Algeria 2 Flashcards
بِدْعَة ( الجذر: بدع - المجال: عــام ) : شَيْءٌجَدِيد
- a belief, statement that disagrees with what a group of people believe to be right
- heresy
- new creation
- fad, craze, rage
- innovation
- novelty
إِحتاجَ: ( فعل ) احتاجَ / احتاجَإلىيحتاج،احْتَجْ،احتياجًا،فهومُحتاج،والمفعولمُحتاج
يَحْتَاجُعَمَلُهُإلَىوَسَائِلَجَدِيدَةٍ : يَتَطَلَّبُ
- Need
- bravura
- Basic concept
- Fiduciary
- maintenance - free
- It is not take a rocket scientist to
Admiralty naval base back to the era of French colonialism in Algiers, which is the headquarters of the Algerian Navy .
تَلَفُّت ( الجذر: لفت - المجال: عــام ) : اِلْتِفات
- looking in every or another direction
- turn
- winding ; coiling
- to search or look in every or another direction
- devote oneself energetically to .
إِلتَحَقَ: ( فعل ) التحقَبـيلتحق،التحاقًا،فهومُلْتَحِق،والمفعولمُلتحَقٌبه
التحقبه : أدركه،لحقهولصقبه
- go to sea
- join up
- attach
- He joined
مَعْقِل ( الجذر: عقل - المجال: عــام ) : حِصْن
– part of a fortification that stands out from the rest; military stronghold near hostile territory; something preserved from destruction or change
- a citadel within a Russian town
- fortress for protecting a town;place of refuge or safety
- castle, citadel, fort, stronghold
- large building fortified against attacks(formerly);house that was once such a fortified building or rook(chess)
- a tall esp. sequare or circular structure, often part of a church, castle etc. or fortress.
- a fortified place
مِنْبَر ( الجذر: نبر - المجال: أديان ) : مِنْبَر , مُرْتَفعيَصْعَدهالْخَطِيبوَغَيْرهلِيَسْمَعَهوَيَرَاهالنَّاس
- a low stage that you stand on when you are making a speech or performing
- platform; stage; rostrum
– level surface raised above the surrounding ground or flooor
- raised enclosed platform
- raised platform from which public speeches are made
- a dais or rosturm .
عَيْنِيّ ( الجذر: عين - المجال: صفات ) : مَحْسُوس , مادِّيّ
- of material things;existing in material form;that can be touched,felt,etc or definite
- of the human body
- of or for the body or physical (contrasted with spiritual)
- have the sensation of touch
- can be known with senses
- of or concerning material things
- existing as a thing or occurring as a fact
- concrete, material, perceivable
- concrete, real, tangible
تَابَ ( الجذر: توب - المجال: أديان ) : رَجَعَعَنْمَعْصِيَة-نَدِمَ
- forsake
- abandon, leave, or neglect
- was or became repentant
- to repent, be or become penitent
تَبَرَّأَ ( الجذر: برء - المجال: قانون ) : أُعْلِنَتْبَرَاءَتُهُ
- to be acquitted, absolved, cleared, exculpated, exonerated, declared or found innocent (guiltless, not guilty)
- be declared blameless (guiltless)
- be announced as inculpable
خَلِيط ( الجذر: خلط - المجال: عــام ) : مَزِيج
- metal formed of a mixture of metals or of metal and another substance, or inferior metal mixed with one of greater value like gold or silver
- process of mixing or adding things, or ingredients put together
- done,made,or achieved by several people working together or possessing together
- mixture made of various sorts
- act of mixing together;something that is mixed
- prepared mixture,especially of rotted organic matter,manure,etc for use in horticulture
- a number of things mixed up without any sensible order or arrangement
- mixture of things or persons of different sorts
- a combination of two or more people, things, ideas, or feelings that are different
اِنْتَسَبَ ( الجذر: نسب - المجال: عــام ) : اِنْتَسَبَإِلَى : اِنْتَمَى
- be the property of; be a member of; be connected with; have as a right or proper place; live in
- affiliate; ally; connect; unite; link oneself with
- join somebody or something as a companion or member
- be a member or adherent of; be a possession of
فَرَنْسِيّ ( الجذر: الفَرَنْسِيَّة - المجال: شعوبوأجناس ) : مَنْسُوبٌلفَرَنْسَا
French - of or relating to France or its people or language
إِستَولَى: ( فعل ) استولىعلىيستولي،اسْتَوْلِ،استيلاءً،فهومُستولٍ،والمفعولمُستولًىعليه
اِسْتَوْلىعَلَيْهِ : غَلَبَهُ
- to usurp power
- to a throne
- Appropriate , to
- lay hold of
- seize ( VT .)
