Final 1600 Flashcards
Surgery; improve function, enhances appearance (or both); E: on the nose to correct deviated septum to increase airflow; breast reconstruction after mastectomy.
Reconstructive surgery
primary purpose for maintaining NPO status 6-8 hours prior to surgery
Prevent aspiration
Classification of medication given to prevent and treat N&V
Antiemetics: Ondansetron ( Zofran)
Hand held breathing device; promote complete lung expansion and prevent pulmonary problems
Incentive spirometer
Surgical consent: nursing responsibility
Sets up OR; coordinates all the activities; make sure supplies are available; positioning of the patient
Circulating nurse
Set up sterile field; drape patient; handles all sterile equipment; maintains count of supplies.
Scrub nurse
Ensure right patient, right surgical procedure, right site
Time out
Collapse or airless condition of all or part of the lungs; caused by hypoventilation; obstrustion, or compression
Excess fluid build up - inflammation; flue like symptoms: cough, fever, dyspnea
Temporally disappearance of peristalsis ; N&V, pain, distention
Paralytic ileus
Blood clot in pulmonary artery; sudden onset; dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain, restlessness, cough, hemoptysis; Tx: heparin therapy
PE - pulmonary embolism
Blood clot from the deep venous thrombus; calf pain, erythema, unilateral swelling
Wound opening ; apply a sterile non adherent or saline dressing; notify surgeon
Wound opening with protrusion of internal organs; surgical emergency.
Descriptive term; wound is together without any gaps
Well-approximated - Primary intention
Wound healing: shortest, from top down; wound edges closed ; E: sutures
Primary intention
Wound healing: prolonged repair, gradual filling with connective tissue; bottom to top; left open; E: pressure ulcers
Secondary intention
Wound healing: initially wound left open to heal, debrided; then wound is surgically closed; E: I&D - incision and drainage.
Tertiary intention
Grenade looking device; placed in the wound after surgery for removal of the drainage
Jackson-Pratt drain (JP) - suction drain
Wound exudate containing bacteria that yellow, brown and green with foul odor
Purulent exudate
Constipation, N&V, puritis, sedation, respiratory depression - side effects of …
Automated device used by patient to self administer prescribed pain medication
PCA Pump - patient controlled analgesia
Source of pain moves or travel to other location
Radiation pain
Term used to describe pain such as sharp, aching, or stabbing
Quality pain
Common side effect of opioid usage; TX: Mag-ox (Magnesium Oxide)
Intervention that is most important to teach client about identifying fluid volume status
Weigh yourself daily
Fluid compartment that is equivalent to 40 % - 2/3 of total body water
ICF - intracellular fluid / compartment
Movement of fluid through a permeable membrane due to hydrostatic pressure
Free movement of particles from high concentration to low concentration
Diffusion across a cell membrane that requires assistance; E: insulin/glucose; sodium pumps
Facilitated diffusion
Movement of water from lower to higher concentration of solute ; concentration gradient must exist; particles cannot cross
0.9% sodium chloride (NS); lactated ringers, D5W
Isotonic solutions - crystalloids
Same osmolarity as blood (270-300); no fluid shift : outside = inside
Isotonic solutions
0.45 % sodium chloride ( 1/2 NS)
Hypotonic solution
Outside (concentration) < inside ; moves fluid into the cell - cells swell , enlarge
Hypotonic solution
D5LR, D5 0.45 NS, 3 % NS
Hypertonic solutions
Outside > inside ; pulls fluid from cells - cells shrink; think of fluid overload (cells are overloaded with fluid)
Hypertonic solution
400-600 ml is min amount of urine per day needed to excrete toxic waste products
Obligatory urine output
500-1000 ml/day water loss from skin, lungs and stool; cannot be controlled
Insensible water loss
hormone secreted when sodium level in ECF decreased; prevent Na+water loss ; acts on kidney nephrons
Hormone secreted when sodium level increases ; acts on kidney tubules - water is reabsorbed to dilute blood.
Antidiuretic hormone - ADH
Inflammation of vein; redness, pain hardened
Leakage of IV fluid in extravascular tissue; cool, moist , redness
Leaking of chemical (vesicant ) or medication
Affects primary CNS ; altered mental status, cerebral edema, confusion
Na - where Na goes, H2O follows ; 135-145
Confusion, muscle weakness ; caused by : diuretic use, low salt diet, decreased aldosterone secretion ; TX: 2-3 % sodium chloride
Restlessness , seizures, muscle twitching; caused by renal failure, exercise, diaphoresis, fever; TX: diuretics, 0.45%NaCl
Affects cardiac/ respiratory/musculoskeletal systems
Potassium K ; 3.5-5
Irregular pulse , dysrythmias , muscle weakness, confusion; caused by diuretics, anorexia, Digoxin toxicity , gastric suction, V&D, hyperaldosteronism . TX: diluted IV K
Client is admitted with K 2.1; Order: 40 KCL STAT; what is most appropriate method for administering?
