Male reproduction Flashcards
Sperm production
Descent by gubernaculum
Reside in the scrotum
Spermatic cord
testicular arteries pampiniform venous plexus lymphatics vas deferens & autonomic supply Genital branch of genitofemoral n.
shortens thereby pulling the testis into scrotum
Superficial Facia -> testes
Dartos muscle
Shrivels scrotum when cold
External oblique -> testes
External Spermatic fascia
Internal oblique -> testes
Cremaster muscle
raises testicle
Transversalis Fascia -> testes
Internal Spermatic fascia
Peritoneum -> testes
Tunical Vanginalis
pulled into scrotum
Inguinal hernia
intestines into tunica vaginalis
Vas deferens
within spermatic cord
connects testes with the seminal vesicles & ejaculatory ducts
Prostate gland
contains urethra and ejaculatory duct
chestsized organ
Bulbourethral glands
lubricates urethra during excitement
neutralizes acidity
Digital rectal exam
prostate easily accessible through anus
palpate shape and size
Screening important for early detection of cancer
Male urethra
passage for urine and semen
external urethral orifice (meatus) is exit from the glans penis
Ejaculatory duct drains into the prostatic urethra
Penile neurovasculature
dorsal nerve deep dorsal vein dorsal artery deep artery helicine artery
pudendal nerve
to dorsal nerve of penis
internal pudendal artery
to deep artery of penis
dorsal artery of penis
within seminiferous tubule
produces male gametes
mitosis and meiosis
Streamlining process
matures sperm
forms a tail
Enter Meiosis 1
primary spermatocyte
End meiosis 1
secondary spermatocyte
meiosis 2 completed
Head - Acrosome - Nucleus Midpiece - mitochondria Tail - flagellum
GnRH increase LH & FSH
stimulate sertoli cells -> stimulate spermatognia
stimulate leydig cells -> testosterone
testes 5% - sperm seminal vesicles 45~80% - fructos - prostaglandins prostate 15~35% - citric acid - enzymes and protease bulbourethral glands 2~5% - mucoid substance
Erection neural control
PSNS efferentes S2-4
Ejaculation neural control
SNS efferents T12-L2
Somatic efferents S2-4
PSNS efferents S2-4
inhibits PDE5
PDE5 inhibits cGMP for cavernous artery
inhibition of PDE5 uninhibits cGMP for vasodiation of cavernous artery
Penile prosthesis
saline filled reservoir
hand pump in scrotum
cylinders in place of corpus cavernosa
seminal emission
dorsal nerve (pudendal S2-4) receives afferent stimulation Lumbar SNS + Sacral PSNS smooth muscle contraction of prostate, seminal muscles and vas deferens transports semen into the proximal urethra
semen in proximal urethra
dorsal n of penis
Lumbar SNS - internal urethral sphincter contracts
Involuntary rhythmic contraction of the ischiocavernous, bulbosponginous and other perineal muscles
internal urethral sphincter
- semen enteres prostatic urethra
- internal urethral sphincter contracts
- forward flow ejaculation
- internal urethral sphincter is paralyzed
- backwards flow ejaculation