Frankenstein in Baghdad part 1 Flashcards
صَفَح عن : سامَحَ
condone ; excuse ; forgive ; overlook ; pardon ; remit
قِدِّيس ( اسم ) : شَخْص شَدِيدالتَّدَين
- person deserved veneration through holy living
- person declared to be a saint
- of or like a saint; very good or holy
- molder
- to tatter
- to frazzle
- to fray
رَبّ : إلَه
deity ; god
يَسُوع ( اسم ) : المَسِيح
Christ ; Jesus ; Jesus Christ ; Messiah
جَلِيل : عَظِيم
august ; deluxe ; dignified ; exalted ; glorious ; gorgeous ; grand ; grandiose ; grave ; great ; highly impressive ; honorable ; imperial ; important ; imposing ; lofty ; luxurious ; magnificent ; majestic ; momentous ; portly ; regal ; respectable ; significant ; solemn ; splendid ; stately ; sublime ; sumptuous ; superb ; venerable ; weighty
- splendid; majestic; lordly
- important, pre-eminent; worthy or most worthy of consideration
- inspiring feelings of respect and awe; majestic and imposing
- having or showing dignity;behaving in calm and serious way
- ispiring fear or respect
- possessing glory; illustrious or conferring glory; honourable
- planned on an ambitious or magnificent scale
- serious; weighty; important
- significant, momentous
- impressive, formidable, esp. in appearance
- extremely impressive because of being big, beautiful etc
- very big and impressive
- solemn or dignified
سِرِيّ : مُتَعَلِّق بِسِرّمِنْالْأَسْرَار
clandestine ; classified ; concealed ; confidential ; covert ; cryptic ; dark ; esoteric ; furtive ; hidden ; hugger-mugger ; kept ; kept secret ; mysterious ; occult ; private ; secret ; stealthy ; surreptitious ; undercover ; underground ; underhand(ed) ; undisclosed ; veiled
غايَة : مُنْتَهَى،أقْصَى،حَدّ،مَدَى
extreme ; extreme limit ; highest degree ; limit ; utmost ; utmost degree
the best degree - the terminal point that something does not extend or pass
مُتَابَعَة : اِسْتِئْنَاف ،مُوَاصَلَة
carrying on ; continuance ; continuation ; continuing ; going on ; proceeding ; recommencement ; resumption
تَعْقِيب ( اسم ) : تَعْلِيق
comment ; commentary ; critique ; remark ; review
تَصَدّر فعل : كانَ في الصّدَارَة
be on top of ; have the front (seat) ; head ; lead ; take the first place
- lead
- to guide; direct or command; head
- take the first place
- to head or be on the top
- take the first place
إنْحَصَر : تقيد , ينحسر
be centralized ; be checked ; be close ; be concentrated ; be condensed ; be confined ; be consist in ; be constrained ; be controlled ; be curbed ; be encircled ; be enclosed ; be exclusive ; be held in check ; be hemmed in ; be kept ; be limited ; be narrow ; be narrowed ; be pressed ; be qualified ; be reducible to ; be restrained ; be restricted ; be shut in ; be squeezed ; be straightened ; be surrounded ; be tied ; be tightened
be belong solely to ; be confined to ; be limited to ; be restricted to
جَدْوَى : فائِدَة،نَفْع
advantage ; avail ; benefit ; feasibility ; profit ; use ; usefulness ; utility ; workability
مفرها : تَحَرِّي
Thorough enquiry ; thorough investigation thorough searching
hunt for ; inquire about ; inquire into ; investigate ; look for ; make inquiries about ; search for ; seek information about ; try to find out (about) ; try to know ; try to know inquire about
مُتَضَمّن : مُشْتَمِلٌعلى
comprising ; containing ; covering ; embodying ; embracing ; encompassing ; implying ; including ; involving
- embodying
- including something
- including everything
- including,involving
- having as parts or members
- involving ; including
- including; comprising
- has a very large amount of information in it
- including, containing
- containing, implying
- including, implying
- including something as part of a subject or discussion
- including, containing
دَوَاعٍ ( اسم ) : سَبَب ،مُوجِب ،ضَرُورَ
- motive or reason
- that which causes someone to act
- ( fact put forward as or serving as the ) cause of, motive for or justification for something
precautionary ; preventive ; protective ; safety
- done as a precaution
caution ; cautiousness ; precaution ; prophylaxis ; protection ; safeguard(ing) ; wariness - (advance) care ; alertness ; care(fulness) ; circumspection ; diligence ; lookout ; precautionary measure ; providence ; provision ; prudence ; reservation ; reserve ; safeguard ; vigilance ; watchfulness
حَصَر : عَدّ،أحْصَى
calculate ; compute ; count ; enumerate ; reckon
- to compute ,count ,number ,etc
- to reckon;calculate
- to say or name (the numerals) in order; to find the total of
- to say or name the numerals in order
- to name a list of things one by one
- to write a list or mention things one after the other or enter in a list or enumerate; name one by one as if in a list
- include, assign a number or numbers to; count
- enumerate; calculate; count
- estimate the worth or value of something or somebody
- find out ( the quantity, number, cost, etc ) by using numbers
- amount in number to or find the total of or mount to .
