Algeria Flashcards
كَادَ ( الجذر: كود - المجال: لغويات ) : اِقْتَرَبَ ( يَكَاد )
be almost exactly or completely to
- to be about to
- be on the point of
نَجَاة ( الجذر: نجو - المجال: عــام ) : سَلامَة
- passing (of an examination etc)
- said to express relief, etc at being free of an unwanted or unpleasant person or thing
- being safe;not being dangerous
( الجذر: دمي - المجال: صفات ) : مُتَعَلِّقٌ بِالدَّم
blood-, bloody, sanguinary, sanguine, sanguineous, hemic, hematic
- prefix means anything connected with blood
- related or of the blood
- of or relating to blood
- bloody or fond of bloodshed
- hemic; mematic; bloody
- bloody or hemic
( الجذر: خوض - المجال: عــام ) : طَلْق
parturition, childbirth, childbed, labor, travail, pains
- childbirth;act of giving birth to a child
- act of giving birth to a child
- parturition; childbirth; process of giving birth to a child
- process of giving birth
- a violent bang of childbirth .
- the process in which a baby is born; childbirth
- the pangs of childbirth .
( الجذر: عتب - المجال: عــام ) : عَتَبَةُ ( الباب إلخ )قِطْعَة مِنْ الْخَشَب أوْ الْحَجَر أوْ الْمَعْدِن تَكُون تَحْت الْبَاب
- an entrance,a passage or a small room
- the part of a door frame that you step across when you go through a doorway
- a step just outside a door to a house or building
- opening,gate,door,passage,etc by which one enters something
- a passage or small roomyou go through to enter a place
- way in and out that can be closed by a gate or gates
- doorstep; doorsill; threshold
- threshold; doorsill
- the entrance to a room or building or the area of floor at the entrance .; doorstep
الجذر: جلو - المجال: عــام ) : تَكَشَّفَ , ظَهَر)
to be or become clear, plain, distinct, manifest, patent, evident, obvious, explicit, unequivocal
- to manifest itself, reveal itself, come out, come to light, show, appear, emerge, surface
- to be revealed
- to be manifested
- to be expressed, find expression
- take expression
الجذر: عقل - المجال: عــام ) : حِصْن)
stronghold, bastion, fortress, fort, castle, citadel
- part of a fortification that stands out from the rest; military stronghold near hostile territory; something preserved from destruction or change
- large building fortified against attacks(formerly);house that was once such a fortified building or rook(chess)
- fortress for protecting a town;place of refuge or safety
- a fortified building or position
- castle, citadel, fort, stronghold
- a citadel within a Russian town
الجذر: فيد - المجال: عــام ) : نَفْع)
utility, usefulness, use, avail, benefit, advantage
- benefit; profit; gain
- use; profit; help
- the state of being feasible
- the act of gaining or increase in wealth; porfit; advantage or increase in amount or power
- benefit; usefulness; profit
- goodness or fitness
- usability; utility; practicability
- the state of being useful
- utilization; usage; exploitation
- usefulness; profit; benefit
- the act of making use of or using effectively
- an amount yielded or produced; an output or return
( من ) كلأصقاعالارض , ( من ) كلمكان , ( من ) كلفجعميق , ( من ) كلأوب , حدبوصوب
- ( from ) far and wide
- ( from ) the four corners of the earth / world
( الجذر: روح - المجال: عــام ) : ذَهَبَ , مَضَى
to go, go away, leave, depart
- go away suddenly and often secretly
- depart; leave, or start; advance
- depart, especially from home to other place
- come as a permanent resident to a country other than one’s native land
- to go away from; depart; depart without taking; abandon; forsake
- go awat quickly
- tour or wander or leave or trip .
- go; make one’s way
- to depart, esp. hastily
( الجذر: ضرر - المجال: عــام ) : أَجْبَر
- act or process of coercing ;compelling
- constraint;obligation or stron and unreasonable desire that is difficult to control
- defeating or overcoming (an enemy,emotion,etc)
- constraining or being constrained;restriction (of liberty,feelings,etc)
- noun gerund of verb (to force)
- propulsion, impulsion, shoving
- subjugation, suppression, repression, or club
- the quality of being violent, violent conduct or treatment, the unlawful exercise of physical force
- coercion or compulsion, especially with the use or threat of violence
( الجذر: جمل - المجال: عــام ) : خُلاصَة
summed up, summarized, outlined, abridged, condensed, epitomized, synopsized - concise, brief, short
- information, instructions, advice, etc given in advance; a short account or summary; a synopsis
- statement of the main facts or points
- shortened word or phrase
- shortened form of a word or phrase
- shortened; condensed
- summary or abstract
- short account of the contents of a book, etc
- summary; outline; review
- reduced in quantity
- a summary; a brief
- (of authors,books,etc)giving much information briefly
الجذر: وفي - المجال: عــام ) : كافٍ)
sufficient, enough, adequate, due
- made or suited for a particular purpose
- available in large quantities; more than enough
- satisfactory in quantity or quality; sufficient
- suitable; right and proper
- harmonious;in agreement,consistent
- suitable; handy; served to avoid trouble or diffeculty; easy to get to or at
- sufficient ;no more is needed
- sufficient;no more is needed
- whole and complete
- suitable,proper
- appropriate ; suitable ; convenient.
