Mahfouz - Neighbourhood Stories Flashcards
Morn, very early morning
وَتَد (s) عَامودْ
Wedge, stake
Implanted, entrenched
مَرْبوط (s) مَدْفُون
أُرْمِق (v1) يَرْمُقْ (v2) رَمَقَ
Take a look, stare
Exude, gets wet
يَتَحَلَب (v2) تَحَلَب
Exude, gets wet
Sofa, couch
تُمَشِطْ (v2) مَشَطَ
Comb, style the hair, coiffure the hair
بَاهِر (s) مُدْهِشْ
Splendid, dazzling, glamorous
Enormity, size- means here: in size of
تَرْتَعِب (s) تَخَافْ
To be horrified, to be frightened
فتَرْمُقنى (s) تنظُر الىِ
She looks to me
فتَرْمُقنى (v2) رَمَقَنى
She looks to me
Champion, hero
دَلِك لِى (v1) يُدَلِك
Massage, rub
ظَهْرِى (p/s) ظُهُورْ-أظْهُر
My back
اُشَمِر (v2) شَمَرَ
roll up my sleeves
Overflowing, full
Dianthus caryophyllus, carnation, clove pink
Mumble, mutter, stutter
عَفْرِيت (p/s) عَفَاريت
Imp, goblin, demon
الكَتكوت (p/s) كَتَاكِيت
Fluent, eloquent
Massage, rubdown
رَبنا (s) إلَهُنا
Good, Allah, our lord
يِحفَظْك (v2) حَفَظَك
Save you
See you
النْكَابْ (s) الأكتاف
المَكْشْوفَة (s) ظَاهِرَة
Uncovered, exposed,
Return, pass back
أتَشَبَث (v1) يَتَشَبَث (v2) تَشَبَث
Hang on, means here: insist on staying
Go further, go too far
Humor, joking
مُعَاتِبة (s) لائِمة
مِهذارَة (s) مَرِحَة
Funny, likes joking
مِهذارَة (v1) يُهَزِر (v2) هَزَرَ
Funny, likes joking
Gleeful, Jaunty
لَمْ تَنزَلِق لسُوءْ
Means here: never done a bad thing or major sin
تُدمِن (v2) أَدمَنْ
Addict, addicted to
مُنيرة المِهدِية
That’s a singer’s name
أَرْمَلَة (p/s) أَرَامِلْ
مُشَاجَرة (p/s) مُشاَجَرَات
تَتَنَهَدْ (v2) تَنَهَدْ
Sighs, moans
يَرْعَاَكْ (v2) رَعَاك
Takes care of you, Watching over you
يَشْفِييكْ (v2) شَفَاك
Heals, cures you
gets thinner, becomes very slim
مُذْهِلَة (s) مُدْهِشَة
Astonishing, staggering, startling
يَتَرَهَلْ (v2) تَرَهَل
to be or become flabby
طَيَاتْ (v2) طَيَة
Folds, the folds of, layers
خَاويَة (s) فاَرِغة
Group of rituals used to expel demons, exorcism
المَشْهُودْ (s) المُنْتَظَر
يْكتَظ (s) يَمْتَلىء- يَزْدَحِم
يَعبَقْ (s) يَمْتَلىء
يَعبَقْ (v2) عَبَقَ
Chorus- means here: group
يكتَنِفُهُن الغُمُوض
They seem mysterious
عَرْش (p/s) عُرُوش
مُزَرْكَشة (s) مَزَخرفة
Bobble, decorated
تَتَدَلىَ (s) تَتَعَلَق
Hanging, dangling, flowing
تَتَدَلىَ (v2) تَدَلَى
Hanging, dangling, flowing
عَنَاقيد (p/s) عَنْقُودْ
Grapes, Clusters
الخَرَز (p/s) خَرَزَة
مَنْقُوعَة (s) مَغْسول
Soaked, saturated
وِعَاء (p/s) أَوْعِيَةْ
Receptacle, container, can,
الدِفُوف (p/s) دُف
تَهزَج (s) تَشْدُو
تَهزَج (v2) هَزَجَ
الأنَاشِيد (s) الأغَانِى
الأنَاشِيد (p/s) النَشِيد
Means here: filled
تّذُوب (s) تَتَبَخَر
تّذُوب (v2) ذَاب
تَلتَوى (v2) إِلْتَوَى
جَلجَلَت (s) إرتَفَعَت
زَغرُودة (p/s) زَغَارِيِد
Has no match in English, but we use this word to refer to a sound Arabian women make with their tongues in happy occasions
جَزَع (s) لَوَع- قَلَقْ
send off, see off, say goodbye
My eyes
الدامعَتان (s) بَاكِيَتَان
تَتَأرْجَح (s) تَتَمايل
Swings(verb), shakes
تَلمَحْنى (s) تَرَانىِ
Glimpses me, sees me, sights me
To us
تِيزَة (s) جّدَة
Our grandmother
بِلاَد الوَاق الوَاق
Idiom that means ; very far land or country
.” عَبِقَالطِّيبُبِهِ “ : لَزَقَبِهِ .
4 .” عَبِقَبِالْمَكَانِ “ : أَقَامَبِهِ .
” عَبِقَبِالشَّيْءِ “ : أُولِعَبِهِ،عَلِقَبِهِبِشِدَّةٍ .
to be full of
to be redolent of
to be fragrant
الجذر: سرر - المجال: عــام ) : سِرًّا)
privily - personally or privately
( الجذر: رقق - المجال: مشاعروعواطف ) : نُعُومَة
- bluff, hearty pleasantness of manner; good nature; geniality
- the state or quality of being smooth
- smoothness; tenderness
- delicacy,slenderness
- softness; fineness; mellowness.
اِحْتَسَى ( الجذر: حسو - المجال: أطعمةوأشربة ) : شَرِبَ , رَشَفَ
- take a liquid into the mouth and swallow
- drink in one or more small amounts or by spoonfuls
داعَبَ ( الجذر: دعب - المجال: عــام ) : مازَحَ , لاعَبَ
- coax or humour (a person) in a friendly way; chaff; banter
- speak playfully or jokingly .
- to gently touch someone showing love or to dandle
- to dandle or baby (a child )
- to pamper (a child)
- be friendly to
- to flirt with
- jest with ; joke with .
- make fun with ; trifle with .
- play with, joke with
- play with or trifle with .
اِحْتَسَى ( الجذر: حسو - المجال: أطعمةوأشربة ) : شَرِبَ , رَشَفَ
- take a liquid into the mouth and swallow
- drink in one or more small amounts or by spoonfuls
• رَبَتَعلىكتفِهرَبَّتَ؛ضربهعليهضربًاخفيفًاليهدأ .
مَنْكِب ( الجذر: نكب - المجال: جسمالإنسان ) : كَتِف , عاتِق
shoulder - the part of the body at which the arm is attached
( الجذر: حنن - المجال: مشاعروعواطف ) : عَطْف , شَفَقَة
- feeling of fondness; love; tenderness; warmth; attachment
- attachment; fondness; kindness; tenderness; warmth
- bending
- act of consideration or looking after someone
- mercy ; mildness(of temper or weather)
- state of expressing or feeling pity(for)
- pity,feeling for the suffeing of others,prompting one to give help
- sympathy,emotion
أَغْفَل , أَهْمَل
, Turned a blind eye
( الجذر: عبث - المجال: فلسفة ) : عَبَثِيّ ( فلسفة )
absurd - completely stupid and unreasonable; ridiculous
( الجذر: زجر - المجال: عــام ) : اِنْتَهَرَ , نَهَرَ
زَجَرَ ( الجذر: زجر - المجال: عــام ) : مَنَعَ , نَهَى
- to rebuke;speak angrily to
- discourage;hinder
- express sharp or severe disapproval to somebody
- rebuke somebody (for a fault, etc)
- criticize somebody or oneself, especially for failing to do something
- blame or rbuke somebody; censure
- severe scold or reprimand .