تَسْرِيح ( اسم ) : إِقَالَة
layoff ; discharge ; dismissal ; release ; firing
مُنَجِّمُون : مُنَجِّم : عَرَّاف
augur ; diviner ; fortune-teller ; soothsayer
- religious official who foretold future events by watching the behaviour of birds, etc
- a person who divines,especially one who claims to have the power of learning the presence of subterranean water,metal by using a Y-shaped stick or rod
- a person who forecasts
- a person who foretells
- a person who claims to predict future events in a person’s life
- foreteller or forecaster
- a diviner or seer
(طالِع : مايُتَفَاءَلُبِهِ (عِنْدَالمُنَجّمِينإلخ
ascendant ; auspices ; horoscope ; nativity
فُزَعَة ( اسم ) : شَدِيدُ الخَوْف،جَبَان
chicken-hearted ; coward ; cowardly ; craven ; fainthearted ; fearful ; fearsome ; poltroon ; recreant ; timid ; timorous
مَهِيبَة : يَخَافُهُالنّاسُ
awe-inspiring ; awesome ; awful ; dreadful ; fearful ; venerable
exalted ; glorious ; gorgeous ; grandiose ; lofty ; splendid ; superb
august ; dignified ; grand ; grave ; highly impressive ; imposing ; magnificent ; majestic ; portly ; solemn ; stately ; sublime
داكِن : قاتِم
dark ; deep
- dark; unlighted
- black; dark
- covered with clouds or being not very clear
- with no or very little light or hidden and mysterious
- fairly dark or not giving much light
- dark; gloomy; tenebrious.
- colours that are muddy are not clear
- dark and strong
رَكْض : عَدْو
jogging ; race ; racing ; run ; running
- run at a slow pace, especially as physical exercise; (of a horse) move at a jogtrot
- to move quickly, run
- cover the specified distance by running
إرْتِطَام ( اسم ) : اِصْطِدام،تَصَادُم
bump ; clash ; collision ; crash ; hit ; impact
- collision
- violent impact of a moving body woth another or with a fixed object
رَصِيف ( اسم ) : جانِبُالطّرِيقِ المُخَصّصِ لِلْمُشاة
sidewalk, footpath, ridge, levee, colleague, flagging
مُتَدَاخِل : مُتَراكِب،مُتَشَابِك
blended ; imbricate ; intergraded ; interlaced ; interlocked ; interpenetrated ; intertwined ; merged ; meshed ; overlapping ; superimposed
لَغَطَ : ضَجَّ،صَخِبَ
be clamorous ; clamor ; din ; noisy ; shout
- to make a clamor;to talk or shout loudly
- to make loud sounds that express feelings, but not thoughts or to exclaim; call out loudly in words
- to make an upleasant noise that continues for a long time
- to cry for help, to scream
- utter with or make a yell; shout
مفردها : منبه
بُوْق : زَمّور،أدَاةُتَنْبِيه
(warning) siren
- flute or warning siren
- a device for making a loud prolonging sound
- a piece of equipment that makes very loud warning
زُقَاق : طَرِيقٌضَيّق
alley ; alleyway ; corridor ; lane
road ; street ; way
بَرَكَة : النَّماءُوالخَيْر
pond, blessing, patch, boon, mercy, tank
- noun gerund of verb to bless
مَهُول ( اسم ) : ضَخْم،جَبَّار , عَلَىنَحْوٍهائِل
monstrously - adverb from monstrous
- very large in amount, size, etc
- immense,very large
- huge; very big
- very large;immense
- ispiring fear or respect
- of or relating to giant
- of very great size or extent; immense
- of a size, amount, extent, or intensity considerably above the normal or average; big
- very large, solid, and heavy
- astounding, huge or titanic
- gigantic ; colossal ; massive .
- huge ; gross; immense .
تَتَكَوُّم ( اسم ) : تَكَدُّس
accumulate ; accumulated ; amassed ; be heaped (up) ; pile up ; piled up ; stack ; stacked (up)
- accumulate
- increase in number or quantity
- be or become gathered together
- heap, pile, accumulate or stow
- be heaped up
- be or become heaped up
- increase; accumulation
- gradual increase or aggregation
- noun gerund of verb to cumulate
تَكَبِسعلى ( فعل ) : شَدّ،ضَغَطَ،عَصَرَ
compressing ; compression ; pressing ; pressure ; squeeze ; squeezing
عَتَمَة : ظُلْمَة
dark(ness) ; dimness ; gloom(iness) ; murk(iness)
becoming dark or darker
- state of being black
- absence of light or ignorance
- status of complete darkness and ambiguousness
- darkness;gloomfeebleness;weakness
- the state of being dark and shadowy
- the dull grey light you see when it is almost dark but not completely dark
- darkness; poor visibility
- the state of being murk
- the onset of night; the end of daylight
- blackness; being black
- being completely dark
- of or like pith
- deep-black; pitch-black
- dark; gloomy; tenebrious.
- darkness; obsecurity
- the state of being darkly
فَوَات : مَصْدَرفاتَ : مُضِي
elapsing ; escape ; expiration ; expiry ; lapse ; losing ; loss ; missing ; passage ; passing
- noun gerund of verb to leave
- noun gerund of verb to lose
- act of losing; state of being lost or detriment or disadvantage resulting from losing
- termination of right through disuse
مُكَالَمَة : مُخَاطَبَة
addressing ; conversation ; dialogue ; discourse ; interlocution ; speaking to ; talk ; talking to
- talk
- to say something to someone, speak
- act of conversation or conversation
- prolonged argument, especially over social, moral or political matters or dispute
- talking; talk in which people exchange ideas, etc by spoken words
- conversation in a book,play or film,a discussion between two groups or countries
- a serious speech;lecture;sermon;treatise
- talking or speech
- talking to
- talk, speaking, address; saying, conversation, talk or dialogue
- conversation, speech, speaking
- talk, speaking, speech
- speaking to ; conversation .