- merited; appropriate; fitting; rightful; proper
مفردها : حَلّ ( الجذر: حلل - المجال: عــام ) : جَوَاب
- response or reaction; reply; solution to a problem, difficulty, question, etc
- voluntary agreement,permission,compliance
- fulfilling or being fulfilled
- receptiveness, acceptance, admission
- act of replying or what is replied; response
- the noun gerund of verb to reply
- answer, or act of feeling produced in answer to a stimulus
- restoration of a thing to it’s proper owner or original state
- answering; consent; fulfillment
مفردها : مُرْتَد
اِرْتَدَّ ( الجذر: ردد - المجال: عــام ) : رَجَعَ , تَرَاجَعَ
to withdraw, retreat, fall back, draw back, move backward, go back, retract, back (away), give way - to recede, regress, retrocede, retrograde, retrogress
- (cause to) move backwards; give up; yield; withdraw from
- move backwards in fear or dislike
- accept defeat in a claim, argument, etc; move backwards away from something; stop taking part in something; stop trying to force someone to do a thing
- move to the back
- to rtreat; back out
- to move yourself away from something; to be afraid or unwilling to do something
- to withdraw
- recede or go back
- (of a barrier or restriction)to be removed .
- retreat or withdraw
( الجذر: لين - المجال: صفات ) : مُرُونَة
- the state of being easily shaped(for metals),easily influenced (for a person)
- the quality of being elastic;flexible
- flaccidity,weakness
- flabbiness, looseness
- the ability to be bend with out breaking ; pliable ; pliant
- ability to move and bend easily
- state of being lithe, supple, thin and graceful
- state of being supple, flexible
- flexibility to press or pull into a new shape
- the quality of being soft and warm,or gentler and more sympathetic
- quality of being easily made
- being easily bent
- being pliable
- flexibility or malleability
- quality of being springy
- smoothness; tenderness
- flexibility or pliability
اقترب من , اوشك على
- Is nearing
- to impend
- to get near or close ( to )
- to come near or close ( to )
- Come within an ace / an inch of
الجذر: قنع - المجال: صفات ) : رِضًا)
- contentment;satisfaction
- state of feeling content;satisfied;adequately happy
- stisfaction; content
- feelings of great pleasure ,joy:cause or source of great pleasure
- feeling of contentment
الجذر: حسم - المجال: عــام ) : إِنْهاء)
ending, putting an end to, termination, stopping, negation
- the act of denying; refusal or denial
- extermination or termination
- cancellation; repeal; abolition
- state or process of annuling something
- act of stopping or abolishing a planned or regular activity
- state of coming to an end;act of halting
- ceasing ; pause or stop
- pause near the middle of a line
- control;person or thing that checks or restrains or sudden stoppage
- act of completing or state of being completed or finished
اِنْحِسَار ( الجذر: حسر - المجال: عــام ) : تَرَاجُع
- decrease; diminution; reduction
- moving backwards away from something
- moving backwards away from something; stopping taking part in something or supporting it
- moving to the back
- a gradual decrease in the quality,quantity,or importance of something
- the state of deteriorating and declining
- retreating , moving backward
- act of recanting
- movement back from a good previous position
- final, terminal, last
( الجذر: دفف - المجال: عــام ) : جَنْب , طَرَف
- each of the more or less flat surfaces
تَعْقِيد ( الجذر: عقد - المجال: عــام ) : إِصْعاب , تَعْسِير
- the state of being complicated or something that is complicated
- complication;difficulty
- state of being made up of many parts or being difficul to do or understand
- state of being complex,confused,difficult
- sophistication, complication
- the quality or state of being sophistacated
- complication; complicacy
( الجذر: صحح - المجال: عــام ) : أَصْلَحَ , قَوَّمَ
- mend , repair
- to make right; take out mistakes from
- to take mistakes out before printing smething
- put something right; correct
- become or make better by removing or putting right faults, errors, etc
- restore (something damaged or badly worn) to good condition
- retuen itself or something to a proper, correct, upright position, or correct itself or something
- deviation from what is normal or ordinary
- lack of typicality
- quality of being eccentric
- abnormality; irregularity; anomaly
- abnormality, oddness
- the state of being perverse
- oddness, rarity or irregularity
- the state of being weird
(تَعَمّقَ ( في
تَبَحّرَ ( في ) ,, قَتَلَهُبَحثاأودَرساأوعِلما
- to study thoroughly
- to penetrate deeply into
- to go deeply into
- to delve into
( الجذر: نزل - المجال: قانون ) : تَعَطُّف , تَفَضُّل
condescension, condescendence, stoop, deigning
- condescend; deign
- state of being gracious enough (to do a thing) or behaving graciously in a way that shows one’s superiority
- state of being gracious enough (to do a thing) or behaving graciously in a way that shows one’s superiority
- noun gerund of veb to deign
مثنى ومفردها : أَوْصَلَه
أَوْصَلَ ( الجذر: وصل - المجال: عــام ) : أَوْرَدَ , أَدَّى , أَرْشَدَ
restore to consciousness ; check the motion of
- to take or move people or things from one place to another
- to lead or guide