- chide or reproach (a person)
( الجذر: وعد - المجال: عــام ) : تَهْدِيد
- blustering talk and behaviour; noisy threats
- threat;menace;the threatening of divine vengeance
- danger; threat
- a declaration of an intention to punish or hurt.
- making a threat or threats against
مِن بلاَد الشَّام : سُوريَا
The Syrian
جَدْوَى ( الجذر: جدو - المجال: عــام ) : فائِدَة , نَفْع
- benefit; profit; gain
- use; profit; help
- the state of being feasible
- the act of gaining or increase in wealth; porfit; advantage or increase in amount or power
- benefit; usefulness; profit
- goodness or fitness
- benefit or gain or returns
- using or being used or value or advantage; usefulness
- the state of being useful
نِيَّة ( الجذر: نوي - المجال: عــام ) : قَصْد , طَوِيَّة
- will or intention
- the consciousness within oneself of the choice one ought to make between right and wrong
- purpose, aim
- intent, purpose
- things that one intends to do
- inward thoughts; inner most feelings
- the exercise of the will or the power of willing
walk , stroke
الجذر: حجج - المجال: عــام ) : مُعْتَرِضاً)
- someone who gives,sends,is a challenge to
- being a challenge
- a person who express opposition to something
- objecting or protester
- protesting or challenging
- rejecting, resisting; unwilling; disagreeing
- person who objects, rejects, disagrees, etc
- one who protests against something
- one who opposes to something
- opposing to something; protesting
- protester; remonstrator; demurrer
صارَ ( الجذر: صير - المجال: عــام ) : أَصْبَحَ , باتَ
wax - pass into a specified state or mood
طرقة / دقة / يطرق
أَوْمَأَ ( الجذر: ومء - المجال: عــام ) : أَشَارَ
- indicate or suggest faintly, in outline or in advance; foreshadow
- advertise, announce or point to something
- to mean:to be a sign of something :indicate
- mark or point out clearly:give a name or title to
- use gestures instead of or in addition to speech
- use gesture to convey feeling or as a rhetorical device
- give a brief look at
- see faintly or partly
- convey indirectly; hint
- point out to
- point out to
- make reference to
- indicate; point to
- to refer to
الكَنَبَة : أَريكةٌ مُنَجَّدةٌ وثيرةٌ تتسع لأكثر من جالس
كَنَبَة ( الجذر: كنب - المجال: عــام ) : مَقْعَد
- a flat roof used as an outdoor living area.
- long seat of wood or stone; work-table at which a shoemaker, etc works
- a bench outside a house used to sit on, etc
- seat with a back and four legs
- plain overcoat or long padded couch with sides and a back
- bed; long-bedlike seat for sitting on or lying on during the day
- a large sofa esp. one that can be made into a bed
- long bench-like seats
(بَسمَلة: ( إسم
قَرَأَ البَسْمَلَةَ : أَيْ قَرَأَ بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
He says Basmalah (In the name of God the Merciful )
سُرُور ( الجذر: سرر - المجال: مشاعر وعواطف ) : فَرَح , بَهْجَة
- lightness of spirits; power to recuperate
- cheerfulness; happiness
- state of gladness or cry or shout of joy or encouragement
- happiness;content
- merry;joyful
- enjoyment:entertainment
- intense feeling of happiness and pleasant excitement
- rejoicing or exultation
- the extroversion of the character in psychology
- state of being extrovert
- joy; gaiety; glee
- great happiness or joy
( الجذر: هرع - المجال: عــام ) : سُرْعَة , إِسْراع
- increase in speed
- great speed
- speed or organized journey with a particular aim
- the state of being quickly
- noun gerund of verb to hasten
- hastiness or rashness
- irritability or testiness
- impetuousness or rashness
- quikness or fastness or hurry
مُتَمَلِّصاً ( الجذر: ملص - المجال: عــام ) : مُتَهَرِّباً
- an artful or cunning person who dodges
- containing false information; dishonest; uncertain
- someone who escapes something or someone
- dodger, evasive
- a person who keeps away from someone or something
- intention of avoiding capture or direct answers
- one who shrikes
- evasive; elusive; dodgy
تُكَبِّلانَني : تُقيِّدَانَني
تَكَبَّلَ ( الجذر: - المجال: عــام ) : تَقَيَّد
to be shackled, fettered, (en)chained, (hand)cuffed, manacled, bound, tied
be bridled
- be shackled
- be fettered
اللَّصْق , مَادَّة رَغَوِيَّة
(stick together, clump together)
مِسْمار ( الجذر: سمر - المجال: عدد وآلات ) : وَتِد
- thin, flat nail with no head or a very small head
- short piece of wood or metal
- a small, sharpened metal spike with a boardened flat head, deriven in with a hammer to join things together
nail , pin,tack
إِسْتَغَثْت ، إِسْتَنْجَدْت
call for help
( الجذر: فصص - المجال: عــام ) : فِلْقَة ( تشريح
( الجذر: ذوب - المجال: عــام ) : تَحَلَّلَ , سالَ
- to become liquid (for a substance)
- to make something solid become part of a liquid
- to become liquid or make something become liquid
- vanis; disappear
- liquefy; dissolve; melt.
- discolour or partly disintegrate by exposure to air; be discoloured or worn in this way
تَحَابَك , تَشَابَك , تَعَقَّد
to tangle , to snarl , to mesh , to knit , to interweave , to intertwist
شائِك ( الجذر: شوك - المجال: صفات ) : ذُو شَوْك
thorny - (of a subject) hard to handle without offence ; problematic .
اِنْسِيَاب ( الجذر: سيب - المجال: عــام ) : تَدَفُّق
- a corpious outpouring ; a stream
- flowing with a large quantity
- a fllowing of
- uncotrolled expression of strong feelings
- outpouring, streaming, gushing
- the noun gerund of verb to flow
- a prosses of flowing or flowing out
- noun gerund of verb (to gush)
- example of gas, etc leaking, or the amount of gas, etc that has leaked
- streaming or flowing
- an outward flow or the amount that flows out
- flow; effusion
- outflowing; effluent; torrential
- noun gerund of verb to stream
بِدَهَاء ,بِذَكَاء , بِخُبْث , بِتَكَتُّم
Archly , shrewdly , slyly , wilily
( الجذر: جسم - المجال: عــام ) : جَسَدِي
My body
الجذر: - المجال: ) : صُلْب )
heart, innermost, core, essence, pith, middle, center, bottom
- the central or innermost part of something
- middle part or point or place of great activity people seek
- central or most important part of anything
- of solid or compact structure
- profoundity, deepness
- restless, or resisting control
- firm and stable in shape
غَوْص ( الجذر: غوص - المجال: عــام ) : غَطْس
diving, dive, plunging, plunge
- plunging;steeping,sinking;dropping
- a jump into the water with your head and arms first
- jumping into the water with your head and arms first
- plunging movement
يَتَطَلَّع إِلَى
aspire to: (aim or strive to)
aim high : literal (try to hit a high target)
مٌفْرِحَة , مُسعِدَة
مُبْهِج ( الجذر: بهج - المجال: صفات ) : سارّ
- bringing or suggesting happiness or happy
- lively;cheerful
- cheerful; lively
- very pleasant,sweet and cheerful
- in high spirits
- very happy and proud
- brings happiness
- feeling happyness and thinking about nothing else
- exulting; triumphant
- strikingly apt; pleasanttly ingenious
- happy and full of fun; light-hearted; cheerful
- pleased; willing or marked by, filled with, or expressing, joy
- delightful; cheerful; pleasant; joyful
فَاتِحا , مُبْعِداً
الفَرْجُ : الشَّقُّ بين الشَّيْئَيْنِ
فرج الشيء : وسعه
فرج بين الشيئين : شق بينهما .