- a long or rambling story or discourse
بَدّالة ( التّلِفُون ) :سنترال ( لِلتّلِفُون ) , مَركَزُالتّلِفُونِأوالهاتِف , مَركَزِيّ
- central office
- Telephone exchange
Central Telephone is located in central Baghdad, capital of Iraq
مَوْبُوء ( اسم ) : مُصَاب،مُلَوّث
infected ; infested
infected and attacked by
- afflicted or infected by
- someone who is killed or hurt in an accident
- having got a disease or illnes
- infested by
- offended by
- afflicted by
- person, animal, or thing that is injured, killed or destroyed as the result of carelessness, crime or misfortune or a person who is tricked
رَاعِي : رَعَى : تَعَهّدَ،نَمّى
devote one’s attention to ; further ; keep up ; look to ; maintain ; nurse ; preserve ; safeguard ; see to ; service
cultivate ; develop ; foster ; improve ; nurture ; patronize ; promote ; sponsor
(رَعِيَّة ( اسم ) : رَعَايَ اكَنِيسَة ( نصرانية
congregation - gathering of people;body of people(taking part in a religious worship)
اِقْتِناء : اِمْتِلاك،اِقْتِناء
acquirement ; acquisition ; getting ; having ; obtainment ; owning ; possessing ; possession
- act of getting new knowledge, skills, or power, land, money, etc
- action of acquiring something
- getting or obtaining
- obtaining; fetching; earning; holding; gaining or understanding
- the act of possessing or the act of getting
- acquisition or acquirement
- acquisition or acquirement
- the process of defeating an enemy in battle or war or an opponent in a contest or an instance of this; a triumph
مُكَالَمَة : مُخَاطَبَة
addressing ; conversation ; dialogue ; discourse ; interlocution ; speaking to ; talk ; talking to
- talk
- to say something to someone, speak
- act of conversation or conversation
- prolonged argument, especially over social, moral or political matters or dispute
- talking; talk in which people exchange ideas, etc by spoken words
- conversation in a book,play or film,a discussion between two groups or countries
- a serious speech;lecture;sermon;treatise
- talking or speech
- talking to
- talk, speaking, address; saying, conversation, talk or dialogue
- conversation, speech, speaking
- talk, speaking, speech
- speaking to ; conversation .
- a long or rambling story or discourse
مَعْرُوقة : نَحِيلَة،مَهْزُولَة
bony ; emaciated ; gaunt ; lean ; rawboned ; skinny
يابِس : جافّ
arid ; barren ; contracted ; dehydrated ; desiccated ; dried (up) ; dried out ; dried up ; dry ; exsiccated ; hard ; hardened ; infertile ; rigid ; shriveled ; shrunk ; solid ; solidified ; sterile ; stiff ; stiffened – dried
- having insufficient water to support vegetation; dry and parched
- completely dry
- desiccated; exsiccated
- not wet;having very little rain; thirsty
- having an uneven or irregular surface; not level or smooth, harsh in taste, sound etc
- hard, dry, rigid, woody or contracted
- dry; rigid; hard
ألِيف : أنِيس،لَطِيف
affable ; amiable ; amicable ; companionable ; friendly ; genial ; sociable
- familiar
- well acquainted; in close friendship ; intimate
- polite and friendly; easy to talk to; sociable
- showing and inspiring friendliness; pleasant and good-tempered
- showing friendliness; without hostility; amiable; benign; obliging; affable
- person who amuses or entertains oneself or others
- person who accompanies,associateswith,or shares with,another or person paid to keep another (usually old or ill) person company
- agreeable as a companion;sociable
- someone who tells jokes,singsetc to entertain people
- amusing and interesting
- acting as a friend, showing or expressing kindness
- kindly; pleasant; sociable
- mild; kind; careful; not rough, violent or severe
- of a friendly, generous, benevolent, or gentle nature, or showing friendliness, affection, etc
- pleasant, agreeable, kind, fine
- fitted for or liking the society of other people
- loving; affectionate; fond
مفردها : رَصِيف ( اسم )
sidewalk, footpath, ridge, levee, colleague, flagging
مُتَّسِخ ( اسم ) : قَذِر
- dirty; filthy; unclean
- polluted;madedirty,impure,or diseased
- not pure , dirty
- not clean;immoral
- extremely or disgustingly dirty
- tarnished, unspotted
- dirty, unclean
- dirty; grimy; slovenly
- dirty; sloppy
- mud; mire
- person who is habitually untidy
- dirty; stained
- dirty; filthy
- blotted; spotted
- stained, dirty or polluted
- dirty; filthy
- dirty; filthy; unclean
صَفّ ( فعل ) : رَصَفَ
align ; arrange ; array ; line up ; marshal ; range ; rank ; row
- flag
- place a flag on or over
- furnish with a floor ; pave
- to form a row or arrange people or things in a raw
- put in row
- stack ; pile up or put in order .