- surprise ( VT .)
أَخَصُّ: ( إسم ) بالأخصّ : لاسيما،
علىالأخصّ : علىنحويستحقّالذكرَويلفتالنظرَ
- philology ( N .)
- most notably
تَشَبُّع ( الجذر: شبع - المجال: كيمياء ) : مَصْدَرتَشَبَّعَ , إِشْبَاع
- satisfaction; sufficiency; fullness
- condition or feeling of being satiated
- feeling of contentment
- the act or result of making something very wet
- (of body, sound, colour, etc) richness, volume, body
إِستَهانَ: ( فعل ) استهانَبـيستهين،اسْتهِنْ،استهانةً،فهومستهين،والمفعولمستهانبه
اسْتَهَانَبالأَمر : استخفَّبه؛كأَهانه
رأيلايُسْتَهانبه : جديرٌبالعناية
- Make light / little of
- set at naught
- to live dangerously
اِنْفَضَّ ( الجذر: فضض - المجال: عــام ) : تَفَرَّقَ
- go in different directions;scatter
- disperse; vanish, disappear or divide
- to scatter, disperse, break up, disband - to be scattered, dispersed
شامِل ( الجذر: شمل - المجال: عــام ) : جامِع , عامّ
- free, liberal; unprejudiced; not specialized; general
- total; entire; overall
- including something
- complete, total or unlimited, unrestricted
- total; combined
- having all its parts;whole or integral or thorough;inevery way
- complete;including (nearly) all elements,aspects,etc
- having as parts or members
- holding all its limits will allow; abundant, copious, satisfying, sufficient; complete, perfect, reaching the utmost limit; having an abundance of
- affecting all or most people, places, things or not limited to one part of a person or thing or showing the chief aspects of something or normal
- shared by or including a whole group or class; not specific
نَهي: ( إسم ) الجمع : نَهُونَمصدرنَهَى
النَّهْيُ : طلبُالامتناععنالشيء
- Prohibition style
- Negative command
- Prohibition of plunder
- Prohibition of celibacy
مُنْكَر ( الجذر: نكر - المجال: أديان ) : أَمْرٌ ( أوعَمَلٌ ) قَبِيح , قَبَاحَة
- extremely bad or showing no ability to do something at all; wicked; vicious; cruel; savage; ruthless
- abominable action or deed
- an extremely cruel and violent action, especially during a war; brutality; enormity; cruelty; villainy; barbarity
- baseness ; depravity ; wickedness
- very unpleasant, or indecent
- act, habit, person or thing that is hated
نَسَب ( الجذر: نسب - المجال: علاقات ) : سُلالَة , أَصْل
- line of ancestors; the members of your family who lived a long time ago
- ancestry
- line - origin, extraction
- lineage, descent, parentage
- ancestry, pedigree, genealogy
مَحْسُوب ( الجذر: حسب - المجال: عــام ) : مَعْدُود
- counted, calculated; computed; concluded after calculation
- be computed ,counted ,etc
- reckoned;calculated
- reckoned; calculated; enumerated
- named one by one or counted
- few; not many
- a word, figure , or group of figures denoting a number
شَنَقَ: ( فعل ) شنَقَيَشنُق،شَنْقًا،فهوشانق،والمفعولمَشْنوق
شَنَقَالشَّاةَ : عَلَّقَهَا
شَنَقُواالْمُجْرِمَ : رَبَطُواعُنُقَهُوَعَلَّقُوهُحَتَّىيَمُوتَ
- to halter
- to hang
- to execute by hanging
- executed by hanging
- Capital Punishment
- hang
حَدَّاد ( الجذر: حدد - المجال: مهن ) : مَنْصَنْعَتُهُالحِدَادَة
- man who makes and repairs things of iron, especially a shoer of horses
- blacksmith, smith, smithy
- a worker in metal
مَرّة: ( إسم ) الجمع : مرّاتومِرار
ولقيتُهذاتَالمِرَار : مِرَارًاكثيرة
- several times
- repeatedly
- quite often
- many times
تَعَقَّبَ ( الجذر: عقب - المجال: عــام ) : تَتَبَّعَ
- go or come slowly or gradually .
