Male breast conditions Flashcards
What is gynaecomastia?
Gynaecomastia refers to the enlargement of the glandular breast tissue in males.
Male breast enlargement is relatively common, particularly in adolescents and older men (aged over 50 years).
How does gynaecomastia typically occur?
Generally caused by a hormonal imbalance between oestrogen and androgens (e.g., testosterone), with higher oestrogen and lower androgen levels.
Raised oestrogen stimulates breast development, whilst androgens have an inhibitory effect on breast development.
An excess of what hormone can result in breast development?
Prolactin is a hormone that also stimulates glandular breast tissue development (as well as breast milk production). Therefore, raised prolactin (hyperprolactinaemia) can cause gynaecomastia.
What has an inhibitory effect on prolactin?
Dopamine antagonists (e.g., antipsychotic medications) block dopamine production, which can allow prolactin levels to rise and cause gynaecomastia and galactorrhea (breast milk production).
Cause of gynaecomastia?
Idiopathic (unknown cause)
Gynaecomastia may be caused by conditions that increase oestrogen, what are some examples of these?
Obesity (aromatase is an enzyme found in adipose tissue that converts androgens to oestrogen)
Testicular cancer (oestrogen secretion from a Leydig cell tumour)
Liver cirrhosis and liver failure
Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) secreting tumour, notably small cell lung cancer
Apart from conditions that increase oestrogen , gynaecomastia can also be caused by conditions that lower testosterone. What are some examples of these?
Testosterone deficiency in older age
Hypothalamus or pituitary conditions that reduce LH and FSH levels (e.g., tumours, radiotherapy or surgery)
Klinefelter syndrome (XXY sex chromosomes)
Orchitis (inflammation of the testicles, e.g., infection with mumps)
Testicular damage (e.g., secondary to trauma or torsion)
About 2% of patients with gynaecomastia present with a Leydig testicular tumour. True/false?
Medications and drugs that can cause gynaecomastia?
Anabolic steroids (raise oestrogen levels)
Antipsychotics (increase prolactin levels)
Digoxin (stimulates oestrogen receptors)
Spironolactone (inhibits testosterone production and blocks testosterone receptors)
Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists (e.g., goserelin used to treat prostate cancer)
Opiates (e.g., illicit heroin use)
A large number of gynaecomastia cases are idiopathic however what is a common cause in young men presenting to clinic?
Anabolic steroids (raised oestrogen levels)
How is gynaecomastia different from breast enlargement due to obesity (pseudogynaecomastia)?
On palpation, there will be firm tissue behind the areolas in gynaecomastia, representing growth of the gland and duct tissue. This is different to simple adipose (fat) tissue, which is soft and more evenly distributed.
For gynaecomastia, what key aspects of the history are looked at?
Age of onset, duration and change over time
Associated sexual dysfunction (indicating low testosterone)
Any palpable breast lumps or skin changes (exclude breast cancer)
Associated symptoms that may indicate the cause (e.g., testicular lumps or symptoms of hyperthyroidism)
Prescription medication (e.g., antipsychotics, spironolactone or GnRH agonists)
Use of anabolic steroids, illicit drugs or alcohol
For gynaecomastia, what key aspects are looked at for the examination
True gynaecomastia versus simple adipose tissue
Unilateral or bilateral
Any palpable lumps, skin changes or lymphadenopathy (exclude breast cancer)
Body mass index (BMI)
Testicular examination (e.g., lumps, atrophy or absence)
Signs of testosterone deficiency (e.g., reduced body and pubic hair)
Signs of liver disease (e.g., jaundice, hepatomegaly, spider naevi and ascites)
Signs of hyperthyroidism (e.g., sweating, tachycardia and weight loss)
How are investigations for gynaecomastia determined?
By history and examination findings
What blood tests can be done for gynaecomastia?
Renal profile (U&Es)
Liver function tests (LFTs)
Thyroid function tests (TFTs)
Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG)
Prolactin (hyperprolactinaemia)
Luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Alpha-fetoprotein and beta-hCG (testicular cancer)
Genetic karyotyping (if Klinefelter’s syndrome is suspected)
What imaging tests can be used for gynaecomastia?
Breast ultrasound (may help assess the extent of gynaecomastia)
Mammogram (if cancer is suspected)
Biopsy (if cancer is suspected)
Testicular ultrasound (if cancer is suspected)
Chest x-ray (if lung cancer is suspected)
Management of gynaecomastia?
Dependant on the underlying cause.
Stopping a causative drug (e.g., anabolic steroids or spironolactone) will usually resolve the symptoms. Patients may be referred to the specialist breast clinic where the cause is unclear or cancer is suspected.
In problematic cases of gynaecomastia (e.g. pain or psychological distress), what are some treatment options?
Tamoxifen (a selective oestrogen receptor modulator that reduces the effect of oestrogen on the breast tissue)
What medication is associated with gynaecomastia?