عُذْر : حُجّة ،ذَرِيعَة
excuse ; plea ; pretense ; pretext
cause - motive or reason
مُوَاسَاة ( اسم ) : تَعْزِية
- state of having all things that make your life pleasant or state of being free from suffering,anxiety,etc
- expression of sympathy with a person over a loss,grief,etc
- consoling or being consoled;something that consoles or circumstances or person that consoles
- condolence; consolation; comfort
- consolation; condolence
تَبَرّع : إعْطَاء،مَنْح
contributing ; contribution ; donating ; donation ; giving ; granting
- according
- noun gerund of verb to accord
- bestowing; granting; rendering; gifting; giving; apportioning; allotting
- (instance of) the giving of authority to somebody to act for another
- authorizing or empowering by a commission
- the conferring of degrees,etc ;instance of this
- granting or bestowing degrees,etc
- noun gerund of verb to donate
- providing someone with money,etc
- conferment, donation
- the official right to have or receive something
- the noun gerund of verb to favor
- thing given willingly without payment; present
- bestowing; endowing; donating; giving
- granting; donating; presenting; conferring oe issuing
- giving; donating; awarding
- money or gifts freely bestowed; generous or plentiful bestowal
- noun gerund of verb (to vest) تَبَرّع : إعْطَاء،مَنْح
جارف : كاسِح
overwhelming ; stormy ; sweeping ; torrential ; vehement ; violent
- irresistible by force of numbers, influence, amount, etc
- comprehensive, great, far-reaching, violent, overwhelming, permeative or torrential
- breaker; shatterer; smasher
اِعْتِيَاد : مَنْسُوبٌ إلى العَادَة
accustomed ; average ; common ; commonplace ; conventional ; customary ; everyday ; familiar ; habitual ; mediocre ; medium ; middling ; normal ; ordinary ; plain ; regular ; routine ; run-of-the-mill ; simple ; standard ; usual ; wonted ; workaday
مُخْلِص : صادِق،وَفِيّ
candid ; constant ; devoted ; faithful ; honest ; loyal ; sincere ; TRUE ; true-hearted
قِطَّة ( اسم ) : هِرَّة
- small,domestic,fur-covered animal kept as a pet
- the opposite of a male cat
- pet name for kitten
- word used to call a cat
- the female of the cat
- cat with grey or brown stripes
هَرِم : شَيْخُوخَة
decrepitude ; old age ; senescence ; senility
age ; become decrepit ; grow old
فَرْو ( اسم ) : فِرَاء
fur(s) ; pelt ; pelage
- short fine soft hair, skin, coat of certain animals as material for making, trimming or lining clothes; trimming or lining made of such a dressed coat
أُتْخِمَت : أُصِيبَ بِتُخَمَة
be overstuffed
- gorge (oneself) with
- to be extremely filled
مُتَسَاقُط : مُتَهَاوٍ
collapse ; away) ; breakdown ; collapse ; drop(ping) ; fall ; falling (down ; out
- falling down or in of a structure or physical or mental breakdown
- noun gerund of verb to drop
- breakdown
- movement from a higher to a lower place or level; a thing that drops or is dropped
مُسَايَرَة : مُدَارَاة،مُجَارَاة
adaptation ; adjustment ; appeasement ; compliance (with someone’s wishes) ; conformity with ; favoring ; humoring ; indulgence ; keeping abreast with ; keeping in line with ; keeping pace with ; keeping step with ; pacification ; trying to please ; willingness to please
compliance (with someone’s moods or whims) ; compliance with (someone’s wishes) ; flattery
شَمّاس ( اسم ) : رَجُلُدِينٍمَسِيحِيّ دُونَ الكاهِن
- beadle
- (formerly) parish officer who helped the priest by keeping order in church, giving out money to the poor, etc
- minister or officer who has various duties in certain Christian churches,below a bishop or priest
مُنْقَبِض : مُتَقَلّص،مُتَقَبّض
constricted ; contracted ; contractile ; contractive ; drawn together ; rigid ; shrinkable ; shrunk(en) ; stiff
blue ; dejected ; depressed ; dispirited ; doleful ; down(cast) ; downhearted ; dried up ; dry ; gloomy ; grief-stricken ; grieved ; heavyhearted ; low-spirited ; melancholic ; melancholy ; out of spirits ; sad ; shriveled ; shrunk
جِوَار : قُرْب
closeness ; nearness ; neighborhood ; propinquity ; proximity ; vicinity
مفردها : بُقْعَة : لَطْخَة
blot ; blotch ; macula ; macule ; patch ; smudge ; splotch ; spot ; stain
كَثّ ( اسم ) : كَثِيف
brushy ; bushy ; dense ; thick
داهَمَ : فاجَأَ،بَغَتَ
to attack by surprise
- overtake:surprise
- take by surprise:overtake
- occur suddenly to
- occur suddenly
- bewilder
- take by surprise
- (of unpleasant events) come to somebody or something suddenly and unexpectedly
مُتَمَهّل : مُتّئِد،مُتَأنّ
careful ; easy(going) ; gentle ; patient
deliberate ; easy ; easygoing ; leisurely ; slow ; unhurried
- desiderata
حَصىً ( اسم ) : صخر صغير
ballast ; crushed rock ; gravel ; macadam ; pebbles ; road metal ; rubble ; small stones
زُقَاق : طَرِيقٌ ضَيّق
alley ; alleyway ; corridor ; lane
road ; street ; way
عِتَاب ( اسم ) : مُعَاتَبَة،عَتْب
admonishment ; admonition ; blame ; friendly reproach ; gentle reproof ; twit
عَذَاب : أَلَم
ache ; affliction ; agony ; alg- ; algo- ; anguish ; distress ; excruciation ; hardship ; pain ; punishment (inflicted by God) ; suffering ; torment ; torture
- pain; suffering; distress or thing that causes suffering
- extreme mental or physical suffering; anguish; misery; torture
- severe physical or mental suffering caused by extreme pain or worry
- condition of being sad, melancholy
- extremely painful
- ache, pain, agony
- melancholy; despondency
- be gloomy or melancholy; frown
- the state of being gloomy
- sadness; sorrow; unhappiness; trouble
- (of pain etc) severe or causing grief or suffering
- painful from injury or disease
- agony ; pain ; torture or grief .