(gap, chasm: wide)
القميص , الثوب المشتمل على الجسد كله
jilbab ( a long , flowing garment)
Night – shirt
Name of a man
أَبْيَض ( الجذر: بيض - المجال: صفات ) : وَضَّاح , مُشْرِق
- shine; dazzling; radiance
- shining; radiant; bright; shining; radiant; brilliant
سافِرة ( الجذر: سفر - المجال: صفات ) : كاشِفَةٌ عن وَجْهِهَا
سافرات : جمع سافِرَةُ
- extremely bad and noticeable
- dressed with no veil; unveiled
مُؤَنَّث : يَنْفُث
ينفث البخار او نحوه نفثا شبيها باللهاث يتلهف ، يتوق ينبض ، يخفق
Pant , expel , erupt , whiff
مَلَاحَة ( الجذر: ملح - المجال: عــام ) : حُسْن
- attractiveness or pleasing quality or something believed to have magic power,good or bad
- the beautiful qualities someone or something has
- prettiness; grace
- excellence, goodness,beauty
- elegance, stylishness
- physical attractiveness or alluring and exciting beauty or charm
- pleasantness; agreeability; agreeableness
- the state of being gorgeous
- attractiveness or an attractive feature or courteous good will
- the state of being graceful
- beauty ; state of being beautiful or delightful
نَقِيّ ( الجذر: نقو - المجال: صفات ) : نَقِيّ : صافٍ , خالِص
fresh atmosphere
- lucid, obvious, pure, or innocent
- made of, like, or clear as crystal
- obvious to the heart or mind;clear
- not mixed with any other substance or without harmful effect or sin
- immaculate, pure
- (for air) pure, untainted, refreshing, invigorating
- bright and clear with sunshine ; free from rain
Name of a man
ذُهُول ( الجذر: ذهل - المجال: عــام ) : اِنْشِدَاه , دَهْشَة , حَيْرَة
- feeling of great surprise
- complete surprise; amazement; awe; bewilderment; wonder
- state of being bewildered
- disorder,being confused
- abstractedness;stupor;absence of mind
- wildness or confusion of mind
- a state of perplexity
- a feeling of being confused
- an emotion excited by what is unexpected, unfamiliar, etc; surprise mingled with admiration or curiosity, etc
- surprise, awe
وَسَط ( الجذر: وسط - المجال: عــام ) : بَيْنَ بَيْنَ , عادِيّ
- standard or level regarded as usual
- middle part or point or place of great activity people seek
- commonplace
- affecting all or most people, places, things or not limited to one part of a person or thing or showing the chief aspects of something or normal
- not very good
- not extreme; limited
- conforming to a standard; regular, usual, typical
- normal; usual
- ordinary; undistinguished
- of the ordinary or usual standard
- (of a region or climate) characterized by mild temperatures.
medial , median , average
غَلِيظ ( الجذر: غلظ - المجال: عــام ) : ثَقِيلُ الدَّمِ أو الظِّلّ , فَظّ
- unkind; showing no feelings or sympathy
- not gentle or calm; moving or acting violently
- (of a person) rough; harsh
- of or like a boor; rough and ill-nannered
- (of speech or behaviour) rough and abrupt; offhand in manner or speech
- surly;mean;impolite
- rude;rough
- (of material) not fine;rough or loose in texture or grain,(of food) common;inferior,or (of persons)vulgar;rude
- hardly polite
- impolite;not showing respect for other people
- slow to understand;stupid;tedious; boring
- barbarous, uncouth
- (of a person, manners, morals) noticeably coarse, unrefined, or disgusting
- (of voice) low and harsh, (of person) having gruffvoice
- severe; cruel ; rough
خاطَبَ ( الجذر: - المجال: ) : كالَمَ، حادَثَ
to address
- to speak to, talk to
- to converse with, discourse with
مُدَاعَبَة ( الجذر: دعب - المجال: عــام ) : مُلاعَبَة , مُزَاح
- playful teasing; banter .
- playful, good-humoured teasing
- attractiveness or pleasing quality or something believed to have magic power,good or bad
- state of being quick-thinking; sharp-witted
- trifling behaviour:flirting for amusement
- lively and wit
- cheerful play; a prank; a merry party; an outburst of gaiety; merriment
- (a source of) lively or playful amusement
- joking; merrymaking
- joke or funny story
- joking; making jests; fooling about; playing or acting trifingly; person doing so
- joking; merry-making
- state of being jocular
- state of being jocund
- noun gerund of verb (to joke)
- the act of joking
مُتَأَثِّر ( الجذر: ءثر - المجال: عــام ) : مُؤَثِّرٌ فِيه
- influenced; moved and touched
- influenced by a certain effect
- affected, influenced
- affected ; moved ; impressed or palpable .
مُبْهَم ( الجذر: بهم - المجال: صفات ) : غامِض
- obscure; ambiguous
- difficult to understand
- having more than one possible meaning; uncertain in meaning or intention; equivocal
- covered with clouds or being not very clear
- difficult to understand or explain;made of different connected parts
- made up of many parts;difficult to do or understand
- secret; with ahidden meaning, or a meaning not easily seen
- with no or very little light or hidden and mysterious
- obscure,vague,ambiguous
- as if happening in a dream; unreal
- rather mysterious or difficult to understand
- ambiguous,mysterious and difficult to understand
- not precise, ambiguous
- that can not be understood
- obscure, ambiguous
بلبلى خون دلى خورد وكلى حاصل كرد
Words has no meaning
الجذر: نذر - المجال: صفات ) : مُنْذِر , بَشِير )
promising well
- showing signs of future success; favourable; promising; prosperous; of good omen
- fortelling of coming good
- preacher of the Gospel
- a sign of something to come
- a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another
- an official messenger bringing news
- an occurrence or object regarded as portending good or evil
- a sign of warning
- sermonizer or admonisher
- sign or omen that something will happen
- bringer of good or bad news
- bringer of good news
(الجذر: - المجال: نباتات) : زَهْرَةُ الشَّجَرَةِ قَبْلَ أَنْ تَتَفَتَّحَ
- young shoots or bud of plants
- leaf, flower or branch, at the beginning of its growth; partly opened flower
- a bud or young shoot
- a shoot of a plant
- young branch or the new growth of a plant
- a bud or small unopened mushroom
باهِر )الجذر: بهر - المجال: صفات:( مُدْهِش
- feeling of great surprise
- so surprising that is hard to believe or extremely good in a surprising and unexpected way
- most wonderful thing; most marvellous
- very good;of very high quality
- beyond what is ordinary
- extravagantly fanciful ; capricious , eccentric
- excellent ; of a notable merit
- richly coloured, sumptuous, magnificent
جمع : بَذْرَة
بَذْرَة ( الجذر: بذر - المجال: زراعة ) : بِزْرَة , نَوَاة
- portion of a living organism capable of becoming a new organism or micro-organism, especially one capable of causing disease
- a small seed
- flowering plant’s unit of reproduction
- seeding; strewing
- a specialized reproductive cell
- the horny central part of various fruits, containing the seeds
غَرَسَ(الجذر: غرس - المجال: زراعة) : زَرَعَ
- to reap (produce) or plant (land) with a crop
- to repare land for crops by ploughing, etc; help crops to grow
- transplant or graft
- plant, culture
- put plants or seeds in the ground
- put seeds in the earth
- sow; plant; raise or rise
- sow; plant; raise
صُحْبَة ( الجذر: صحب - المجال: عــام ) : رِفْقَة , زَمَالَة
- presence, occurrence, attachment with
- occuring, going , being with; escorting; attaching
- action of associating or being associated; being in somebody’s company; friendship; alliance; partnership; union; combination; bond; correlation
- state of being secondary or subordinate
- associates
- good fellowship;friendship
- being together with another or others,persons with whom one spends one’s time,group of persons or guests,or number of persons united for business
- together with another or others
- friendship and loyalty among people who work together
- coexistence or accompaniment
- a person associated with another ; a comrade
- companionship, friendliness
حَرَم ( الجذر: - المجال: ) : زَوْجَة،قَرينَة
wife, spouse
المَأْمُورمَأْمُور ( الجذر: ءمر - المجال: عــام ) : مُفَوَّض
- empowered; enabled; entitled; given authority; or allowed; approved; sanctioned; licensed; warranted; permitted; confirmed
- ordered;instructed
- authorized or empowerd by a commission or ordered (to do something)
- person appointed by a commission to perform a specific task or member of a government commission or representative of authority in a district,etc
- (of a crime) performed or restricted (by financial obligation) or entrusted to
- authorized to be a represantitive
- empowered:authorized
- a person to whom work or authority is deputed:in some couintries a member of the legislative assembly
- given more control over his affairs
- charged with
- invested with power
هَطَلَتهَطَلَ ( الجذر: هطل - المجال: جووفضاء ) : اِنْهَمَرَ
rain heavily
- glide along as a stream
- be poured out
- to fall down in great amount
رَقَّ ( الجذر: رقق - المجال: مشاعروعواطف ) : لانَ
- slavery; servitude
- taking as slaves
- slavery; servitude
- the slavery or subjection
- the condition ofa slave
- the state of being a slave ; slavery .