- to take something to a certain place
- take someone to his place
- lead or direct to
- show the way to
وَدَّ ( الجذر: ودد - المجال: مشاعروعواطف ) : أَحَبَّ
to like - to love
be passionately fascinated and enchanted by
- to feel love or fondness for; admire; like very much; be inclined to
- fall (be) in love with
- to be fond of (a person)
- become fond of
بنيةالسلطةبحدذاتها،المعروفةمنالجميعبالعنوانالفرنسي «لوبوفوار» (أيالسلطة)،التيتقومعلىمجموعةمنالجنرالاتالكبارفيالسن،ومنرجالاتالاستخبارات،الذينحكمواالبلدمنذاستقلاله،وكدّسوامجموعةهائلةمنالمصالحالشخصيةالمؤسسيةلحمايةأنفسهم.
Power structure itself, which is known by all the French title «Le Beauvoir» (power), which is based on a group of generals elderly, and men of intelligence, who ruled the country since independence, and amassed an enormous collection of personal interests institutional to protect themselves.
باطِن ( الجذر: بطن - المجال: عــام ) : خَفِيّ
- hidden; secret
- secret and probably unfair
- secret;done or kept secretly
- hidden carefully
- hidden; disguised
- secret; with ahidden meaning, or a meaning not easily seen
- buried or traped unde the ground
- done by stealth, clandestine, meant to escape notice; sly, stealthy; stolen, taken secretly
- concealed; invisible; veiled
- dormant or concealed
- not clearly expressed or easily understood; vague, uncertain
- only for those with special knowledge or powers; hidde
وَفَى ( الجذر: - المجال: ) : لَبّى،كَفَى
to satisfy, fulfill, meet, answer, serve, measure up to, suffice, be adequate, be enough, be sufficient
الجذر: نطق - المجال: صفات ) : مَنْسُوبٌإلىالمَنْطِق , عَقْلانِيّ)
- reasonable; base on reason
- not foolish or absured
- rational
الجذر: سحق - المجال: صفات ) : ساحِق , كَاسِح)
- (of a person) able to endure hardship or acting sternly ; hard or violent.
- (of facts,evidence,etc) convincing;ending doubt
- strong, powerful
- great; big; sizable
- of a size, amount, extent, or intensity considerably above the normal or average; big
- irresistible by force of numbers, influence, amount, etc
- strong and active, forceful; acting or done with physical or mental vigour; full of vigour, (of plant) growing strongly
- involving or using great physical force, especially aggressively, involving an unlawful exercise of force, (of death) resulting from external force
( الجذر: ماهِيَّة - المجال: فلسفة ) : جَوْهَر
essential essence, quiddity, essence, essential nature, substance
- substance;essential meaning (of a book,etc opposed to its form)
- central or most important part of anything
- the most basic and important quality of something
- the state of being genuine
- the substance or essence of a matter or the real ground of an action etc
- intrinsic nature
- essential nature
- real nature
- the point or gist of a matter or story
- soft spongy substance
أَتَاحَ ( الجذر: تيح - المجال: عــام ) : يَسَّرَالحُصُولَعَلَى
to make available, make obtainable
accessible; ready; at hand - make something easy to be achieved
مفردها : مُتَتَبِّع
مُتَتَبِّع ( الجذر: تبع - المجال: عــام ) : مُقْتَفِي
- Whole
- Tracer
الجذر: سلل - المجال: عــام ) : جَرَّدَ , أَخْرَج)
to unsheathe, draw, pull out
unsheathe - remove (a knife, sword, etc) from a sheath
( الجذر: - المجال: مصطلحاتعسكرية ) : خَنْجَر , خِنْجَر , سِكِّين
- short,pointed,two edged knife used as a weapon
- a kind of dagger
- dagger or dirk
- a short dagger with a thick blade
الجذر: قرر - المجال: عــام ) : إِبْرام , مُوَافَقَة , إبْرام،مُصَادَقَة)
ratification, confirmation, endorsement, sanction(ing), approbation, approval, consent, assent, subscription, adoption, passage, passing, upholding
- feeling or showing or saying that something is good or acceptable or satisfactory; acquiescence; consent; permission; commendation; appreciation
- agreement; approval
- solemn declaration; certification; testifying
( الجذر: جنس - المجال: صفات ) : مُتَمَاثِل
homogeneous, identical, similar, alike, akin, cognate, having the same kind or nature, the same in structure or quality, homologous, analogous, comparable, corresponding, correspondent, conformable, uniform, consistent
- forming, or being one of, such a pair ,
- harmonious; consistent
- in harmony with
- consistent; harmonious; in accord; approving; complying; consenting
- similar; related
- having the same source or origin;having much in common
- coinciding;occuring together in space or time or harmonious
- in agreement ;harmonious or happening together
- in the nature of or resulting from a coincidence or happening or existing at the same time
- occuring together in space or time or harmonious
The stream began to appear late sixties and early seventies ideas of Algerian thinker Malik Abdul Nabi
الجذر: عقل - المجال: عــام ) : ذِهْنِيَّة , عَقْل)
- general intellectual character; degree of intellectual power
- brain-thinking process
نُخْبَة ( الجذر: نخب - المجال: عــام ) : الخاصَّةُمِنَالنَّاس
elite, upper class, prominent people, people of distinction, notables, dignitaries, VIPs
- the best part of something; the elite group of people
- the elite, the best
- persons holding high office or ranks
- people having money,power and influence
- the best or the finest part
- the highst point or part, or a person or thing of the best quality.