- noun gerund of verb ( to torment )
إيْراد : ذِكْر
adducing ; bringing forward ; citation ; citing ; mention(ing) ; quotation ; quoting ; stating
- adducing
- noun gerund of verb to adduce
- act of giving or mentioning as an exampl(by quoting from a book,etc to support an argument)
- the act of mentioning something or someone in a conversation, piece of writing etc
- calling someone by a name; mentioning ; specifying
- noun gerund of verb to quote
- ability to recollect; action of collecting
- referral, referring, commitment
- recalling of past events and experiences; reminiscing
- noun gerund of verb to state
- mention; referring; stating
- quotation or the act of giving or mentioning an example
تَبْجِيل : اِحْتِرام ،تَعْظِيم ،تَوْقِير
aggrandizement ; deference ; esteem ; exaltation ; glorification ; great respect ; high regard ; honor ; magnification ; reverence ; veneration
- majesty; awe; respect
- giving way to wishes,accepting the openions or judgementsof an elder person to show respect
- have a high regard of something or a favourable opinion of it
- praising and making higher
- the state of being exalted
- exaltation; praise, respect
- high renown or fame; honour
- majesty, splendour; dignity of appearance or bearing
- the state or quality of being grand
- grandeur; loftiness; majesty
- sublimity; highness
- splendor; magnificence
- deep bow of respect or obedience
- esteem or consideration; respect
- esteem; great respect; veneration
- admiration felt or shown for a person or thing that has good quality or achievements; regard
- great esteem
- feeling of deep respect or veneration
- the quality or state of being solemn
- reverence; exaltation; esteem
- quality of being considerate;thoughtful attention to the wishes,feelings,etc of others
- solemnity; sobriety
فَرَش : بَسَطَ،مَدّ
spread ; spread out
مَضْفُور ( اسم ) : مَجْدُول
(en)twined ; (inter)twisted ; braided ; cued ; interlaced ; intertwined ; interwoven ; plaited
تسكٌب : تَصُبّ
emptying ; pouring ; pouring forth ; pouring out ; shedding
empty ; pour (out) ; shed ; spill
نِسْوَة : نِساء
- the women of a Muslim household, living in a separate part of the house
- women in general
- plural of woman
- women in general
- the women of a Muslim household, living in a separate part of the house
- women in general
- plural of woman
- women in general
حَوْش : ساحَةٌ حَوْلَ ال دّار , فِنَاء
backyard ; courtyard
court ; courtyard ; dooryard ; yard
اِنْهِيَار : سُقُوط
breakdown ; cave-in ; collapse ; crumbling ; decline ; downfall ; fall ; falling down - crash
- state of falling in , giving way to pressure
- falling down or in of a structure or physical or mental breakdown
- (noise made by) violent fall, blow or breaking; ruin or collapse
- getting off; debarkation
- a fall from prosperity or power; the cause of this; a sudden heavy fall of rain
- the noun gerund of verb to fall
- foundering; dropping; falling
- a headlong fall , esp. from a high place .
- noun gerund of verb ( to tumble ).
- movement from a higher to a lower place or level; a thing that drops or is dropped
خَسَفَ : هَبَطَ،غارَ
(cause to) fall in,give way to pressure
- (of a structure)to(cause to)fall down or in,or(of a person) to break down
- r fall or come slowly downwards or founder
- fall down; drop
- make concessions; fail to resist; yield; concede precedence to; (at a road junction) give right of way to other traffic; (of a structure) collapse
أَرْجِيلَة : نارَجِيلَة : شِيشَة
- an oriental tobacco-pipe with a long tube passing through water for colling the smoke as it is drawn through
- a rudimentary form of hookah
ثَرْثَرَة : لَغْو
babble ; chat ; chatter ; chitchat ; female fox ; gabble ; garrulity ; idle talk ; logorrhea ; loquacity ; prate ; prattle ; she-fox ; twaddle ; vixen
- nonesense; jumble of words
- foolish or indiscreet talk
- nonesense talk; foolish or indiscreet talk
- informal friendly talk
- friendly informal talk or quick indistinct sounds(by birds,monkeys,teeth,or typewriter keys)
- light informal conversation
- something that is said or written that is silly or does not mean anything important
- continuous, especially trivial, chatter
- fast unintelligible speech
concentration ; consistency ; density ; heaviness ; intension ; intensity ; thickness
فِنَاء : حَوْش, ساحَةٌ حَوْلَ الدّار
backyard ; courtyard
court ; courtyard ; dooryard ; yard
be in one’s old age; lose concentration and power
- become senile; become doddering
- to be silly or feeble-minded,especially from old age
- talk wildly or furiously as if in a fever or mad
- talk irrationally ; rave .
