Bird Repro Flashcards
Male Bird Xsomal Sex
Photoperiod (avian)
Long day stimulates LH-releasing hormone → stimulates FSH & LH
(emus are short day)
Avian Ovulation
Stimulated by LH surge
No post-ovulatory CL or CH
Ovum goes through split in stigma
Signs of Oviposition
(egg laying) Straining
Decr. defecation
Incr. fecal vol. (and smells nasty)
Wide-based stance
Avian Accessory Glands
They don’t have any!
Incubation (avian)
Decr. LH Incr. prolactin (stimulates production of milk crop in pigeons)
Development of brood patch (missing feathers)
Air Cell
Forms when yolk membrane & albumen separate after the egg is laid and cools down
Avian Epididymis
Usually not visible
Dorsomedial surface of testis
Relatively small
Factors Affecting Reproductive Status (avian)
Presence of mate (males active first)
Nesting area
Ossification of the marrow in long bones of female bird
Occurs before laying
Stimulated by androgens & estrogen
Medullary bone may replace up to 75% of marrow
Radiographic changes evident
Avian Juvenile Ovary (appearance)
Comma shaped
Dorsoventrally flattened
Brain-like appearance
Avian Follicular Regression
Rapidly regresses after ovulation → fills w/ hypertrophied, fatty granulosa cells → further regression
No post-ovulatory CL
Hypercalcemia (avian)
Incr. estrogen results in incr. plasma Ca++ for shell calcification
Male & female are visually different
Ex. cockatiels, budgies
Egg laying (egg passes oviduct & out)