- very important persons; elite
الجذر: نسب - المجال: عــام ) : عَزْو)
ascription, attribution, imputation, tracing back
- act of ascriping something to something else or someone; assignment; attribution
- attributing something to somebody or something, or thing or quality attributed to somebody or something
- ascription, attribution
- measure of value, charge, cost etc
- attribution ; ascription .
خاصِّيَّة ( الجذر: خصص - المجال: عــام ) : مَيْزَة
- moral strength or very distinguishing quality
- condition or circumstance that gives one superiority or success or a good useful quality that something has
- facility that makes it easier to live somewhere; convenience; comfort; advantage
- quality regarded as a natural or typical part of somebody or something; object recognized as a symbol of a person or his position; characteristic
- special quality or feature of something or someone
- a distinctive or characteristic part of a thing
( الجذر: طلب - المجال: عــام ) : ضَرُورِيّ
- of great importance
- adhering
- sure;confident;without doubt;reliable;inevitable
- great;much;important
- decisive; critical
- absolutely necessary; indispensable
- causing or ending in death
- unavoidable, preordained ; fateful
- controlled as if by fatel
- so straightforward or simple as to be incapable of misuse or mistake
- important; remarkable
- serious; weighty; important
- obligatory, commanding, urgent
- requiring to be done; essential; inevitable
الجذر: بوح - المجال: عــام ) : إِجَازَة)
- exemption from a burden or jurisdiction
- permitting; approvig; authorizing
- action of authorizing; power given to somebody to do something; official permission to do something or the document granting it; ratification; warrant
- state of making lawful; bringing into harmony with the law
- act of making legitimate, allowable, etc
- act of making legitimate by decree, etc
- noun gerund of verb to let
- permit from an authority to own, etc or permission; leave
- noun gerund of verb to license
- officially allowed by law
كَفَى ( الجذر: - المجال: ) : كانَكافِياً،أغْنَى
to suffice
- to be enough, sufficient, adequate
- to last
الجذر: قرن - المجال: عــام ) : مُقَابَلَة)
comparison - act or instance of compaing two people or things or capacity for being likened;similarity
( الجذر: غير - المجال: لغويات ) : سِوَى
- only; no more than; only just; definitely; though; however
- not including somebody or something
- not similar to
- except; but; only
- with the exception of ; except .
- except; not counting .
بغير ما أنزل الله
Other than what Allah revealed
مفردها : مُغَالِي
غُلُوّ ( الجذر: غلو - المجال: صفات ) : إفْراط , تَطَرُّف
exceeding of proper limits
- excess, immoderateness
- exceeding of proper bounds
الجذر: ردد - المجال: عــام ) : تَرَاجُع , رُجُوع)
withdrawal, retreat, fallback, moving backward, going back, retraction, backing (away), giving way
- recession, regress(ion), retrocession, retrogradation, retrogression
- return
- moving to the back; withdrawal
- (state of)returning
- retreating , moving backward
- the act of happening or taking place frequently
- the act of resuming or being resumed
- retracting or instance of this
- act or instance of retreating
( الجذر: ضمن - المجال: عــام ) : مُحْتَوَى , مَعْنَى , فَحْوَى
- the way in which something is to be undrstood
- abstract idea underlying a class of things ; general notion
- conceiving of an idea or plan;idea or plan that takes shape in the mind
- that which is implied by a word etc in addition to its literal or primary meaning
- substance;essential meaning (of a book,etc opposed to its form)
- the substance or essence of a matter or the real ground of an action etc
- general meaning or intention of something
- exact meaning or sense
- the general purport or drift of a document or speech.