- sway, dominion or servitude, especially when oppressive
صَفَا ( الجذر: صفو - المجال: عــام ) : كانَصافِيًا
to be free from contamination
- (of water, eyes, etc) to be clear; transparent
- be or become unmixed
الضُّحَىضُحًى ( الجذر: ضحو - المجال: عــام ) : ضَحْوَة
- the part of the day before noon
- a thing offered to a divine being or the presentation of bread to God in the Eucharist
غَمَرَ ( الجذر: - المجال: ) : طَمَّ،غَطَّى،مَلأَ
to flood, overflow, inundate, deluge, drown
- to engulf, gulf, overwhelm, whelm
- to cover, overspread, spread over, suffuse, fill, fill up, pervade
ذَقْنِهَاذَقَن ( الجذر: ذقن - المجال: جسمالإنسان ) : الجُزْء
chin - part of the face below the mouth
وَشْم ( الجذر: وشم - المجال: فنون ) : مايُحْدِثُهُالوَشْمُفي
- a picture or message that is permanently marked on your skin with a needle and ink
- a mark or figure which is tattooed on someone’s skin
- the noun gerund of verb to tattoo
رِيفِيَّةقَرَوِيَّة , امْرَاءَة مِن القَرْيَة
Countrywoman(female who lives in countryside)
غَزِيرَةغَزِير ( الجذر: غزر - المجال: صفات ) : كَثِير , وافِ
be or become (super)plentiful
- more than enough; abundant; plentiful
- plentiful, abundant; producing much
- overflowing with happiness and excitement
- streaming, gushing
- more than enough
- giving or ready to give feerly or free from meanness or prejudice
- of a size, amount, extent, or intensity considerably above the normal or average; big
- of considerable magnitude; wide in range or capacity, comprehensive
- much; numerous
- great in number; consisting in many
- in excessive quantity
- to be sufficient more than one needs
- ample; abundant
نَقِيَّةنَقِيّ ( الجذر: نقو - المجال: صفات ) : نَقِيّ : صافٍ
fresh atmosphere
- lucid, obvious, pure, or innocent
- made of, like, or clear as crystal
- obvious to the heart or mind;clear
- not mixed with any other substance or without harmful effect or sin
- immaculate, pure
- (for air) pure, untainted, refreshing, invigorating
- bright and clear with sunshine ; free from rain
(يرحب بِشَخصٍ ) , أحسَنَ ( أوأكرَمَ ) وِفادَتَهُ , اِحتَفَلَ ( بِذِكرَى , اِستَبشَرَبِـ , اِستَحسَنَ , حَبّذَ , رَحّبَبِـ , كَرّمَ
to welcome
( الجذر: عبث - المجال: فلسفة ) : عَبَثِيّ ( فلسفة )
absurd - completely stupid and unreasonable; ridiculous
طَرِيّ ( الجذر: طرو - المجال: صفات ) : لَيِّن , غَضّ
- slack, relaxed, not tense or tight
- ( of material etc.) pliant ; malleable .
- faint; dim; subdued
- adaptable and flexible
- hanging down ; limp ; flaccid
- hanging losse or wrinkled ; limp, flabby
- able to be bend with out breaking
- supple ; mobile
- full of juice; succulent
- flexible; supple
- not firm or strong
- lithe, supple;(of the body) thin and graceful
- supple, flexible
- strong in growth, lush, abundant
أَطْرَاف الجِسْم
Extremities , Limb , Parts of the body
( الجذر: دفء - المجال: جووفضاء ) : حَرَارَة
warmth, warmness - heat, hotness
- a body temperature above the normal
- the condition of being hot
- the state of having high temperature
- state of being warm
- the act of warming; the state of being warmed; the warmth of the atmosphere, etc
- earnestness or fervour in advancing a cause or rendering service; hearty and persistent endeavour
- glowing condition ; intense heat
مُؤَثِّر ( الجذر: ءثر - المجال: صفات ) : فَعَّال , ذُوتَأْثِير
affecting; influencing
- moving and touching; romantic
- producing the intended results
- producing the intended results
- producing the desired result
- able to work well
- tasting or smelling like fruit; of full rich quality
- powerful, efficacious
- in operation; having effect
- whoever does something or performs an action; effective and active
- applied and used
سَيْر ( الجذر: - المجال: ) : مَشْي،تَحَرّك
walk(ing), march(ing) - motion, movement, moving
سَوَّى ( الجذر: سوي - المجال: عــام ) : رَتَّبَ , ضَبَطَ , عَدَّلَ
- mend , repair
- control the affairs, manage; put into operation, apply
- manage and handle affairs
- arrange something in an attractive way, or put soldiers in position ready for battle
- arrange in sorts or suit and harmonize with
- to place in a category
- arrange ;set in a particular place or place togehter
- to arrange with others
- to do something accurately
- do something accurately and well
- do something perfectly
- make firm or stable; fasten, secure
- arrange; put in order
أشْعَث ( الجذر: شعث - المجال: صفات ) : مَنْتَلَبَّدَشَعْرُهُ
- disordered;untidy;ruffled
- hairy; rough-haired
- having a rumpled hair .
