Malaikah And Akirah Flashcards
What is malaikah?
What is the nature of angels?
They are made of light (nur)
They have wings
They are sexless but some passages suggest they’re male
They have no free will although there is debate because Iblis disobeyed god by refusing to bow to Adam and became shaytan. He believed angels were better than Adam
What does the Hadith say about angels?
Angels were created from intellect, beasts created from sensuality, and humans created from both.
When we act from intellect we are better than angels, when we act from sensuality we are as bad as beasts
What is the role of angels?
They are intermediaries
Help humans understand god’s message as they are closer and not of human form
We need angels but they don’t need us
They’re god’s creation to help us understand
Who are some important angels?
Jibril Mikail Izra’il Israfil Munkar and nakir Raqib and atid
Who is Jibril?
Most important, told muhammed the message of allah and took him on his night journey, he removed the black speck of potential future sin from infant muhammed’s heart, responsible for human speech
Who is Mikail?
also cleansed muhammeds heart, oversees mundane matters, ensuring rainfall for crops, human memory
Who is izra’il?
angel of death, 3rd archangel, gigantic, lots of wings and feet, eyes and tongues, claims the souls of the departed and stores them until judgement, human ability to write
Who is israfil?
last archangel, giant, feet beneath earth and head in the heavens, 4 wings one facing each direction, will sound the trumpet on the day of judgement, human ability to think
Who are munkar and nakir?
They are black with blue eyes
They question men in the grave about their faith
Who are raqib and atid
Recording angels
They sit in your shoulders and write down each action good and bad
On the day of judgement the books are weighed and the heavier one determines where you go
What is Akirah?
Belief in the afterlife and the day of judgement
When is the day of judgement?
Only god knows
What happens on the day of judgement?
Israfil sounds the horn The dead are raised from their graves and will stand naked before god in the plains of Arafat God hands you the book of life In your right hand you go to paradise In your left you go to hell
What are signs of akirah?
Reversal of the order of nature (sun rising in east)
The world will become evil as it’s taken over by the dajjal
Isa will return and defeat dajjal (beast)
What happens after your death?
49 days before death, a leaf with your name on falls from the tree beneath allah
Izra’il extracts your soul and questions you in your faith
The devil tempts you to abandon your faith
Munkar and nakir interrogate you
You are punished as everyone has committed some sin
How is heaven described?
Surah 47:15 “rivers of water incorruptible” rivers of milk, wine, honey Death doesn’t exist Every fruit is available No idle talk or sinful speech Paradise
How is hell described?
Surah 44:43-46 “the food of the sinful- like molten brass it will boil in their insides”
Full of hypocrites, polytheists, sinners, immoral people
Guarded by 19 fierce angels
Chains, fire
A bottomless pit of boiling water