الجذر: عذر - المجال: عــام ) : حُجَّة , ذَرِيعَة)
cause , excuse - pretext, pretense, plea
- motive or reason
- acting as , expressing , cause
- reason given to explain or defend one’s behaviour
- an urgent serious or emotional request
- excuses; regard somebody as deserving to be treated differently from others for some reason
- excuse of any kind
تَفَادٍ ( الجذر: فدي - المجال: عــام ) : تَفَادٍ ( التَّفَادِي )
- gerund of verb to obstain
- refraining from doing something
- state or act of avoiding someone or something
- averting; eluding; escaping; evading; preventing; keeping away from
- taking care to avoid danger or a warning to be careful
- state of coming to an end;act of halting
- the act of finding a way to get round (a law,rule,etc); preventing a plan from being carried out
- keeping away from
- retreat, withdrawal, fallback
- stopping, abstaining, abstention
- keeping away from
مفردها : داعِيَة
داعِيَة ( الجذر: دعو - المجال: أديان ) : مُرَوِّجٌلِدَعْوَة
- an official messenger bringing news
- herald
مفردها : مُغَالِي
غُلُوّ ( الجذر: غلو - المجال: صفات ) : إفْراط , تَطَرُّف
exceeding of proper limits
- excess, immoderateness
- exceeding of proper bounds
( الجذر: شسع - المجال: صفات ) : واسِع , كَبِير
vast, wide, large - great, big, huge, enormous
- able to contain a lot;wide
- having plenty of space that is needed
- of a size, amount, extent, or intensity considerably above the normal or average; big
- of considerable magnitude; wide in range or capacity, comprehensive
- having much room; spacious
- having ample space; covering a large area
الجذر: توب - المجال: أديان ) : تَوْبَة , الْاِعْتِرَافوَالنَّدَموَالْإِقْلَاع)
- sorrow or regret
- regret or sorrow for wrongdoing
الجذر: بدع - المجال: عــام ) : شَيْءٌجَدِيد)
heresy , novelty, innovation, new creation - fad, craze, rage
- a belief, statement that disagrees with what a group of people believe to be right
اِنْقِضاض ( الجذر: قضض - المجال: مصطلحاتعسكرية ) : هُجُوم
- sudden violent attack; aggression; strike; storm
- violent attempt to hurt, overcome or defeat somebody or something; or severe criticism; or vigorous attempt to deal with something; assault; censure
- sudden assault; raid; onslaught; onset
- invasion; attack;assault;aggression
- conquering (a country and its people) or something got by conquering
- swoop; onrush;sudden attack
- a sudden attack; a raid or incursion
- noun gerund of verb to harry
تَابَ ( الجذر: توب - المجال: أديان ) : رَجَعَعَنْمَعْصِيَة
forsake - abandon, leave, or neglect
- was or became repentant
- to repent
مفردها : بِدْعَة
بِدْعَة ( الجذر: بدع - المجال: عــام ) : شَيْءٌجَدِيد
novelty, innovation, new creation - fad, craze, rage
heresy - a belief, statement that disagrees with what a group of people believe to be right
الجذر: برم - المجال: عــام ) : إِقْرار , مُصَادَقَة)
ratification, confirmation, endorsement, sanction(ing), approbation, approval, consent, assent, adoption, legalization
ratification, confirmation, endorsement, sanction(ing), approbation, approval, consent, assent, adoption, legalization
نَبْز ( الجذر: نبز - المجال: عــام ) : لَقَب
nickname, sobriquet
- a name such as “Sir” or “Proffesor” etc.
- nickname or surname (last name or family name)
- an adjective or a short phrase used to describe someone
- a nickname or an assumed name
الجذر: لقب - المجال: عــام ) : كُنْيَة)
surname, agnomen, cognomen, epithet
- nickname, sobriquet
- designation, appellation
- style
- title
name; title; nickname
- name or title; system of naming
- nickname or surname (last name or family name)
- an adjective or a short phrase used to describe someone
- a name given to someone, especially by their friends or family, that is not their real name
- a hereditary common name or an additional descriptive
- a popular name serving identify a person or thing
( الجذر: صحب - المجال: أديان ) : صَحَابَةُرَسُولِاللَّه
the closest group believing in the Prophet Muhammed
the Companions of the Prophet
( الجذر: حسن - المجال: عــام ) : فَضْل
- help to the poor;money,food,etc or neighbourly love or society for helping the needy
- charitable distribution;benefit claimable by the unemployed from the state
- an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual
- thing given willingly without payment; present
- the state or quality of being kind
- love towards mankind
- the unmerited favour of God; a divine saving and strengthening influence or goodwill, favour
الجذر: سمو - المجال: عــام ) : اِسْم)
name, appellation, designation, nomenclature, title
- name or title; system of naming
- appointing to an office:name:title:description
- the word by which an individual person, animal, place, or thing is known, spoken of
- calling someone by a name; mentioning ; specifying
- the name given to a particular book, painting, play etc .
