Male Reproductive Histology Flashcards

Seminiferous Tubules
site of spermatogenesis

Vesicular Gland
tall, simple columnar w/ droplets of secretory material at apices
compact, lobulated gland

Peritubular Myoid Cells
squamous cells surrounding tubules

Sertoli Cell
large, faintly-stained, irregularly-shaped nucleus w/ prominent nuclelus

Late Spermatid
dark, condensed nucleus, sperm tail forming
Vascular Type Penis vs. Fibrous Type Penis

Glans Penis
highly vascularized loose connective tissue

Leydig (Interstitial) Cells
located in interstitial region surrounding seminiferous tubules
polyhedral, w/ large spherical nucleus
foamy, pink cytyplasm

Adventitial Tissue
area surrounding seminiferous tubules

Corpus Spongiosum
smaller, medial body of erectile tissue surrouding urethra

Rete Testis
centrally located, anastomosing tubules, lined by simple epithelium

Tunica Albuginea
connective tissue capsule

Male Urethra

Straight Tubules
straight ends of seminiferous tubules, lined by simple epithelium

Body of the Prostate
lobulated, surrounds dorsal part of entire pelvic urethra

Ductus Epididymis

Mediastinum Testis
central core containing loose connective tissue

Stratum Vasculare
vascular layer in capsule

most peripheral germ cell dark nucleoli in oval nucleus


Ductus Deferens

Disseminate Part of Prostate (Pars disseminata) (???)
lies in lamina propria/submucosa of pelvic urethra

Corpus Cavernosum
blood sinuses lined by squamous epithelium and surrounded by dense connective tissue capsule rich in elastin fibers

large, round mottled nucleus