- uncombed, dishevelled
- matted; disheveled; tousled
بَسمَلة: ( إسم )
قَرَأَ البَسْمَلَةَ : أَيْ قَرَأَ بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
He says Basmalah (In the name of God the Merciful )
تَوَارَى ( الجذر: وري - المجال: عــام ) : اِسْتَتَرَ , اِخْتَفَى
be or become hidden
- to hide oneself
- be or become hidden (far from sight);be veiled
- to hide oneself
- be or become concealed
- to become impossible to see or find;to stop existing;to go missing (for a person)
- to change one’s appearance
- to wear a disguise and change your appearance
- be concealed
- put or keep out of sight
- conceal oneself
- be or become hidden or unseen
- take cover; cover oneself
- be or become protected
- move stealthily
: أَريكةٌ مُنَجَّدةٌ وثيرةٌ تتسع لأكثر من جالس
كَنَبَة ( الجذر: كنب - المجال: عــام ) : مَقْعَد
- a flat roof used as an outdoor living area.
- long seat of wood or stone; work-table at which a shoemaker, etc works
- a bench outside a house used to sit on, etc
- seat with a back and four legs
- plain overcoat or long padded couch with sides and a back
- bed; long-bedlike seat for sitting on or lying on during the day
- a large sofa esp. one that can be made into a bed
- long bench-like seats
( الجذر: ثور - المجال: حيوانات ) : ذَكَرالْبَقَر
- uncastrated male of any animal of the ox family; male of large animals
- a bovine animal; especially a large horned domesticated species of cattle
- bull; ox
( الجذر: - المجال: ) : مُرَسّخ
- fixer
- stabilizer
- fastener, fastening
مفرد : سَيْف
سَيْف ( الجذر: سيف - المجال: أسلحة ) : حُسَام
- light thin double-edged sword
- sandy; arenaceous
- a weapon of metal with a long blade
تَقَاطُع ( الجذر: - المجال: ) : تَصَالُب
to intersect, cut, cut across, cross
( الجذر: هرس - المجال: أطعمةوأشربة ) : جَرِيش
Kind of Food
- milled; crushed
- smashed; ground; bruised
- ground grain
- coarsely ground grain, especially hominy
- sruck; beaten; hit
- a mixture of crushed substance
- to be pounded
- to be crushed or beaten
- mass of fine dry particles
- to be crushed or soft
- hammered; struk; knocked
- mashed; crushed
- powdered ; ground .
- milled; crushed
تَشَعَّبَ ( الجذر: شعب - المجال: عــام ) : تَفَرَّعَ
- form a fork; divide
- ( of roads, rivers, boughs of trees, etc) divide into two branches, etc; fork
- be bifurcate(d)
- be or become bifurcate(d)
- send out, divide into branches
- (of a car, road, train, etc) leave a main route and take a minor one
- (of a person, business, firm, etc) expand in a new direction, open new departments or lines of activities
- be or become branched
- be branching
- diverge,branch,separate widely
- proceed in a different direction from the point;take a different course;depart from a set of course
- separate;split or break up;cause disagreement
- ramify; branch
- be branching
- be or become divided into branches
( الجذر: غاز - المجال: صفات ) : مَنْسُوبٌإلىالغاز
- of or like gas
- of or like gas
- filled with air
مُدَلًّى ( الجذر: دلو - المجال: عــام ) : مُسْتَرْسِلإِلَىأَسْفَل
- a thing swinged or hanged loosely
- drooping; dejected,gloomy
- hung or suspended
- dangling; suspended
- suspended; pendent
- hung(down)loosly
- hanging from something
- hanging down loosely
- let down
وَدَاع ( الجذر: ودع - المجال: عــام ) : الوَدَاع , وَدَاعًا
- say goodbye
- goodbye; farewell; so long
- goodbye
- goodbye
- expressing good wishes on parting, ending a telephone conversation, etc
- expressing good wishes on parting, etc
- farewell or valediction
واعِد ( الجذر: وعد - المجال: صفات ) : يُرْجَىخَيْرُهُ , مَرْجُوّ , مَنْظُور
promising - showing signs of being successful in the future
( الجذر: حصر - المجال: أعمالمنزلية ) : بِسَاطٌصَغِير
a mat made of straw
- straw mat
- matt
تِلَاوَة ( الجذر: تلو - المجال: أديان ) : تَرْتِيل
- state of singing (especially an often-repeated tune to which psalms and canticles are fitted)
- praising or celebrating in hymns
- slow recitation
- hymining or modulation
- slow recitation
آيةمنالقرآن : جملةأوجمل،وحدةقرآنيةمنفصلةعمّاقبلهاوبعدهابعلامة { وَإِذَابَدَّلْنَاءَايَةًمَكَانَءَايَةٍوَاللهُأَعْلَمُبِمَايُنَزِّلُقَالُواإِنَّمَاأَنْتَمُفْتَرٍ }
Quranic verses , clear evidences , signs of God
( الجذر: قرع - المجال: عددوآلات ) : مِقْرَعَة : سَوْط
- whip; scourge
- a whip for driving horses
- hit with a whip; the flexible end of a whip
- untannedleather;whip
- a whip or lash
- a lash attached to a stick for urging on animals or punishing, etc; a blow with a whip
- whip for flogging people
تَرَبَّعَ ( الجذر: ربع - المجال: عــام ) : تَرَبَّعَ ( فيجُلُوسِهِ )
to be cross-legged in his legged
مُسْتَقْبَل ( الجذر: قبل - المجال: عــام ) : مابَعْدَالحاضِرِمِنَالزَّمَن
- time to come; what will happen in the future; the future condition of a person, country, etc; a prospect of success, etc; the future tense
- future time, events, or condition; existence after death
- the future
فَكّ ( الجذر: فكك - المجال: عــام ) : حَلّ
- noun gerund of verb to dismount
- condition of being disengaged.For two armies to stop fighting
- release;disengagement;untying
- the action of taking a machine apart
- the noun gerund of verb ( to free )
- noun gerund of verb (to unbind)
- noun gerund of verb (to undo)
- noun gerund of verb (to unravel)
- noun gerund of verb (to unscrew)
- noun gerund of verb (to untie)
- noun gerund of verb (unwind)
- to untie someone or something
- unrave or be unraveled
( الجذر: صرر - المجال: عــام ) : حُزْمَة
bundle, bale, packet, pack, package, parcel
- large bundle of paper, straw, goods, etc pressed together and tied with rope or wire ready to be moved, sold, etc
- number of articles fastened, tied, or wrapped together
- a bundle of sticks or twigs bound together as full
- a bundle, bunch
- a bunch of flowers, especially a sweet-scented posy
- bundle of things
- small package
- things wrapped up for carrying or sending by postparcel
- small bunch of flowers
فَرَشَ ( الجذر: فرش - المجال: عــام ) : بَسَطَ , مَدَّ
- reduce (a road etc) to easy gradients
- unfold; unroll; outstretched
- to make a relationship firm and strong
- to(cause to) go round continuously;move from place to place freely or to circularize;send circulars to
- spread out; cause something to be greater in size, number, or importance
- make flat ;even smooth ; unbroken ; with out projection or indentation
- make or become flat
- to make or become longer
- to make level, even, uniform
- to make level, even, uniform
- spread out; fully extended or expanded
- spread through every part
- flatten (eg a surface ) by ramming
halawatahiniya , ( sweet made of sesame oil and sugar )
زُقَاق ( الجذر: زقق - المجال: وسائلنقل ) : طَرِيقٌضَيِّق
lane, alley, alleyway – corridor
- narrow passage between or behind buildings, usually for pedestrians only, or path bordered by trees or hedges in a garden or park
- narrow passage between buildings
- long narrow path
- long narrow passage from which doors open into rooms
- narrow road usually between streets or passage made between rows of persons or marked out for runners in race, etc
قَرَافَة ( الجذر: قرف - المجال: أديان ) : جَبَّانَة , مَقْبَرَة
the cemetery
- (usually plural) area of passages and rooms below the ground where dead people are buried
- place of land,not the a churchyard,used for burials
- a trench dug in the ground to receive a coffin on burial or the place where someone is buried
- a burial-ground, especially by a church
- sepulcher ; grave .
