Hyperthyroidism Flashcards
western tx
prescription drugs, surgery
1) mental injury
2) diet
3) constitution
* similar to goiter but has more heat signs
main symptoms
sudden weight loss, tachycardia, increased appetite, nervousness/anxiety/irritability, tremor, sweating, changes in menstrual/bowel patterns
differential diagnosis symptoms
1) hyper-metabolism (hot, always sweating)
2) agitation, swollen gland
3) exopthlamos (bulging eyes)
1) LIV Qi stg with PH
2) LIV fire
3) XU fire
4) Qi/yin xu
basic points
ST-9/10, LI-4/17/18, RN-22, ST-40, PC-6
large or small goiter, possible nodules, possible exopthalmos, listlessness, fatigue, SOB, dizziness, tinnitus, palpitations, emaciation, dry rough eyes with possible distended feeling, pale lusterless complexion with possible malar flush, restlessness, insomnia, impaired memory, fry mouth/throat, sweating, tremors of hands/tongue, poor appetite, ab distension, loose stool
Qi/yin xu
Qi/yin xu points
marked goiter swelling which is soft not painful, possible nodules, exopthalmos, restlessness, palpitations, insomnia, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, tongue/hand shaking/trembling, bad dreams, flushed face, aversion to heat, profuse sweating, dry mouth with bitter taste, polyphagia
LIV fire
LIV fire points
GB-20/34/41, LIV-2
goiter, swelling in fron tof neck which is soft and painful, possible nodules, depression, irritability, full chest/hypochondriac, frequent sighing, suspicion, bed dreams, frequent defication
LIV Qi stg with PH
LIV Qi stg with PH points
LIV-3, ST-36, RN-12/17
Thyroid enlargement, exopthalmos, restlessness, palpitations, insomnia, bad dreams, dizziness, blurred vision, lassitude, shaking hands, emaciation, 5 palm heat, night sweats, dry mouth/throat, polyphagia, low back/knee soreness/weakness
XU fire
XU fire points
SP-6, K-3/7, HT-7
PP bulging eyes
UB-10, GB-20, UB-1/2