malaria Flashcards
when do malaria symptoms that include fever, chills and sweating start?
malaria parasite initially enters liver where it replicates. the parasites are then released into circulation and enter RBC where they proliferate and cause the blood cells to rupture. **symptoms coincide with the rupture of the RBC
release of Plasmodium ……….. parasite from ruptured RBC occurs every 48 hrs
which causes fever to occur every …………..?
………… may be present in patient w malaria. could be due to ruptured RBC, inflammation of the liver caused by parasite, or consequence of using anti-malarial medication
………….. blood smear is examined for the presence of malaria parasite
with which type of plasmodium parasite may relapse malaria due to the presence of dormant forms of the parasite in the liver?
P. vivax and P. ovale
The mosquito , called …………, carries the parasite
……………, which transmits the disease ………….
Plasmodium …………., which normally infects macaques(type of monkeys), is known to
cause zoonotic malaria in Southeast Asia
there’s a correlation b/w malaria and ….?
plasmodium vivax requires special antigen on the RBC called ………….. in order to infect the RBC. those who have …………. disease lack this antigen so they are protected from malaria
duffy antigen
sickel cell anemia
while the plasmodium parasite is in the mosquito, it’s in the stage known as …………..
when the plasmodium parasite is transmitted into the blood circulation then to the liver, they multiply asexually and turn into …………..
which type of plasmodium can go dormant in the liver? and what do they become called as? and phase are they in?
P. ovale and P.vivax Hypnozoites (don't divide) Exoerythrocytic phase (bcz they are not in RBC)
which merozoite(plasmodium in liver)invade which of the following RBC:
1) RBC of all ages:
2) Reticulocytes(young RBC):
3) older RBC:
1) P.ovale and P.falciparum
2) P.vivax
3) P.malariae and P.knowlesi
Continuous cycling or delayed multiplication in the liver (hypnosoites) may cause periodic relapse over several years (1–2 years in P. ovale, 3–5 years in P. vivax). Relapse does not occur with ..................
P. Falciparum.
In the erythrocytic cycle, with successive
broods of merozoites appearing at :
every 72hrs (3days)(quartan malaria) (P. ……..)
or 48hr(2days) intervals (tertian malaria)(P……., P……….)
or every 24hrs (P. ………)
P.ovale, P.vivax,
What is Schizont in malaria?
a cell formed from a trophozoite during the asexual stage of the life cycle of sporozoan protozoans, such as the malaria parasite.
P. ………….infects RBCs of all ages and causes high levels of parasitemia;
what are the clinical findings for someone with malaria
inc respiratory rate enlarged spleen enlarged liver anemia MILD jaundice perspiration(sweating) fever
what is the main symptom for malaria?
multiple merozoites in RBC
in which type of plasmodium do trophozoites (ring shape) appear?
the crescent/banana shaped gametocytes appear in which plasmodium ?
schuffner dots appear in which plasmodium?
P.vivax and P.ovale
in malaria the form of plasmodia transmitted from mosquito to human is …..?
Which of the following regions of the world has the highest
burden of severe P. falciparum malaria?
sub-saharan africa
Maurer’s dots and trophozoite rings are observed in which type of plasmodium?
schuffner’s dots pigments are observed in which type of plasmodium?
P.vivax and P.ovale