مفردها : إِشَاعَة
إِشَاعَة ( الجذر: شيع - المجال: عــام ) : شائِعَة : خَبَرغَيْرصَحِيح
rumor – hearsay
- a report or rumour
- rumour; gossip
- information spread by being talked about but not certainly true
( الجذر: برء - المجال: صفات ) : غَيْرُمُتَّهَم
innocent, guiltless, not guilty, inculpable, blameless, clear
- innocent; blameless
- blameless; guiltless
- guiltless, innocent
- sinless; not guilty
الجذر: ربط - المجال: عــام ) : تَلازَمَ , اِتَّصَلَ , تَداخَلَ)
to correlate
- to connect, join, unite, associate, link, attach, couple
- to be or become connected, joined, united, linked, associated, attached, coupled
- to interpenetrate
( الجذر: مِثْلَمَا - المجال: لغويات ) : كَمَا
as, just as
- like
- the way..
like; similar to
( الجذر: غمر - المجال: عــام ) : زَحْمَة , شِدَّة
- abnormal accumulation,crowding or obstruction,especially of traffic,etc or of blood
- large number of people together, but without order or organization or the masses; people in general
- noun gerund of verb to crowd
- a squeeze or crush; a crowded mass; a stoppage of a machine, radio transmission, etc due to jamming
- the state of being overcrowded
- a large group of people in one place ; crowd .
- a crisis; an emergency
- unfavourable or unfortunate conditions, event or circumstances; trouble, calamity, disaster; misfortune, affliction
- pain; suffering; distress or thing that causes suffering
- the state or quality of being difficult;something hard to do or understand
- severe pain;sorrow;anguish
- destitution; poverty; lack
- severity; strictness; (especially mental) disciple
( الجذر: عرك - المجال: مصطلحاتعسكرية ) : مَعْرَكَة : مَيْدانُقِتال
- place where a battle is or was fought
- battlefield; scene of battle
- a place where tilts took place.
مفردها : نِيَّة
نِيَّة( الجذر: نوي - المجال: عــام ) : قَصْد , طَوِيَّة
intent(ion), purpose, design
– animus
- will or intention
- the consciousness within oneself of the choice one ought to make between right and wrong
- purpose, aim
- intent, purpose
- things that one intends to do
- inward thoughts; inner most feelings
- the exercise of the will or the power of willing
الجذر: قنع - المجال: عــام ) : قابِلٌبِرِضًى)
- persuaded; make feel certain
- to be convinced
اكثر استحقاقا
- Rightful
- The worthiest
- More worthy than others
- more competent
- worthier
- seemlier
- more qualified
- more deserving
- more competent
( الجذر: صبغ - المجال: عــام ) : طابَعٌمُمَيِّز , مَسْحَة
tincture, cast, characteristic quality, distinctive feature, character, stamp, mark, color, tinge, tint, shade, air, hue, touch, trace, streak, bit, smack
- moral strength or very distinguishing quality
- special quality or feature of something or someone
- custom (especially having a legal force)
- a distinctive or characteristic part of a thing
- distinctive feature
- a custom or tendency
- distinguishing feature .
- moral constitution
- swallow [Ind . Mil]
- Assimilation
- absorb
- Take in
- digest
الجذر: ذرع - المجال: عــام ) : تَوَسَّلَبِـ , اِحْتَجَّبِـ)
- state something as a fact but without proof; give as an argument or excuse
- use as a means of defence or assertion or reason
- use as an excuse
- present as a proof
- ask for an urgent thing
- use as a pretense
- use as an excuse
( الجذر: لءم - المجال: صفات ) : مُنَاسِب , مُوَافِق
suitable, fit, agreeable, acceptable, convenient, expedient, favorable, propitious, advantageous, appropriate, right, suited, adapted, proper, becoming, fitting, seemly, adequate
- feasible, apt, opportune, timely, seasonable
- harmonious, in harmony, in agreement, in accord, concordant, consonant, accordant, agreeing, matching, consistent, compatible, in conformity, conforming, conformable, congruent, congruous
الجذر: غطو - المجال: عــام ) : مايُجْعَلُفَوْقَالشَّيْءِلِيُوَارِيَهُ)
- a bluff; a pretext; a person, etc serving to cover subversive or illegal activities
- thing that covers or protects, especially a lid, an envelope or the wrapper of a parcel, the binding of a book, either board of this, or bed clothes
- act of covering or something that covers, especially a bedspread, blanket, etc, or clothing or concealment
- piece of cloth or lace hung up at a window, etc; one to draw or lower in a theatre; one to protect or cover
- a shawl or scarf or other such addition to clothing; a wrapper; a material used for wrapping
- a cover for a sweet, chocolate, etc; a cover enclosing a newspaper or similar packet for posting; a paper cover of a book, etc
الجذر: برر - المجال: عــام ) : مُسَوَّغ , لَهُمُبَرِّر)
justified, justifiable, warranted, warrantable, well-grounded, well-founded
given an explanation or justification
- that can be justified or defended
- able to be warranted or justified
- authorized; guaranteed; justified; allowed
- (of suspicions, etc) based on good evidence; having a foundation in fact or reason
- well-founded; (of suspicions, etc) based on good evidence; having a foundation in fact or reason
تَذْلِيل ( الجذر: ذلل - المجال: عــام ) : تَغَلُّبٌعلىالصُّعُوبات
surmounting, overcoming, defeating, triumphing over, getting past, getting over, coping with - ironing out, smoothing out or away, elimination
overcoming (a difficulty)
- removing or smoothing over (difficulties, etc.)