- chase ; trace ; track .
- arrange by turns; occur in turn; cause to occur or appear one after the other
- take legal procedure against; be after somene
- to go farther; go on (being or doing); stay or remain at or in
- go or come after(a person or a thing proceeding a head)
- follow somebody or something to catch or kill; to keep on practising
- go back over one’s steps etc
- run to try to catch somebody; chase somebody
- observe, discover, or find vestiges or signs of by investigation.
- Remote areas
- Hinterland
- the out islands
أَسِيَ: ( فعل )
أسِيَعلى / أسِيَلـيأسَى،ائْسَ،أَسًى،فهوآسٍوأَسْيانُ / أَسْيانٌوأَسِيّ،والمفعولمأسيّعليه
أسِيعلىصديقه / أسِيلصديقه : حزِنعليه { فَلاَتَأْسَعَلَىالْقَوْمِالْكَافِرِينَ }
- sick at heart
- Pain
- Sorrow
- Deolation
اِسْتَغَلَّ ( الجذر: غلل - المجال: عــام ) : اسْتَفَادَمِنْ , اِسْتَثْمَرَ
- to discover and exploit
- benefit from; invest
- turn to one’s benefit
- make unfair use of; exploit
- make use of or take advantage of
- use for one’s own advantage
- receive ; gain profit by or from
- employ new members in armed forcesm policeme, company, etc
- employ something for a purpose; bring something into service or exploit somebody or something selfishly
- acquire or secure as a result of an effort; be victorious in; be the victor; make one’s way successfully; reach by effort
غَضّ ( الجذر: غضض - المجال: عــام ) : ناضِر , طَرِيّ
- of food not preserved by salting, tinning, or freezing
- easily cut or chewed, not tough
- strong in growth, lush, abundant
- not firm or strong
- able to be bend with out breaking
- hanging losse or wrinkled ; limp, flabby
- slack, relaxed, not tense or tight
طَرْف ( الجذر: طرف - المجال: عــام ) : حَدّ , مُنْتَهَى
- a projecting flat rim, collar, or rib, used for strengthing or attachment
- edge of(a crowd, forest, etc) or ornamental border of loose threads
- point, line or level beyond which something does not or may not extend
- end; finale; windup .
- the furthest point of place or time
تَجَاوُب ( الجذر: جوب - المجال: عــام ) : اِسْتِجَابَة
- act or instance of complying;obedience to a request,etc,unworthy submission,or the capacity to yield
- fulfilment of a proposal , request, etc
- the act of agreeing to a demand
- act of replying or what is replied; response
- receptiveness, acceptance, admission
- answer, or act of feeling produced in answer to a stimulus
- agreement to do or have something; approval
- answering; consent; fulfillment
موَكِّل: ( إسم ) فاعلمنوَكَّلَ
الْمُوَكِّل : الْمُفَوِّضالَّذِييُفَوِّضُأُمُورَهُإِلَىشَخْصٍآخَرَلِيُكَلِّفَهُبِهَا
- principal
- client
- retainer
- client ( N .)
ظَرف: ( إسم ) الجمع : أَظْرُفوأَظْرِفةوظروف
أيًّاكانتالظُّروف : بأيّحالمنالأحوال،
بحسبالظُّروف : وفقًاللأحوال
- aggravated larceny
- Failing circumstances
- circumstances of presentation
- special circumstances
- mitigating circumstances
- Attenuation
تخفيفيّة: ( إسم ) اسممؤنَّثمنسوبإلىتخفيف
أسبابتخفيفيَّة / ظروفتخفيفيَّة : ( الثقافةوالفنون ) ملابساتتستدعيتخفيفحكمعلىمتَّهم،أوعقوباتمفروضةعلىدولة
- extenuating circumstances
- slowness
- mitigation of damages
- commutation
- Mitigation of sentence
ثُبُوت ( الجذر: ثبت - المجال: عــام ) : تَحَقُّق , تَأَكُّد
- state of being cpmpletely certain or something that is certain
- steadiness, fixedness, solidness
- stabilization or firmness
- certainty;state of being perfectly certain of something
- reality ; fact or trueness or the state of being true .
- reassurance; ascertainment; proving; confirmation
- certainty; assurance; positivism
- truthfulness ; validity ; veracity .