- to be unable to stand or bear or -put up with
- to be unable or powerless to do or accomplish
- to be be tired of
- to be have no patience with
- to be be tired of
- to be be fed up with
مَكَثَ ( الجذر: مكث - المجال: عــام ) : مَكَثَبِـ : أَقامَبِـ
reside in
- to live in a particular place
- reside in
- populate, dwell in
- to have your home in a particular place
- to reside in
- stay in or reisde in
- live in or house in
- live in; reside in
- reside in
( الجذر: حوش - المجال: عــام ) : ساحَةٌحَوْلَالدَّار
courtyard – backyard
surrounded space; yard
- the whole area behind and belonging to a house, including the lawn, garden, etc
- court; unroofed area enclosed by walls or buildings
أَتَسَلَّل , أَتَسَحَّب
Sneak , infiltrate , steal out , penetrate
نَجْتَمِع , نَتَقَابَل
meeting, coming together - conjunction, concurrence
- congregation; assemblage; meeting; clustering
- gather, assemble
- formal interview with a ruler or an important person
( الجذر: دبر - المجال: عــام ) : إِعْدَاد , رَسْم , تَخْطِيط , اِخْتِلاق
- management of public or business affairs
- organizing things so that an event, meeting, etc can happen, or something organized and agreed on; organization; preparation; agreement
- act of putting a plan or making a map of
- planning;arranging;devising (by two or more)
- act of inventing(an excuse,astory,a plot for a novel,etc)
- invention; capacity to invent or deceitful practice
- inventing;find a way of doing something
( الجذر: برء - المجال: صفات ) : بَرِيء : ساذَج , بَسِيط
- innocent; untainted; transparent
- naïve; artless
- of or like an angel;sweet and innocent-looking
- innocent, naive, artless
- simple, naive
- pure; morally perfect
- inoccent; simple; artless; unaffected; straight forward
- easily deceived; inexperienced
تَوَاعَدَ ( الجذر: وعد - المجال: عــام ) : اِتَّفَقَاعلىمَوْعِد
to make an appointment (a date, a rendezvous)
( الجذر: عتب - المجال: عــام ) : عَتَبَةُ ( البابإلخ )قِطْعَةمِنْالْخَشَبأوْالْحَجَرأوْالْمَعْدِنتَكُونتَحْتالْبَاب
- an entrance,a passage or a small room
- the part of a door frame that you step across when you go through a doorway
- a step just outside a door to a house or building
- opening,gate,door,passage,etc by which one enters something
- a passage or small roomyou go through to enter a place
- way in and out that can be closed by a gate or gates
- doorstep; doorsill; threshold
- threshold; doorsill
- the entrance to a room or building or the area of floor at the entrance .; doorstep
مفردها : شَبَح
شَبَح ( الجذر: شبح - المجال: عــام ) : مابَداغَيْرَجَلِيّ
- spirit of a dead person appearing to somebody who is still living
- of or relating to ghost
- ghost; spirit; phantom
- a ghost, phantom
- ghosty; eerie
- an elf, fairy, or goblin
- a ghost or apparition; the spectral appearance of a living person supposed to protend that person’s death
- ghost or specter
مفردها : يَكْتَنِفُنِي
اِكْتَنَفَ ( الجذر: كنف - المجال: عــام ) : أَحَاطَبِـ
to surround, encompass, encircle, enclose, environ, beset, hem in
- close in on all sides; have on all sides; hem in; assail; encompass
- to surround someone or something completely
- to surround with a wall or a fence
- to include a wide range of ideas,subjects,etc
- to engulf,encircle or surround something
- come or be all round; encircle
ذَنْب ( الجذر: ذنب - المجال: أديان ) : خِطْء , إثْم , جُرْم
- too holy or evil to be touched
- offence for which there is severe punishment by law; such offences
- a transgression, offence, or thing wrongly done
- condition or fact of having done wrong or blame or reponsibility for wronging
- evil-doing; crime
- a wrong or illegal action
- iniquity; offense; guilt; fault
- evil or unprincipled conduct, criminal or immoral behaviour, eg gambling, drug-trafficking, etc
عَتَبَة ( الجذر: عتب - المجال: عــام ) : عَتَبَةُ ( البابإلخ )قِطْعَةمِنْالْخَشَبأوْالْحَجَرأوْالْمَعْدِنتَكُونتَحْتالْبَاب
- an entrance,a passage or a small room
- the part of a door frame that you step across when you go through a doorway
- a step just outside a door to a house or building
- opening,gate,door,passage,etc by which one enters something
- a passage or small roomyou go through to enter a place
- way in and out that can be closed by a gate or gates
- doorstep; doorsill; threshold
- threshold; doorsill
- the entrance to a room or building or the area of floor at the entrance .; doorstep
تَزَحْزَحَ ( الجذر: - المجال: عــام ) : تَنَحَّىعنِالشَّيْ
Vitrification , budge , Shift
غَمُرَ ( الجذر: غمر - المجال: عــام ) : غَزُرَ
be plentiful, abundant
- flow over; overfill
- (of a container or its contents) overflow
سُرُور ( الجذر: سرر - المجال: مشاعروعواطف ) : فَرَح , بَهْجَة
- lightness of spirits; power to recuperate
- cheerfulness; happiness
- state of gladness or cry or shout of joy or encouragement
- happiness;content
- merry;joyful
- enjoyment:entertainment
- intense feeling of happiness and pleasant excitement
- rejoicing or exultation
- the extroversion of the character in psychology
- state of being extrovert
- joy; gaiety; glee
- great happiness or joy
سُرُور ( الجذر: سرر - المجال: مشاعروعواطف ) : فَرَح , بَهْجَة
- lightness of spirits; power to recuperate
- cheerfulness; happiness
- state of gladness or cry or shout of joy or encouragement
- happiness;content
- merry;joyful
- enjoyment:entertainment
- intense feeling of happiness and pleasant excitement
- rejoicing or exultation
- the extroversion of the character in psychology
- state of being extrovert
- joy; gaiety; glee
- great happiness or joy
ذَقَن ( الجذر: ذقن - المجال: جسمالإنسان ) : الجُزْءُالبارِزُفيأَسْفَلِالوَجْهِتَحْتَالفَم
chin - part of the face below the mouth
هُيَام ( الجذر: هيم - المجال: مشاعروعواطف ) : عِشْقٌشَدِيد
passionate, fervent, fiery love - emotional, ardent love
ذَوَبَان ( الجذر: ذوب - المجال: فيزياء ) : اِنْحِلال
dissolution, solution, melting, deliquescense, liquefaction, thaw(ing)
- reducing in rank:to be less
- the state of becoming liquid ( by absorbing moisture)
- the condition of being frail
- act of making somethng a liquid or of becoming a liquid
- dissolution; dissolving; melting
مفردها : أَسْهَر
سَهَّرَ ( الجذر: - المجال: عــام ) : جَعَلَهُيَسْهَر
Vigil,attend, look after, watch, stay up, wake
( الجذر: فرش - المجال: عــام ) : بَسَطَ , مَدَّ
- reduce (a road etc) to easy gradients
- unfold; unroll; outstretched
- to make a relationship firm and strong
- to(cause to) go round continuously;move from place to place freely or to circularize;send circulars to
- spread out; cause something to be greater in size, number, or importance
- make flat ;even smooth ; unbroken ; with out projection or indentation
- make or become flat
- to make or become longer
- to make level, even, uniform
- to make level, even, uniform
- spread out; fully extended or expanded
- spread through every part
- flatten (eg a surface ) by ramming
( الجذر: حصر - المجال: أعمالمنزلية ) : بِسَاطٌصَغِير
a mat made of straw
- straw mat
- matt
مفردها شَلْتَة
شَلْتَة ( الجذر: - المجال: عــام ) : وِسَادةيُجْلَسعَلَيْهَ
مفردها : إِسْتَضَاء
إِسْتَنَار , اِزْدَاد نُورُه
- to receive light from
- to gain ( enlightenment or insight by ) in
- to be lit or illuminated by
آنَسَ ( الجذر: - المجال: ) : سَلّى،لاطَفَ