- noun gerund of verb to surmount
( الجذر: سفر - المجال: عــام ) : أَحْدَثَ , أَظْهَر
- to be the cause of ; make happen
الجذر: نصر - المجال: عــام ) : أَعانَ , أَيَّدَ)
to help, aid, assist, support, back (up), come to the aid of, stand by, stand up for, defend, advocate, uphold, champion, patronize, sponsor, espouse
stay bound or sticking to
- stay attached to
- to support
- be supported ; stood by
الجذر: عقل - المجال: عــام ) : مَنْطِقِيّ)
- that can be understood
- believable or worth of belief
- practicable,possible; easily or conveniently done
- likely
- reasonable; base on reason
- seeming to be reasonable
- to under - take
- to take the initiative
- to take by surprise
- to take action
- to surprise
( الجذر: خدع - المجال: عــام ) : اِغْتَرَّ
be tempted and deceived by
- be deceived or taken in
- be deceived; be cheated
- be deceived, be cheated
- was deceived or cheated
- be enticed by
- to be tempted by
- be deceived
- be deceived , fooled .
- be fooled ; cheated .
( الجذر: نوي - المجال: عــام ) : قَصْد , طَوِيَّة
intent(ion), purpose, design
– animus
- will or intention
- the consciousness within oneself of the choice one ought to make between right and wrong
- purpose, aim
- intent, purpose
- things that one intends to do
- inward thoughts; inner most feelings
- the exercise of the will or the power of willing
شَعْبِيّ ( الجذر: شعب - المجال: صفات ) : خَاصّبِشَعْبمَا
- people being in general or of a specified class
- simple, unsophisticated, homely
- liked by a lot of people
- claiming to represent ordinary people
- used by the common people
- people being in general or of a specified class
- claiming to represent ordinary people
( الجذر: قيس - المجال: موازينومقاييس ) : مِقْياس : عَدَّاد
meter, counter
- device for keeping count (in machinary, etc)
- apparatus which measures and shows the amount of something you have used or the amount of money that you must pay
اِسْتَمَرَّ( الجذر: مرر - المجال: عــام ) : داوَمَ
- to contiue in existance
- to go farther; go on (being or doing); stay or remain at or in
- continue; persevere
- continue; last
- to remain alive, etc or for a specified or considerable time; suffice; continue for a specified time
- stay beyond the limit of (one’s welcome, invitation, etc)
- continue trying in something
- continue to do something
- be left or still after other parts have been removed or used or dealt with
جَاب الله
اسم لشخص ما
Jaballah>>> NAME OF MAN
استخفب , نظرإليةبغيراهتمام
- Make light / little of
- set at naught
- to live dangerously
مكان ما في الجزائر
MORADEIYAA>>>Place in Algeria
( الجذر: ريب - المجال: عــام ) : شَكّ
- doubt about or objection to a thing’s truth, credibility, advisability, etc; the raising of such doubt, etc
- doubt or suspicion;want of trust or confidence
- uncertainty of mind or of feelings
- suspicion; distrust
- a feeling of doubt
- suspicion; doubt; dubiety
- uncertainty, doubt
- suspicion, doubt
- the doubt
الجذر: جلو - المجال: عــام ) : تَكَشَّفَ , ظَهَر)
to be or become clear, plain, distinct, manifest, patent, evident, obvious, explicit, unequivocal
- to manifest itself, reveal itself, come out, come to light, show, appear, emerge, surface
- to be revealed
- to be manifested
- to be expressed, find expression
- take expression
( الجذر: صدم - المجال: عــام ) : اِشْتَبَكَ , اِلْتَحَمَ
to clash, encounter (in battle), come into conflict, fight, combat, battle, engage in battle
- to meet in conflict or be in disagreement (with) or (of events) interfer with each other
- to be in disagreement with or at variance
- to come together violently or be in conflict
- to come together violently ;met and strike
- to fight;struggle
- content or struggle in a war, battle , single combat
اِنْتِداب ( الجذر: ندب - المجال: سياسة ) : دَعْوَة
- official approval for a person or organization
- (instance of) the giving of authority to somebody to act for another
- authorizing or empowering by a commission
- system of delegation:body of delegates
- the process of giving authorization to a person to represent you: agroup of representitives
- group of represntatives:number of persons given the right to act or speak for others
- delegacy:delegacy:empowerment
- giving full details;deputation
- noun gerund of verb to second
- delegation; deputation
- noun gerund of verb ( to transfer )
- sending of a representative; delegating .