تآمرَ / تآمرَعلىيتآمر،تآمُرًا،فهومتآمِر،والمفعولمتآمَرعليه
تَآمَرُواعليه : تشاوروافيإِيذائه
- lady Macbeth strategy
بَتَرَ ( الجذر: بتر - المجال: أدويةوأمراض ) : قَطَعَ
- cut off(a diseased or an injured limb)by surgical operation
- cutting off by surgical operation
- to cut or fell by a blow,usually with an axe
- to make an opening, incision; separate; remove from something larger; divide or separate into two
- to remove by cutting
- detach from;take two things apart
- to make a small cut in the surface or edge of something, usually by accident
- divide; brak; make separate
- cut off
- cut the top or the end from ( a tree, a body etc.)
كَتيبة: ( إسم ) الجمع : كتيباتوكتائِبُ
الكَتِيبَةُ : الفرقةُالعظيمةُمنالجيشتشتملعلىعددمنالسَّرَيَا
- detachment
- battalion
- phalanx
- regimental grid
- Detachment
رَهْط ( الجذر: رهط - المجال: عــام ) : جَمَاعَة
- group of people joined together for a common purpose; organization; confederation; society; league; union; corporation; federation; company; club
- persons grouped round a centre of interests
- group of persons having the same religion,race,etc or with common interests
- a social community
- (group of persons who carry on)secret plot;intrigue(especially in politics)
- group having qualities of the same kind;kind,sort of division or system of ranks in society ;all people in one of these ranks or grouping of organisms
- being together with another or others,persons with whom one spends one’s time,group of persons or guests,or number of persons united for business
اِعْتَزَلَ ( الجذر: عزل - المجال: عــام ) : تَنَحَّىعنِالشَّيْء
- retire or go away; move away or back; detach from
- detach oneself from
- to withdraw ( from )
- to retire ( from )
- to isolate oneself ( from )
ضالّة: ( إسم ) الجمع : ضالاّتوضَوالُّ
الضَّالَّةُ : كلماضَلَّ،أَيضاعوفُقِدمنالمحسوساتوالمعقولات،أَومنالبهائمخاصة
- Behave like a pack of wild animal / mad dogs
- impound ( VT .)
- pinner
- Stray
تَلَا ( الجذر: تلو - المجال: عــام ) : تَبِعَ
- go or come aftera person or a thing proceeding a head
- to follow
- occur as a result, have a specified effect or outcome
- to result from
- to happen as a result of something
- rise, emanate, follow, start, proceed or jump
عُذر: ( إسم ) الجمع : أعذار
العُذْرُ : الحُجَّةُالتييُعتَذرُبهاوالجمع : أعذارٌ { قَدْبَلَغْتَمِنْلَدُنِّيعُذْرًا }
- Make allowances for
- Justtification
- alibi
- plea
- excuse
جَهل: ( إسم ) الجَهْلُ : ( فياصطلاحأَهلالكلام ) : اعتِقادالشيءعلىخلافِماهوعلَيه
الجَهْلُالبَسِيطُ : عَدَمُالْمَعْرِفَةِبِالشَّيْءِ
- ignoramus ( N .)
- Rational Ignorance
- Ignorance is bliss
- benighted
حينَئِذ: ( إسم )
آنذاك،ذلكالوقت،لفظحينلحقته ( إذ ) المنونّةعوضًاعنجملةالمضافإليهوقفمنالثورةموقفًاحذرًاوقدكانحينئذٍموظّفًاحكوميًّا
- At the time
- nunc pro tunc
- I would like to be a fly on the wall
- if - then operation
إِنشَقَّ: ( فعل ) انشقَّينشقّ،انْشَقِقْ / انْشَقَّ،انشقاقًا،فهومُنشقّ
اِنْشَقَّتْعَصاالجماعَةِ : تَفَرَّقُوا
كانالاَيَفْتَرِقانِفانْشَقَّأَحَدُهُماعَنِالآخَرِ : اِنْفَصَلَعَنْهُ،وَابْتَعَدَاِنْشَقَّعَنْجَماعَةٍوَانْضَمَّإلىجَماعَةٍأُخْرَى
- Disappear / vanish without a trace , vanish off the face f the earth
- Evaporate like liquid left in the sun / mist before the sun / snow on a hotplate
- Go out of the window
- Evaporate like liquid left in the sun / mist before the sun / snow on a hotplate
- Go out of the window
جُلّ ( الجذر: جلل - المجال: عــام ) : مُعْظَم
- the greatest number, degree, or quantity
- most of
- the bigger portion or part(of)
- the greater part
- the greater part or number; size etc
مَكَثَ ( الجذر: مكث - المجال: عــام ) : مَكَثَبِـ : أَقامَبِـ
- to have your home in a particular place
- to reside in
- live in or house in
- to live in a particular place
- populate, dwell in
- reside in
زاوَلَ ( الجذر: زول - المجال: عــام ) : مارَسَ
- to do an activity regularly
- practice
- Go into / be in business
- Keep his hand in
- Exercise ( v .)