to entertain, amuse, divert, keep amused, cheer up, put in good humor or mood, put at ease, make feel at ease, create a friendly atmosphere to - to be friendly to, nice to
آنَسَ ( الجذر: - المجال: ) : سَلّى،لاطَفَ
to entertain, amuse, divert, keep amused, cheer up, put in good humor or mood, put at ease, make feel at ease, create a friendly atmosphere to - to be friendly to, nice to
صَوت الدجاج , صَوت الضفدع
Croak(noise of a frog)
أَكْبَرُهُنَّ عُمْرَاً
( الجذر: شغف - المجال: مشاعروعواطف ) : حُبّ , وُلُوع
(passionate) love, passion
- fondness
- strong enthusiasm
- interest
- a whimsical speculation
- affection; devotion
- feeling of fondness; love; tenderness; warmth; attachment
- strong feeling of interest in something
- a thing favoured, be fond of
- admiration, good impression
- what one likes or fondness; taste or fancy
- intense feeling of of caring about someone or affection or fondness for a person or thing; great liking
- an individual taste or inclination
( الجذر: شغف - المجال: مشاعروعواطف ) : حُبّ , وُلُوع
(passionate) love, passion
- fondness
- strong enthusiasm
- interest
- a whimsical speculation
- affection; devotion
- feeling of fondness; love; tenderness; warmth; attachment
- strong feeling of interest in something
- a thing favoured, be fond of
- admiration, good impression
- what one likes or fondness; taste or fancy
- intense feeling of of caring about someone or affection or fondness for a person or thing; great liking
- an individual taste or inclination
بَشَرَة ( الجذر: بشر - المجال: جسمالإنسان ) : الجِلْدُالخارِجِيّ
- natural color,appearance,etc of the skin,especially of the face
- outer layer of hardened skin
- the outerside layer of the skin
- the flexible conntinous covering of a human or other animal body
طَرَب ( الجذر: طرب - المجال: فنون ) : غِنَاء , مُوسِيقَى
- a song for three or more
- state of singing or often-repeated tune to which psalms and canticles are fitted
- state of singing (especially an often-repeated tune to which psalms and canticles are fitted)
- delight; pleasyre; exultation
- a musical composition comprising a short poem or other set of words
أُحْرِز (في المستقبل )
أَّحًرَزَ : ملك،حصلعلى , نال
To obtain , to procure , to gain , to get , acquire
مَوْهِبَة ( الجذر: وهب - المجال: عــام ) : مَلَكَة
talent, gift, knack, aptitude, bent, (natural) endowment, (special) ability
- gifted or gained talent
- special talent
- a quality that someone has naturally
- skill at performing some special task
- a special aptitude or faculty
- a quality or ability that someone has naturally
- natural talent or ability
- high mental ability
بَهَاء ( الجذر: بهء - المجال: عــام ) : حُسْن
- combination of qualities that give pleasure to the senses or intellect; person, thing or characteristic that is beautiful or particularly good
- attractiveness or pleasing quality or something believed to have magic power,good or bad
- the beautiful qualities someone or something has
- prettiness; grace
- beauty and grace
- excellence, goodness,beauty
- elegance, stylishness
- physical attractiveness or alluring and exciting beauty or charm
- pleasantness; agreeability; agreeableness
- the state of being gorgeous
- attractiveness or an attractive feature or courteous good will
- the state of being graceful
( الجذر: شيء - المجال: عــام ) : أَرَادَ
to mean:to be a sign of something :indicate
- aim at
- mark or point out clearly:give a name or title to
- purpose, mean
- be wishing , intending (to) ; be desiring or ready to
Brat , yob , evil-doer
تَتَمَنِّين , تَرْغَبين
وَدَّ ( الجذر: ودد - المجال: مشاعروعواطف ) : أَحَبَّ
Want , Would ,
be passionately fascinated and enchanted by
- to feel love or fondness for; admire; like very much; be inclined to
- fall (be) in love with
- to be fond of (a person)
- become fond of
( الجذر: - المجال: ) : الله
the Most Kind, God
رَبِحَ ( الجذر: ربح - المجال: أعمالتجارية ) : كَسَبَ
- acquire by gradually collecting a mass or pick a quantity of something or collect (grain, etc)
- to obtain after fulfilling the required conditions
- brought upon oneself
- get money by working
- obtain, win (especially something wanted or needed) or benefit, profit from something or from doing something
( الجذر: حجر - المجال: عــام ) : حُجْر , حِجْر : حِضْن
lap - front part of body from waist to knees of seated person, considered with dress as place on which child is nursed
دامَ ( الجذر: دوم - المجال: عــام ) : اِسْتَمَرَّ , بَقِيَ
- to contiue in existance
- to go farther; go on (being or doing); stay or remain at or in
- continue; persevere
- continue; last
- to remain alive, etc or for a specified or considerable time; suffice; continue for a specified time
- stay beyond the limit of (one’s welcome, invitation, etc)
- be over lasting and continous
- continue trying in something
- continue to do something
جمع فَلَذَة
فِلْذَة ( الجذر: فلذ - المجال: عــام ) : قِطْعَة
- a very small part, piece, or amount
- small piece cut or broken off(from wood,stpne,glass,etc) or strip cut from an apple,apotato,etc
- thick solid slice of piece of something firmor hard
- a piece cut off
- a part broken off; a detached piece
- mass, block
- a lump of gold, platinum; a lump of anything compared to this
- piece of something
- any of the parts of something
- fragment, fraction
- a cut
- a thin broad piece of meat, cake, etc
- fragment; shatter
تَمْتَمَ ( الجذر: تنبل - المجال: عــام ) : تَمْتَمَالْكَلَامَ : رَدَّهُإِلَىالتَّاءِوَالْمِيمِ
- speak or utter indistinctly
- utter words in a low voice
- speak, say (something), in a low voice not meant to be heard
- say in a rapid way
- recite under one’s breath
مفردها : جَارُنَا
جَار ( الجذر: جور - المجال: علاقات ) : واحِدُالْجِيرَان
neighbors - persons are living next door to or near or nearest another
مفردها : طيِّب
طَيِّب ( الجذر: طيب - المجال: صفات ) : جَيِّد , حَسَن
- pleasing and giving pleasure
- very pleasing or attractive
- delicious for food
- courteous
- excellent ; of a notable merit
- handsome; attractive
- beautiful; courteous; elegant
- pleasant, agreeable, kind, fine
- giving pleasure to the mind
( الجذر: صمم - المجال: صفات ) : صُلْب
heart, innermost, core, essence, pith, middle, center, bottom
- the central or innermost part of something
- middle part or point or place of great activity people seek
- central or most important part of anything
- of solid or compact structure
- profoundity, deepness
- restless, or resisting control
- firm and stable in shape
الحَانْطُور أو الحَنْطُور
حَنْطُور ( الجذر: حَنْطُور - المجال: وسائلنقل ) : عَرَبَةُحَنْطُور
- vehicle;(formerly)horse-drown carriage;(now)taxi
- horse-drown carriage
- a low light four-wheeled carriage with a collapsible top, seats for two passengers, and raised driver’s seat
- vehicle pulled by horses that was used like a taxi in former times or wheeled vehicle for passengers
أَخَافَ ( الجذر: خوف - المجال: عــام ) : أَفْزَعَ , أَرْعَبَ , رَوَّعَ
- scare or frighten somebody
- fill somebody with horror or dismay; shock deeply
- fill with fear,worry and discouragement
- feel fear about or toward
- to fill with fright or terror; alarm suddenly
- arouse horror in; shock
- terrify, frighten
- frighten; intimidate; horrify
- frighten; scare; panic; horrify; fill with terror.
