Anatomy Flashcards
Joints between ribs and sternum ………..
Sternocostal joints (synchondrosis)
What connects the sternum to the manubrium and costal cartilage and is present in the manubriosternal joint?
Intraarticular sternocostal ligament
Joints between ribs and vertebrae?
Costovertebral joints
The joint of head of rib is what type of joint and what does it connect?
Plane joint
Connects joints b/w ribs and vertebrae (Costovertebral joints)
What is the name of the joint that connects the sternum to the costal cartilage?
Sternocostal joint
During breathing, the dimensions of the thorax change in the vertical, lateral, and anteroposterior directions due to the ………
Elevation and depression of the ………….. significantly alter the vertical dimensions of the thorax
Diaphragm contracts: ……
Diaphragm relaxes:…..
Inspiration (depression of the diaphragm)
Expiration (elevation of the diaphragm)
This “pump handle” movement changes the dimensions of the thorax in the ……….l direction.
What is the movement of the ribs while inspiration and expiration?
- Anteroposterior.
- Inspiration: when the ribs are elevated, they move the sternum upward and forward.
- Expiration: When the ribs are depressed, the sternum moves downward and backward.
The cavity between the 2 lungs is known as?
Facia(film that covers the muscle)+bony structure=
Thoracic cavity
What are the borders of the superior thoracic apparture(thoracic inlet)?
Laterally: first thoracic bone(costa), first costal cartilage, first thoracic vertebrae, manubrium
Anteriorly: sternum, jugular notch (suprasternal notch) of sternum
Cervical ribs are present in approximately 1% of the population.
What is the consequence of this congenital error?
Cervical rib may compress the subclavian artery
,…………. It is the thin layer that seperates the parietal pleura from the thoracic wall
Endothoracic fascia
Which muscle is the most active during inspiration, moves ribs upward?
External intercostal muscle
Which muscle is the most active during expiration, moves ribs inferiorly?which other muscle acts with it?
Internal intercostal muscle, inner most intercostal muscle aids in expiration
the costal groove is present on the
Inferior surface of ribs
Which muscles are needed for quiet expiration?
None, expiration results from passive recoil of lungs
Which muscles are needed for active expiration?
Internal intercostal m
Innermost intercostal m
Abdominal m
What are some features of sternal angle?
- Level of 2nd costal rib
- Manubriosternal joint, which is a cartilaginous joint
- T4 level vertebrae
Thoracic wall is supplied by
……………………… and …………….
anterior intercostal arteries and
posterior intercostal arteries
what are the branches of costocervical trunk?
[left subclavian artery]–>costocervical trunk–>supreme intercostal artery–>1st-2nd posterior intercostal artery
1st and 2nd posterior intercostal artery originates from which trunk?
costocervical trunk
what are the branches of the thoracic aorta?
A: arch of aorta B: brachiocephalic trunk C: left common carotid artery S: left subclavian artery \+ Bronchial artery , Esophageal artery, superior phrenic artery
•In each intercostal space, the anterior intercostal arteries usually have two
branches anteriorly:
–>One passes below the
margin of the upper rib
–>The other passes above
the margin of the lower rib
and meets and connects with …………….
posterior intercostal artery
The ascending aorta has two small branches. These are the major Coronary Arteries that supply oxygen-rich blood to the ………
The ascending aorta, along with the aortic arch and the descending aorta, makes up the …………….
thoracic aorta.
The ascending aorta carries oxygenated blood from the ……… ventricle to the rest of your body.
name where do each of the ascending, descending, and abdominal aortas start and end
- ->ascending aorta ends at the sternal angle
- ->descending aorta starts at sternal angle and ends at L5
- ->abdominal aorta extends below the diaphragm`
what are the branches of internal thoracic artery ()?
musculophrenic artery and superior epigastric artery
what is the only artery that goes to the inferior part of the thorax?
internal thoracic artery(6th lvl)
…………… is the lowest pair of branches from the thoracic aorta located inferior to rib XII
Subcostal artery
intercostal vein, artery, nerve–> located in …………–> which is between internal intercostal and innermost intercostal muscles
costal groove
what are the right sided veins?
right brachiocephalic vein–>azygos vein
right superior intercostal vein–>azygos vein
posterior intercostal vein–>azygos vein
12th subcostal vein–> azygos vein
what are the left sided veins?
accessory hemiazygos vein
hemiazygos vein
•Azygos vein drain into
…………………… at T4
superior vena cava
what do the intercostal nerves innervate?
**Parietal Pleura
intercostal muscles
periosteum of ribs
•One of the important anatomical landmark used
to evaluate the thoracal and abdominal location
of the organs during the physical examination is
the sternal angle. Sternum articulates with which
of the following bones at this angle?
2nd rib
•Intercostalis supreme artery that supply the first
two intercostal spaces is the branch of which of
the following arteries?
costocervical trunk
where in the mediastinum are infections and neoplasms emerge?
posterior mediastinum
from where do left/right coronary arteries arise from?
ascending aorta
what do the left/right coronary arteries supply?
supply oxygenated blood to myocardium of heart
the bifurcation of trachea occurs at what level? and which part of mediastinum?
middle mediastinum
the …………..comes posterior to the mediastinum?
what artery emerge from thoracic aorta?
posterior intercostal artery
Azygose vein drain into …………….. at T4
(posterior of) superior vena cava
what are the contents of anterior mediastinum?
1) connective tissue
2) lymph node
3) thymus residues
4) mediastinal branches of internal thoracic artery
phrenic nerve is located at which side of the heart? and passes by which opening?
right/left side
caval opening
which larynx nerves pass posterior to subclavian artery (branch of thoracic aorta)?
recurrent laryngeal nerve
what does the right superior intercostal vein drain into?
azygose vein
what are the contents of middle mediastinum?
heart& pericardium
ascending aorta
pulmonary trunk
inferior part of superior vena cava
end of azigose vein
phrenic nerve
pericardiophrenic artery and vein
TB.PB.CP.L: Trachial bifurcation r./l. primary bronchus cardiac plexus lymph node
There are vessels in the …………..layer: the coronary arteries and cardiac veins that supply the heart
The …………………… muscle is lined internally by the endothoracic fascia and
parietal pleura.
innermost intercostal muscle
phrenic nerve supplies?
diaphragm, pericardium of heart
what sinus is formed by the reflection onto the pulmonary veins of heart, [is a recess formed by the reflection of the serous pericardium around the venae cava and the four
pulmonary veins]
oblique pericardial sinus
which sinus separates arteries from veins and is a passage between the reflection of the serous pericardium around the ascending aorta and the pulmonary trunk and the reflection around the great veins?
transverse pericardium sinus
posterior intercostal veins drain into the ……………..
azygos or hemiazygos veins
anterior intercostal veins drain into the ………………..
internal thoracic
and musculophrenic veins.
apex is which part of the heart ?
left ventricle
the Base(back of heart) is which part of the heart?
right/left atrium
The coronary sinus opens into the ………….
right atrium
which vena cava has a valve and what are their features
they both open into right atrium
The superior vena cava has no valve.
The inferior vena cava, which actually is larger than the superior vena cava, has a
rudimentary valve
3rd-11th posterior intercostal arteries originates from which trunk?
descending thoracic aorta