عَقِيدَة ( الجذر: عقد - المجال: أديان ) : مَذْهَب
- a belief or set of beliefs that form the main part of a religion or system of ideas
- a principle,tenent,or system
- creed, beliefs or opinions, on religious doctrine
- firm or strong belief
- a doctrine, dogma, or principle held by a group or person.
- religious or some other solemn ceremony
- belief in the existence of god or gods, who has/have created the universe
- firm or strong belief
خَيْر ( الجذر: خير - المجال: عــام ) : رَخاء , رَفَاهِيَة
- state of having all things that make your life pleasant or state of being free from suffering,anxiety,etc
- splendour and prosperity
- abundance of money, goods or property; wealth
- riches, abundant possessions; opulence; the state of being rich; welfare or prosperity; an abundance or profusion
- well-being, happiness; health and prosperity; the maintenance of persons in such a condition; financial support given for this purpose
- the state of being ostentatiously rich
صاف: ( إسم ) اسمفاعلمنصفَا / صفَالـ
صافِياللَّمَعانِ : وَاضِحٌ،نَاصِعٌ
يَمْلِكُقَلْباًصَافِياً : طَيِّباًلاَحِقْدَفِيهِ،لاَضَغِينَةَفِيهِ
- Net weight ( see : gross weight )
- Clear width
- Net income
- net income
- Take - Home Pay
- net explosives weight [NEW]
خُطبة: ( إسم ) الجمع : خُطُباتوخُطْباتوخُطَب
خِطبة : قطعةمنالكلامتوجَّهإلىجمهورالنَّاس،كلامٌيخاطببهالمتكلِّمجمعًامنالنَّاسلإعلامهموإقناعهمألقىخُطبةالافتتاح،
- soapbox
- Speech
- Scheme
- Project
- to schematize
- to project
رَدّ ( الجذر: ردد - المجال: عــام ) : جَواب
- act or instance of complying;obedience to a request,etc,unworthy submission,or the capacity to yield
- reply; response; reaction; acknowledgement or somone or somethin giving that
- response or reaction; reply; solution to a problem, difficulty, question, etc
- voluntary agreement,permission,compliance
- receptiveness, acceptance, admission
- answer, or act of feeling produced in answer to a stimulus
- the noun gerund of verb to reply
لَغَط: ( إسم ) الجمع : ألغاط
اللَّغَطُ : الصَّوْتوالجلَبةوالجمع : أْلغاط
- Hubbub
- murmur ( N .)
- Clamor
- shouting
- tumult
- din
- uproar
عُمُومِيَّة ( الجذر: عمم - المجال: عــام ) : كَوْنُالشَّيْءِعامًّا
- to include something as part of a subject or discussion
- with no part left out,whole,complete
- openess or overtness or state of being public
- the whole of something or a total amount .
- generality; commonness
- wholeness;integrity
رُقْعَة ( الجذر: رقع - المجال: عــام ) : بُقْعَة
- spot; stain, patch
- stain; blot; speckle
- a small piece of ground
- stain; blot; tarnish
- a spot on the skin ; a freckle
- part of a surface or body or space with or without definite boundaries or characteristics features
- the amount of space that a flat surface covers, or particular part of a country, town, house, office, garden, or particular subject
لَئِن ( الجذر: لَئِن - المجال: لغويات ) : عِبَارَةاللَّامالْمُوَطِّئةلِلْقَسَممُدْمَجَةبإِنْالشَّرْطِيَّ
- shield
- indeed if
- while
حِقد: ( إسم ) الجمع : أحقاٌد،حُقُودٌ
الحِقْدُ : الانطواءعلىالعداوةوالتربُّصلفرصتها
- rancour
- hatred
- malice
- spite
- grudge
- malevolence
أَسْلاف ( الجذر: سلف - المجال: علاقات ) : جَدٌّأَعْلَى
- person’s ancestors
- ancestor; forefather
- forefathers; ancestors
- ancestor; forefather; grandfather
- person or animal that lived along time ago
- any of the people from whom somebody is descended, especially those more remote than his grandparents; forefather
صَبّ ( الجذر: صبب - المجال: عــام ) : سَكْب
- emptying or shedding
- shedding or emptying
- pouring, shedding or effusion
- noun gerund of verb to shed
- founding; forming; shaping
جَام ( الجذر: جوم - المجال: عــام ) : كَأْس
- bowl; tazza; jorum
- a vessel used for drinking
- a drinking-glass with no handle or foot.
