Male Infertility Flashcards
how many sperm per mL?
60 million
how many mL of sperm per ejaculation?
2.5 mL
which organs involved?
KID (essence)
LIV (flow Qi)
Western causes
1) sexual dysfunction (impotence, seminal/nocturnal emission, low libido, premature ejaculation)
2) spermatopathy (oligospermia-low concentration, azoospermia-no sperm, cacospermia)
3) congenital/aquired problems of the genitals
1) KID Qi xu
2) KID ess xu
3) KID yin xu
4) mingmen fire decline
5) LIV Qi stg
6) D-H in LIV/GB
7) Qi/blood stg
male infertility, nocturnal emission, priapism, night sweats, hot flash, dry mouth, red tongue little coat, thin rapid pulse
KID yin xu
impotence, low sperm count, low libido, pale complexion, lassitude, intolerance to cold, cold hands/feet, profuse clear urine, freq/night urine, slow weak pulse, pale puffy tongue
Mingmen fire decline
Mingmen fire decline pp
DU-20, RN-6, DU-4
premature ejaculation, low sperm count, dizziness, tinnitus, sore weak lumbar/knees, freq urination, dribbling urine, pale tongue thin white coat, deep thin thready pulse
KID Qi xu
KID Qi xu pp
UB-52, K-3,
absence of ejaculation, priapism, distension of low ab/scrotum, fullness in chest, depression, restlessness, dark purple tongue with spots, choppy pulse
Qi/blood stg
poor sperm quality/quantity, impotence, low libido, lassitude, tinnitus, dizziness, poor memory, sore weak lumber knees, deep thin weak pulse, pale tongue
KID ess xu
KID ess xu pp
RN-6, DU-20, K-3, ST-36,
impotence, swollen pain in testes, itchy wet scrotum, bloody sperm, impotence, priapism, bitter taste, dry throat, restlessness, scanty yellow urine, red tongue yellow greasy coat, wiry rapid pulse
D-H in LIV/GB pp
SP-9, LIV-5, RN-3