- fill with terrorl; use terorrism against.
مفردها : نَحَّاس
نَحَّاس ( الجذر: نحس - المجال: مهن ) : مُشْتَغِلٌبِالنُّحَاس
coppersmith ,brazier
- person who works in copper
- worker in brass
مَذَاق ( الجذر: ذوق - المجال: أطعمةوأشربة ) : طَعْم
taste, flavor, savor, relish
- distinctive mingled sensation of smell and taste
- great enjoyment of food, etc zest
- taste or flavour
- the special feeling that is produced by a particular food or drink when you put it in your mouth
( الجذر: كءب - المجال: مشاعروعواطف ) : كَآبَة
- severe physical or mental suffering caused by extreme pain or worry
- feeling of being very worried, or something that makes you worry; uneasiness; concern, or solicitous desire, or neurotic fear
- condition of being sad, melancholy
- state of being depressed:low in spirit:sadness
- low spirit;afeeling of boredom or depression
- grief; sorrow
- mental anguish or grief
- a feeling of pressure there, caused by emotion
- the state of being solicious
- sadness, grief ,melancholy
- sadness; grief; sorrow
- anxiety , worry
خال ( الجذر: خلو - المجال: صفات ) : فارِغ , شاغِر
- not busy
- nothing is found inside
( الجذر: قرف - المجال: أديان ) : جَبَّانَة , مَقْبَرَة
the cemetery
- (usually plural) area of passages and rooms below the ground where dead people are buried
- place of land,not the a churchyard,used for burials
- a trench dug in the ground to receive a coffin on burial or the place where someone is buried
- a burial-ground, especially by a church
- sepulcher ; grave .
( الجذر: سعد - المجال: عــام ) : أَكْثَرُسَعَادَة
- comparative degree of happy
- happier
مٌفْرِحَة , مُسعِدَة
مُبْهِج ( الجذر: بهج - المجال: صفات ) : سارّ
- bringing or suggesting happiness or happy
- lively;cheerful
- cheerful; lively
- very pleasant,sweet and cheerful
- in high spirits
- very happy and proud
- brings happiness
- feeling happyness and thinking about nothing else
- exulting; triumphant
- strikingly apt; pleasanttly ingenious
- happy and full of fun; light-hearted; cheerful
- pleased; willing or marked by, filled with, or expressing, joy
- delightful; cheerful; pleasant; joyful
باللهجة المصرية :العَشَى : العَشَاء
عَشَاء ( الجذر: عشو - المجال: أطعمةوأشربة ) : طَعَامُالمَسَاء , وَجْبَةُالمَسَاء
- the main meal of the day eaten in the middle of a day or the evening
- an evening meal
عجين ( غيرمخمر ) / فطير / معجنات
candy, confectionery, confetti, pastry, dessert, confections
تَمْر ( الجذر: تمر - المجال: نباتات ) : بَلَح
dates - small,brown,sweet fruit of the date-palm or the date-palms
خُوص ( الجذر: خوص - المجال: نباتات ) : وَرَقُالنَّخْل
- a large usually divided foliage leaf in various flowerless plants, especially ferns and palms; the leaflikethallus of some algae
- large usually divided foliage leaves in various flowerless plants, especially ferns and palms; the leaflikethallus of some algae
- leaves of the palm tree
- leaves of the palm tree
رَيْحان ( الجذر: روح - المجال: نباتات ) : جِنْسمِنالنَّبَاتطَيِّبالرَّائِحَة
basil - sweet-smelling herb used in cooking
طابُور ( الجذر: طبر - المجال: عــام ) : رَتَل , صَفٌّطَوِيل
line, queue, file, row, rank, column
- arrangement of persons or things in successive line
- a line or sequence of persons, vehicles, etc, awaiting their turn to be attended to or to proceed
- a long line of people, vehicles
- row of persons or things; direction as indicated by them
عربةيد / عربةكارو / ينقلبعربةاليد
حَوْش ( الجذر: حوش - المجال: عــام ) : ساحَةٌحَوْلَالدَّار
surrounded space; yard
- the whole area behind and belonging to a house, including the lawn, garden, etc
- court; unroofed area enclosed by walls or buildings
جَذَبَ ( الجذر: جذب - المجال: عــام ) : شَدَّبِقُوَّة
yank -a sudden hard pull
- to attract; give pleasure to
- attract; bring to someone or something;take in
- sink by or as if by gravity
- use force in something in order to move it
- pull ; drag or tow .
وَقُور ( الجذر: وقر - المجال: صفات ) : ذُووَقَار
grave, sedate, staid, solemn, sober, sober-minded, sobersided
- dignified
- venerable
sober - sobersided; self-possessed
- of, like, suitable for matrons
- calm and dignified
- sober; self-possessed
- of quiet or steady character
- entitled to veneration on account of character, age, association, etc
مُنْعَزِل ( الجذر: - المجال: ) : مُنْفَرِد،مُتَقَوْقِع
isolated, solitary, recluse, secluded, retired – separate
- retired; secluded; remote
- secluded, lonely
- secluding oneself
- secluded, withdrawn
- unhappy because of being alone; isolated; solitary
- person who lives alone and avoids other people
- isolated; separated
التِكية (s) خَانقَاه -زِاوْيَة
It means here: small humble rural place that serves food to poor people
أَرنُو إلى (s) يتوق إلى, يَشتاق إلى
Yearn to
أَرنُو إلى (v1) يرنو (v2) رَنا
Yearn to
مَثَار (s) مَبعَث- مُسبِب
Cause, Causing, rise, rising
مَثَار (v1) يُثير (v2) أثَار (p/s) مَثَارَات
Cause, Causing, rise, rising
الأشوَاقْ (s) حَنين
Nostalgia, hankering
الأشوَاقْ (v1) يَشتَاق (v2) إشتَاقَ (p/s) شَوق
Nostalgia, hankering
الغضة (s) الطَرِية
عَابِسْة (s) مُتَجهِمَة
Sulky, grouchy
عَابِسْة (v1) يَعْبَث (v2) عَبَث
Sulky, grouchy
الإنِطْوَاءْ (s) العُزِلَة
Isolation, solitude,desolation
الإنِطْوَاءْ (v1) يَنْطَوى (v2) إنطَوىَ
Isolation, solitude,desolation
العُزِلَة (s) الإنِطْوَاءْ
Isolation, solitude,desolation,loneliness
العُزِلَة (v1) ينعَزِل (v2) إنعَزَلَ
Isolation, solitude,desolation,loneliness
ذو (s) له- يَمتَلِك
Have, own
لِحْيةَ (s) ذَقْن
لِحْيةَ (p/s) لَحَى
مُرسَلة (s) طَويلَة