Diluted IV; never as IV push; never exceed 20 mEq/hr; monitor for infiltration
Crdiac irregularities, muscle twitching, paresthesia (tingling or numbness), hypotension; caused by renal failure, K sparing diuretics (Aldosterone), stored bank blood; TX: Kayexalate (stool); emergency : Insulin IV + CaCl + D50
Stored in bone – strength & density, skeletal
contractions, nerve impulses; absorption requires active form of vitamin D (parathyroid hormone control)
Calcium 9-10.5
Parathesia, chvosteks( facial twitching), trousseus (spasm + palmar flexion) sign, deep tendon reflex, cardiac changes, seizures ; caused by inadequate intake Ca/ Vitamin D; lactose intolerance , Chrons disease; TX: IV Ca, Vitamin D
High BP, HR; confusion, fatigue, kidney stones; caused by hyperparathyroidis; poor kidney excretion; TX: IV 0.9 NaCl, Lasix, Phosphorus,Calcitonin.
Inverse relationship w/ Ca; assist cell growth & metabolism;
Treat according to Ca level;
Phosphorus 3 -4.5
What tonicity of fluid will used to rehydrate the cells
Solutions with small molecules that flow easily from the bloodstream into cells
Crystalloids - Isotonic, Hypotonic, Hypertonic
Solution used for burns, GI tract fluid loss, acute blood loss; Caution: renal disease : K component; liver failure: lactic acidosis ( cannot convert lactate into bicarbonate) .
LR - Lactated Ringers
Solutions with molecules too large to pass through semipermeable membrane; they remain in intravascular compartment; volume expanders; used: severe burns, blood loss, shock
Colloids (always hypertonic ): Albumin, Dextran, Mannitol, Hespan (Hetastarch)
Fluids classified as
- Crystalloids
- Colloids
- Blood products
Specific gravity
What are two the most common causes of kidney failure
- Diabetes
2. Hypertension
Types of ARF
- Prerenal
- Intrarenal/intrinsic
- Post renal
Type of ARF; decreased blood flow to the kidneys; caused by shock, HF, PE, sepsis; s/s: hypotension, decreased UO, tachycardia
Type of ARF; Kidney damage d/t acute tubular nephrosis, infection, toxins;S/S: oliguria, anuria, HTN, SOB
Type of ARF; Obstruction to outflow of urine; S/S: Lethargy, signs of uremia
Post renal
Nephrotoxic drugs and radiocontrast dies cause what type of acute renal failure ARF
Intrarenal failure
100-400 ml in 24 hr / decreased urine output
> 2000 ml in 24 hr; increased urine output
Less than 100 ml in 24 hr
Painful urination
Chronic renal failure dietary restrictions
- Protein
- Fluid
- K
- Na
- P high causes hypocalcemia and osteodystrophy - take phosphate binder - Amphojel (constipation)
Increased Na, K, P, Mg; low Ca; metabolic acidosis - Kussmaul respiration ; hypertension, hyperlipidemia, HF, pericarditis, anemia, uremia.
Chronic kidney disease - ESKD ( GFR<15)
Halitosis, stomatitis, anorexia, N&V, peptic ulcers, pruritus, uremic frost, bruises
Type of dialysis; uses the principles of diffusion and ultrafilteration; access: fistula, graft, dialysis cath (Quinton)
Hemodialysis; to check potency
Palpate for the thrill; auscultate for the bruit
Disequilibrium syndrome, muscle cramps, hemorrhage, air embolus, hemodynamic complications (hypotension, anemia),cardiac dysrhythmias are complications of …
Type of dialysis ; uses the principles of diffusion and osmosis ; instilled into the peritoneal cavity via permanent indwelling catheter ; sterile technique (wear mask)
Peritoneal dialysis
Peritonitis, Bleeding, Leakage, Abdominal hernias are complications of …
Peritoneal dialysis
S/s: hematuria, facial edema, fluid overload, SOB, proteinuria; DX: GFR, ASO titer ( strep bacteria)
Acute glomerulonephritis
S/s: hypertension, fatigue, occasional edema; decreased kidney function
Chronic glomerulonephritis
S/s: flank/back pain, fever, N/V, burning, urgency ; DX: U/A (WBS, C&S)
Acute pyelonephritis
S/s: hypertension, Na excretion, nocturia; DX: U/A
Chronic pyelonephritis
Microbial infection that invade kidneys in the renal pelvis
Presence of calculi ( stones) in the urinary tract
Urolithiasis (urinary calculi )