Male reproductive disorders Flashcards
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)
- increase in the number of cells within prostate (hyperplasia)
- hypertrophy occurs (enlargement )
- caused by testosterone derivative and cell growth
- bladder outlet obstruction
– bladder muscle thickens→unable to contract- increased residual urine/urine - retention
– Urine incontinence & leakage occurs
– S/S: hesitancy (difficulty starting), reduced form, incomplete bladder emptying, post-void dribbling, hematuria
– May lead to UTI and bladder stone formation
– If left untreated, chronic kidney disease (bc of backflow of urine) may occur
DX: digital rectal exam
Prostate located close to rectal wall
– Bending over exam table/side lying
– Examined for size, consistency, elasticity, nontender enlargement
– Stony-hard nodule may indicate cancer; needs further testing
– Transurethral U/S, cystoscopy
TX: drug therapy
– DHT - dihydrotestosterone lowering drugs to decrease size of prostate
– Alpha-adrenergic receptors to constrict prostate gland (FLOMAX)
– Alpha blockers to relax smooth muscle (CARDURA, HYTRIN) - monitor for
TX: Surgical
– Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)
– Enlarged portion of prostate is removed endoscopically
– Post-op
Maintain catheter patency of 3-way foley
Free from clots, color, clarity
Monitor flow or NS irrigation
Pain management; bladder spasms common
Prostate Cancer
– Most common type of cancer in men
– Detected by DRE & Prostate specific antigen (PSA) & biopsy
– S/S: hematuria, pelvic pain, swollen lymph nodes, stony-hard palpable irregularities on prostate
– TX: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, cryoablation
Erectile Dysfunction
– Impotence; inability to achieve or maintain erection
– Organic
Gradual deterioration of function
Firmess diminishes, drop in frequency
Caused by: inflammation of prostate, urethra, seminal vesicles,
prostatectomy, back injuries
– Functional
Sudden onset after periods of high stress
Testicular Cancer
– Occurs in younger men 15-34 years of age
– Detected Testicular self-examination (TSE)
– Occurs in one or both testicles
– DX: AFP, hCG, LDH - abnormal if found in adults, CT, MRI
– TX: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation
cystic mass filled with straw colored fluid around the testis ; TX: drainage with the needle
sperm-contain cyst on epididymis
- cluster of dilated veins near the testis
Scrotal torsion
twisted spermatic cord and blood vessels - cuts off blood supply.
Inflammation of the epididymis due to infection or trauma
– May spread to other structures nearby
– S/S: pain and swelling in scrotum/groin, abscess
– TX: scrotal elevation, scrotal support, antibiotics, ice, analgesics
– Acute testicular inflammation due to infection or trauma
– Unilateral or bilateral
– S/S: scrotal pain, edema, heavy feeling near testicles, pain on ejaculation, blood in semen
– TX: scrotal elevation, ice, analgesics, antibiotics
Nursing Assessment
Risk factors Family history Presence of pain or discomfort Inspection/clinician exam Urinary trends Sexual history
Nursing Diagnosis
Anxiety & Fear Acute Pain or Chronic Pain Risk for Sexual Dysfunction Anticipatory Grieving Disturbed Body Image Urinary Retention/Urinary Incontinence Risk for Infection