نِسْيان ( اسم ) : فَقْدُ ذِكْرِالشَّيْء
forgetfulness ; forgetting ; oblivion - forgetting or inattention
- forgetfulness; oblivion
- the state of having forgotten or the state or condition of being forgotten
ذُهُول ( اسم ) : اِنْشِدَاه ،دَهْشَة،حَيْرَة
amazement ; astonishment ; bafflement ; bewilderment ; confusion ; perplexity ; stupor
(مُطِلّ : مُشْرِف (على
affording view of ; commanding ; dominant ; dominating ; looking down upon ; overlooking ; overtopping ; towering over
overlooking or overtopping - looking down upon
مُلاَصِق : مُتَاخِم
having a common border (with) ; near (to)
abutting ; adjacent ; adjoining ; bordering ; borderline ; close (to) ; contiguous ; in close contact (with) ; neighboring ; next (to) ; proximal ; proximate ; touching
- touching
- adjoining ; tangent
- bending or inclining on something
- close or touching
- adjacent; bordering; connecting; touching; neighbouring
- having a common edge; so close or next to each other
- close or next to; being a border or edge to
- near the margin of anything
- near (in space or time)
- touching; neighbouring; near
- close at hand; close to in place or time
- not far away; situated in a near position
- near the place where you are or the place you are talking about
- being or positioned or living nearest; the first or soonest
- in the house, or room next to yours
- neighbouring, adjacent or bordering
وَضَّحَ :جَلَا
account for
- give reason or explanation why something happens
- be clear and obvious
- come into view; be visible or manifest; arrive; present oneself
- to make or become clear
- to become clear or make tidy or explain something
- to interpret;explain the meaning of words, actions,etc or analysegramatically
- to explain something or to make it clear
- make something plain or clear
- to explain a work of literature
- bring into prominence; draw attention to
- explain or make clear, esp. by examples
- to make clear
- make facts, etc known or cause or allow something to be seen
- clarify; make clear
- to make clear
- remove a cover or covering from or disclose
- restore from a scrambled state, especially interpret (a scrambled transmission etc)
- give utterance to; express
- translate ; interpret .
تَهْوِيَة ( اسم ) : مَصْدَرهَوّى
aeration ; aerification ; airing ; fanning ; ventilation
رَفَاهِيَة : رَفَاهَة
abundance ; affluence ; comfort ; convenience ; ease ; leisure ; luxury ; opulence ; prosperity ; relaxation ; relief ; repose ; rest ; vacation ; weal ; welfare ; well-being
- free from pain, anxiety or troubles
- large quantity; plenty
- abundance of money, goods or property; wealth
- state of having all things that make your life pleasant or state of being free from suffering,anxiety,etc
- splendour and prosperity
- state of life in which, to an excessive degree, one has and ueses things that please the senses(good food and drinks, comfort, etc); luxuriousness
- the state of being ostentatiously rich
- the state of being successful or good fortune
- welfare; prosperity; good fortune
- riches, abundant possessions; opulence; the state of being rich; welfare or prosperity; an abundance or profusion
- well-being, happiness; health and prosperity; the maintenance of persons in such a condition; financial support given for this purpose
قَذِر : وَسِخ
contaminated ; defiled ; dirty ; filthy ; foul ; impure ; polluted ; squalid ; unclean ; uncleanly
- sloppy
- dirty; filthy; untidy
- dirty; filthy; unclean
- polluted;madedirty,impure,or diseased
- not pure , dirty
- not clean;immoral
- extremely or disgustingly dirty
- tarnished, unspotted
- dirty, unclean
- dirty; grimy; slovenly
- dirty, unclean
- dirty; sloppy
- to be dangerously dirty
- shabby; dirty
- mud; mire
- person who is habitually untidy
- dirty; filthy; unclean
- careless; untidy; unmethodical; dirty
- dirty; stained
- dirty; filthy
- stained, dirty or polluted
- dirty; filthy
- dirty; filthy; unclean
- polluted; contaminated
وَدُود ( اسم ) : لَطِيف،أنِيس
friendly ; nice ; sociable
affectionate ; lover ; tender(hearted) ; warmhearted
فاحَ : اِنْتَشَرَتْرائِحَتُهُ
diffuse ; emanate ; exude a specific fragrance ; exude or diffuse a strong odor ; rise ; spread
spread a strong odor
- excude a specified fragrance
- diffuse a strong and beautiful ordor
- its figrance spread through
- secrete a strong odor
- exude a pleasant odor
- diffuse a strong odor
- diffuse a strong ordor
مفردها : أَنْتِكَة : تُحْفَة,رائِعَة
chef d’oeuvre ; curio ; curiosity ; gem ; masterpiece ; masterwork ; objet d’art ; piece de resistance ; rarity ; showpiece ; work of art
طاوِلَة : مائِدَة
bureau ; desk ; dining table ; stand ; table
- a large sofa esp. one that can be made into a bed
- a piece of furniture with a flat top supported by legs
- a table on which food is served
تِمْثال : مايُنْحَتُ مُشَبَّهًا بِالمَخْلُوقات
imagery - figurative illustration, statuary, carving
كَفّ : راحَةُاليَد
palm of the hand
جبْسِيّ : جِصِّيّ
gypseous ; plastery
- of or relating to gypsum
- to be gypseous
- a hard creamy-white substance composing the main part of the tusks of the elephant
- one of a pair of very long pointed teeth, that stick out of the mouth of animals such as elephant .
