Mammary gland and lactogenesis Flashcards
Define mammogenesis?
— Mammary growth at puberty or during pregnancy.
Define lactogenesis?
— Initiation of milk secretion at parturition — production of colostrum.
Define galactopoiesis?
— Continued milk secretion during lactation.
Where do mammary glands originate from?
. Mammary glands are glands that originate from the
. They arise along two lateral lines on the ventral
surface of the developing fetus.
. These lines are called mammary ridges.
. Mammary ridges extend from the axillary region
to the inguinal region.
. Number and position of glands depend on the
What is the anatomy of the mammary gland?
Glandular tissue with secretory epithelial cells and excretory ducts.
Excretory ducts empty into the gland cistern.
Epithelial cells surround a spherical lumen: alveolus (also called alveolar cells).
Myoepithelial cells surround each alveolus and the ducts.
Contraction of rnyoepithelial cells propels the milk out of the alveoli
Groups of aveoli form lobules
Groups of lobules form the the lobes
Which animals have two canals per teat?
Which animals have 1 canal/cistern per teat?
Cow, ewe and goat.
Which animals have 2-3 ducts per teat?
Mare and sow.
Which animals have 5-6 ducts per teat?
Bitch and queen.
Which animals have 8-10 ducts per teat?
Primates and elephants.
How are monotremes (platypus) different with regards to milk secretion?
— Mammary tissue is essentially a band of sweat
— No teats — the milk runs out along the hair
How is the udder suspended in ruminants?
The ruminant mammary gland (udder) is
supported by a strong suspensory ligament,
divided into two parts:
1. Medial suspensory ligament arising from
the symphyseal tendon (attaches the prepubic
tendon to the pubic symphysis). Mainly connective tissue.
2. Lateral suspensory ligaments running from
the symphseal tendon and the external crus
of the inguinal ring, assisted by the medial
femoral fascia, and then runs ventrally over the
lateral aspect of the udder. Inelastic connective
Thoracic glands are supplied by what vasculature?
mammary arteries are branches of thoracic and pectoral aa.
Abdominal glands are supplied by what vasculature?
Branches of the cranial and caudal superficial epigastric aa.
Inguinal glands are supplied by
Mammary aa. which are branches of the external pudendal a.