data, so the max payment will be £7,200.
Can you name some non-statutory designations?
Green Belt
Community Forests
RSPB reserves
Can you name some statutory designations?
National Parks
National Landscape
Special Areas of Conservation
Special Protection Areas
What is a SSSI?
A Site of Special Scientific Interest are areas of land and water that has specific wildlife, geology or landform in which it wishes to protect. Natural are the governing body and are in charge of designating sites, and monitoring other sites.
What are some of the typical management requirements of SSSI’s?
Each have their own, which are named on designated sites system. Typical restrictions include grazing certain animals at certain times of the year, managing woodland, managing scrub and controlling water levels. Some management tasks require Natural England Consent.
What is a National Park?
Conserve the environment.
What is the difference between a National Park and a National Landscape?
Very similar in the sense that they are designed to protect the nationally significant landscape, but only National Parks have their own planning authority.
Can you explain to me what the requirements are of Low input grassland options under SFI?
Aim is create a varied sward height, with flowering grasses into the late summer.
Do not plough, cultivate or reseed.
Limit poaching
Restricted to 12 tonnes of FYM or equivalent amounts of fertiliser
Mechanical operations should not disturb ground nesting birds
£151 per ha
Can you tell me what the payment rates were for the two hedgerow options under SFI 2023?
HRW2 = £13 per 100m (one side)
HRW3 = £10 per 100m (both sides)
What are the management restrictions for the managing hedgerows option and what is the aim?
Cut incrementally either once every 2 or 3 years.
This is to create different widths and heights of hedgerows that support a varying range of farmland birds and wildlife.
What are the key features of BAP Woodpasture and Parkland Priority Habitat?
Sporadic ancient / large standalone trees or in clusters.
The presence of grazing animals, which controls scrub to maintain a semi-open habitat.
Open grassland or heathland
What are Priority Habitats and where do they originate from?
As part of the Biodiversity Action Plan which was published in 1994 calling for development and enforcement of national strategies to identify, conserve and protect existing biological diversity and enhance it where possible.
How did you decide that the wood pasture was in a good condition?
I consulted the habitat description and concluded that the parkland met with all of the distinguishing factors. My client had been actively maintaining the parkland in recent years so there was ongoing maintenance.
What was the payment rate for WD4?
£212 per ha