مفردها : أَنْتِكَة : تُحْفَة,رائِعَة
chef d’oeuvre ; curio ; curiosity ; gem ; masterpiece ; masterwork ; objet d’art ; piece de resistance ; rarity ; showpiece ; work of art
نَفَّضَ : حَرَّكَ الشَّيْءَ لِيَزُولَ عنها لغُبار
dust off ; shake (off)
أَتْرِبَة :غَبَرَة
dust specks ; fine dust ; motes ; tiny dust particles
مفردها : سَعْي
attempt ; effort ; endeavor ; labor ; pursuit ; seeking ; striving (for) ; toil
اِكْتِفاء : اِسْتِكْفاء
content(ment) ; contentedness ; satisfaction - adequacy ; sufficiency
- contentment;satisfaction
- large quantity; plenty
- satisfactoriness; sufficiency; competence
- state of feeling content;satisfied;adequately happy
- stisfaction; content
- feeling of contentment
جَحِيم : نار،جَهَنَّم،عَذاب
fire ; hell ; hellfire
- a deep hole
- hell, hellfire
- the land of the dead in the stories of the ancient Greece
- the place of punishment or torment where the souls of the damned are confined after death, in Christian, Jewish, and Islamic belief
- hell
- hellfire, underworld
- evrlasting punishment of the wicked
- the hell
- hell; hellfire
مُؤَبّد ( اسم ) : أبَدِيّ، مَدَىالحَيَاة
endless ; eternal ; everlasting ; for a lifetime ; for life ; life ; lifelong ; unending
- endless
- without end
- throughout all time;forever
- continually, persistently
- for a lifetime
- lasting for a lifetime
- for ever
- continuing imdefinitely
- continuing all the time
- continuing all the time
- having or apparently having no end
جَشَع : طَمَع
avarice ; avidity ; covetousness ; cupidity ; greed(iness)
مثنى ومفردها : مُلَوِّث :
befouled ; besmirched ; contaminant ; contaminated ; contaminating ; contamination ; contaminative ; contaminator ; defiled ; dirty ; filthy ; foul ; impure ; infected ; infested ; pollutant ; polluted ; polluter ; polluting ; pollution ; pollutive ; soiled ; stained ; sullied ; tarnished ; unclean
- state of causing to become dirty
- causing to become dirty
- causing contamination
- person or thing that causes contamination
- a substance that makes air ,water ,and soil dangerously dirty
- contaminator or pollutive
- causing pollution
- causing pollution
- something which contaminates
مفردها : بُقْعَة : لَطْخَة
blot ; blotch ; macula ; macule ; patch ; smudge ; splotch ; spot ; stain
مُرَوّع : رَهِيب،مُرْعِب
alarming ; appalling ; awesome ; awful ; dreadful ; frightening ; frightful ; ghastly ; grisly ; gruesome ; horrendous ; horrible ; horrific ; horrifying ; macabre ; shocking ; startling ; terrible ; terrifying
- terrifying
- frightening; horrifying; scaring.
- very great, making you feel great admiration or fear; appalling; horrible; fearful; alarming; amazing; formidable; intimidating; solemn; majestic
- causing awe; extremely impressive, serious, or difficult so that you feel great admiration, worry or fear; formidable; horrible; imposing; magnificent
- terrible; inspiring fear or awe
- dreaded
- extremly unwelcome or unpleasant
- appalling or frightening, esp. in appearance
- causing fright or terror
- dreadful; causing fear
- horrible, frightful
- of or relating to giant
- causing horror, disgust, or fear
- horrible, grisly, disgusting
- causing or likely to cause horror; hideous, shocking
- horrifying; terrifying
- very strange and unpleasant.
- frightening or scare
- causing terror; awful; dreadful.
- fearful; frightening; trerrifying.
- awe- inspiring ; fearful ; overpowering .
يَشْتَمّ : تَنَشَّقَالرَّائِحَةَ
- to notice or discover something that is not easy to be seen ; heared or known
- perceive the smell of; discover by smell
- discover something by the sense of smell
- perceive the small of; examine by smell
- draw up air audibly through the nose; draw up air audibly through the nose
- inhale; sniff; smell
- blow or puff lightly; get a slight smell of; smell
نُثَار : ماتَنَاثَرَ
scattered fragments
dust ; scattered particles or fragments
تَطَايَرَ : اِنْتَشَرَ،تَصَاعَدَ
spread - extend, reveal, circulate
- the state of spreading or sending out
- diffusion, extension, spread, dissemination or propagation
متهالك : لم يعدذ افائدة
Be on its last legs
antiquated ; bad ; decadent ; decayed ; decomposed ; degenerate(d) ; disintegrated ; dowdy ; fossil ; foul ; frayed ; frazzled ; obsolete ; old ; old-fashioned ; out-of-date ; outmoded ; putrid ; ragged ; rot ; rotten ; secondhand (clothes) ; shabby ; shoddy ; spoiled ; tattered ; threadbare ; worn ; worn-out ; worn out
ودّاً ( اسم ) : حُبُّوأُلْفَة
amicability ; cordiality ; friendliness ; friendly feeling ; friendly relations ; friendship ; goodwill ; intimacy ; love ; sincere affection
- state of being amicable
- state of being cordial; expression of cordial feeling
- fiendly feeling and behaviour
- being friends; the feeling or relationship that exists between friends
- friendliness, closeness
- good and cordial relations
- sincere friendliness
- state of being amicable
- intense feeling of of caring about someone or affection or fondness for a person or thing; great liking
نَقِيض : مُخَالِف
contrary - the opposite
anti- ; antipode ; antithesis ; contra- ; contradictory ; contrary ; contrast ; converse ; counter ; counter- ; inverse ; opposite ; reverse
تَبْضُّع : تَسَوُّق،شِراء
buy ; make purchases ; purchase ; shop
- noun gerund of verb to buy
- purchase or take up
- purchasing; trading; buying; purchasing; trading; buying
وَرْشَة : مَشْغَل
atelier ; workshop
factory ; mill ; plant ; works
motel ; motor court ; motor hotel ; motor inn ; motor lodge ; tourist court
زَوَال : اِنْقِضاء
abatement ; cessation ; coming to an end ; disappearance ; end ; lapse ; termination ; vanishing
elapsing ; expiration ; expiry ; passage ; passing
تَذَمُّر : اِحْتِداد،سُخْط
complaining ; complaint ; grouch ; grumble ; grumbling ; nagging ; repining
- saying that one is not satisfied,that something is wrong,that one is suffering
- act of complaining or statement of,grounds for, dissatisfaction
- complain; grumble
- complaint; grumbling
- complaining; expressing unsatissfaction all the time
سَطْوَة : نُفُوذ،سَيْطَرَة
ascendancy ; authority ; clout ; control ; domination ; hegemony ; influence ; leverage ; power ; sway ; upper hand
(supreme or sovereign) authority ; command ; dominion ; prestige ; reign ; rule ; sovereignty ; weight
أرْجَح : غالب , أكْثَرُاحْتِمالاً
more likely ; more probable
- outbalancing
- the most probable
- more likely
outbalancing ; outweighing ; predominant ; preponderant ; superior
- contingent
- possible; uncertain; accidental
- likely
- the most probable
- having more power than others
- hoped for or looked for
- probable ; possible ; conceivable .