- sending of a representative; delegating .
- act of delegating
الجذر: كلل - المجال: عــام ) : تَوَّجَ)
- to put a crown on; reward with a crown
- count
- funds
- stash
- chip
ذَوَبَان ( الجذر: ذوب - المجال: فيزياء ) : اِنْحِلال
dissolution, solution, melting, deliquescense, liquefaction, thaw(ing)
- reducing in rank:to be less
- the state of becoming liquid ( by absorbing moisture)
- the condition of being frail
- act of making somethng a liquid or of becoming a liquid
- dissolution; dissolving; melting
طَمْأنَ (الجذر: - المجال: ) : حَمَلَهُعلىؤالطّمَأنِينَة،هَدّأَهُ.
- to reassure, assure, restore to confidence, give confidence to, fill with confidence.
- to relieve someone’s worry or fear, set someone’s mind at rest or at ease.
- to quiet, calm, pacify, appease, assuage, soothe.
آزرَيؤازر،مُؤازرةً،فهومُؤازِر، -والمفعولمُؤازَر :
• آزرفلانًاعاونهوأيَّده،ساعدهووقفبجانبه “ آزرالحكومة / أصدقاءه، - يؤازرالأخوةبعضهمبعضًافيالشدائد، - نعمالمؤازرةالمشاورة [مثل]، - { كَزَرْعٍأَخْرَجَشَطْأَهُفَآزَرَهُفَاسْتَغْلَظَفَاسْتَوَى } “.
- aid
- back
- Sustain.
المصدر(ذَوَاتُ) الخاصَّة ( مِنَالنّاس ) , ذَوات ( مِنَالنّاس ) , سَرَواتُالقَوم , عِليَةالقَوم
- elite
- upper class
- notables
- abstain ( VI
- eschew
- celebrate
تَكْرِيس ( الجذر: كرس - المجال: عــام ) : تَخْصِيص , وَقْف
- hard work or effort exerted in a certain activity or a job
- noun gerund of verb to lot
- arranging for your property to go to someone else
- dedication; devotion; allocation
- Civil disobedience and dissent , rights of assembly and petition
- counter insurgency operations
- defiant
- rebel ( VI .)
أَرْجَأَ ( الجذر: رجء - المجال: عــام ) : أَجَّلَ
- stop for a time; postpone; stop proceedings and separate
- put off to later time:postpone
- make or be slow or late
- change to a latter time
- to delay something
آنَئِذٍ , إذذاكَ , فيحِينِه , فيوَقتِهِ , وَقتَئِذٍ , يَومَئِذٍ , يَومَها
- at that time
- then
- onthat day
احجارالنرد / زهر ( الطاولة ) / يقطعقطعاصغيرةمكعبة
شِطرَنج ( لعبة )
- Dice
- chess - boar
- Chess
جُحَا : رجلتضافإليهحكاياتٌمضحكة،وهوأَبوالغُصندُجَينبنثابت
اِقْتِلاع ( الجذر: قلع - المجال: عــام ) : نَزْع , خَلْع
- the process of disjoining;separation
- extraction:tearing out:plucking out
- getting rid of something or putting an end to it
- the act of seizing suddenly, taking greedily or unfairly
- state of disjointing or being disjionted
- pulling out or eradication
قَضَى: ( فعل )
قضَى / قضَىإلى / قضَىعلىيقضي،اقْضِ،قضاءًوقَضْيًا،فهوقاضٍوالجمع : قُضاةٌ،والمفعولمقضيّ - للمتعدِّي
قَضَىغَرَضَهُ : نَالَهُ،أَتَمَّهُ،فَرَغَمِنْهُ
عليك: ( إسم
عليك / عليكب : اسمفعلأمربمعنىالزم،واستمسكوقديستعملبمعنىخذ،يتعدّىبنفسهوبالباء،عليكبالاجتهاد / بتقوىالله / بالصَّبر
- adjudicate , to
- adjudicate
- it is incumbent upon you -it is your duty to
نَبِه ( الجذر: نبه - المجال: صفات ) : فَطِن
(of the mind) quick to understand-
- ble to think very quickly and intelligently
- erson who can see what will happen in the future
thinking clearly -
-prson who can see what will happen in the future
أَطَاعَ ( الجذر: طوع - المجال: عــام ) : طاوَعَ
- do what one is told or obliged to do by somebody
- take as a guid or a leader
- to act in accordance(with a rquest,somebody’s wishes
- to act in accordance(with a rquest,somebody’s wishes