- bearable ; endurable or agreeable ; acceptable.
باحَة ( اسم ) : بَهْو،فِناء
- unroofed space with walls or building around it
- court; unroofed area enclosed by walls or buildings
- the entrance hall or other large area in a hotel, theatre, etc
- a space or passage into which the front entrance of house opens; a corridor or passage in a building
- courtyard; hall; square
- checker, plaza, or bevel
- a piece of enclosed ground attached to a building or used for a particular purpose; the garden of a house or a stockyard
- flat shape with three or more sides
- flat shape with three or more sides
- polygonal; having three or maore sides
- ribbed
- having raised lines
مُزَخْرِف : مُزَيّن
(interior) decorator ; adorning ; decorating ; decorative ; embellisher ; embellishing ; ornamenting - adorned ; decorated ; embellished ; fancy ; flamboyant ; florid ; garnished ; ornamental ; ornamented ; ornate
مَكْسُوّ : مُغَطًّى،مَطْلِيّ
clad ; clothed ; coated ; covered ; dressed ; garbed ; overlaid ; plated
- covered with a coat or layer
- painted; coated with a paint
- completeycoverd
- enclosed or surrounded
- clothed; dressed; overlaid; coated
- wrapped or covered
- covered; coated; dressed
- to be painted or overlaid
نوع من أنواع الحجر
- Bricks
- Blocks
admirable ; amazing ; excellent ; fine ; gorgeous ; magnificent ; marvelous ; novel ; original ; splendid ; superb ; unique ; unprecedented ; wonderful
مَفْرُوش ( اسم ) : مبَلّط،مَرْصُوف
flagged ; floored ; paved ; slabbed ; tiled
بَدِيع : رائِع،مُبْتَدَع
admirable ; amazing ; excellent ; fine ; gorgeous ; magnificent ; marvelous ; novel ; original ; splendid ; superb ; unique ; unprecedented ; wonderful
نوع من أنواع الحجر
Type of stone
مُغَطّاة : غُطّيَ
cased ; clad ; clothed ; coated ; dressed ; encased ; enfolded ; enwrapped ; garbed ; lapped ; overlaid ; plated ; swathed ; wrapped up
concealed ; covered ; enveloped ; mantled ; veiled ; wrapped
- camouflaged
- disguised or obscured
- being enclosed in a case or casing
- covered with a coat or layer
- completeycoverd
- enclosed or surrounded
- covered or surrounded by something
- covered with or as with a film
- clothed; dressed; overlaid; coated
- wrapped or covered
- to be painted or overlaid
- enveloped; folded; covered
- covered; folded
رَدْم : سَدّ،طَمْر
- filling up (with earth)
- interred,embedded
مُنْهار ( اسم ) : ساقِط
collapsed ; fallen
- broken into small pieces
- broken, smashed
- almost collapsing
- destroyed or damaged ( building, town, etc )
- defeated; overpowered
- destroyed; damaged; wercked
- bringing ruin; disastrous, or in euins; dilapidated
- in a state of ruin or completely wrecked
- destroyed; ruined
- pulled down
- falling or fallen into ruin ; dilapidated .
- involved in or suffering a wreck or shipwreck
مُهَدَّم : مَهْدُوم
- that has been broken; out of order; (of person) defeated; (of language) imperfect; (of time) interrupted; (of ground) uneven; (of rule) not observed
- torn into pieces; destroyed
- broken; smashed
- smashed; ground; bruised
- ruined;wrecked;devastated
- ruined;damaged
- old and in a very bad condition
- broken; shattered
تَعْمِير : بِنَاء
building ; construction ; erection
- act or manner of constructing; being constructed
إسْتَحَقّ : اِسْتَأهَلَ
be entitled to ; be worthy of ; deserve ; earn ; have the right to ; merit
- deserve
- merit:to be entitled to
- to deserve something
- be deserving
مَكْبُوت : مَحْبُوس،مَكْظُوم
bridled ; checked ; confined ; controlled ; curbed ; in check ; inhibited ; kept in ; low-key(ed) ; penned ; pent-up ; repressed ; restrained ; subdued ; suppressed ; under control
سِوَاه : بإسْتِثْنَاءِه
One else, Else
but ; except ; excepting ; excluding ; other than ; save ; with the exception of
رَعِيَّة: مُوَاطِن، مُوَاطِنُون
subject(s), citizen(s), national(s)
تَهَرَّأَ اللَّحْمُ (بِالطَّبْخ)
to be overdone, cooked to shreds
Goal, target
سَكَبَ: صَبَّ، سَفَحَ
to pour (out), shed, spill, empty