- drinking glass
- small bowl-shaped container usually with a handle for drinking from
- a hard, brittle, usually transparent, or shiny substance or objects made from glass, especially: drinking-vessel, mirror, etc
سِتَارَة ( الجذر: ستر - المجال: ملابس ) : حِجَاب , غِطَاء
- sash ; riband ; foulard .
- a veil concealing the face except the eyes, worn by some Muslim women when in public
- covering of fine net or other material worn, especially by women or piece of linen, etc covering the head and shoulders, especially of nuns
- piece of cloth or lace hung up at a window, etc; one to draw or lower in a theatre; one to protect or cover
- thing that covers or protects, especially a lid, an envelope or the wrapper of a parcel, the binding of a book, either board of this, or bed clothes
- a bluff; a pretext; a person, etc serving to cover subversive or illegal activities
الكَعْبَة ( الجذر: كعب - المجال: أديان ) : البَيْتُالحَرَام , البَيْتُالعَتِي
- kaaba
- the Ka`bah
- the holy mosque in Mecca
رَهيب: ( إسم )
أَمْرٌرَهيبٌ : مايُخافُمِنْهُ،مُرْعِبٌ،مُفْزِعٌ
- bloodbath ( N .)
- terrifying
- terrible
- monstrous
- macabre
- horrendous
مَسَّ ( الجذر: مسس - المجال: عــام ) : لَمَسَ , جَسَّ
- feel; finger or move ; impasson or adjoin.
- touch, feel,or turn about with the finger
- perceive or ascertain by touch ; have a sensation of
إِلتَحَقَ: ( فعل ) الْتَحَقَبه : أَدركَه
الْتَحَقَ : التَصَقَبهوانضمّإِليه
- Enter
- Join ( v )
- Enrol
اِنْتِزاع ( الجذر: نزع - المجال: عــام ) : اِقْتِلاع
- extraction or eradication
- action of exorting
- rooting out ; uprooting .
- a sudden hard pull
- noun gerund of verb (to uproot)
- pulling out or eradication
- great demand on one’s time,strength,etc
- getting rid of something or putting an end to it
صاع ( الجذر: صوع - المجال: موازينومقاييس ) : مِكْيال
- measure
- to measure - to weight
- to use standard units to find the size, length, or amount of something - a standard used for comparison; a measuring rod a yard long, usually divided into inches, etc
صاع: ( إسم ) الجمع : أَصْوُعٌ،وصُوعانٌ،وصِيعانٌ
رَدَّلَهُالصَّاعَصَاعَيْنِ : أَيْكَافَأَهُبِضِعْفِشَرِّهِ
- Talk back
- to pay someone back twofold
- to bring double retaliation on
- Pay back / return with interest
خَلْفِيَّة ( الجذر: خلف - المجال: فنون ) : مَايَظْهَرفِيالسَّاحَةالخَلْفِيَّةمِنْالْمَشْهَدأوْالصُّورَة
- background, setting
- situation; determination; background
- back part of scene or picture; conditions, information, events surrounding something; person’s social surroundings, environment, etc
سَبِيّ ( الجذر: سبي - المجال: مصطلحاتعسكرية ) : أَسِير , مَأْسُو
- being kept in prison
- captive, prisoner (of war)
– someone who is kept as a prisoner
مُجْبَر ( الجذر: جبر - المجال: عــام ) : مُكْرَه
- forced,compelled
- pushed forward
- exacted or usurped
- compelled; obliged
- of obligation
- compelled, forced, obliged
إسكات: ( إسم ) مصدرأَسْكَتَ
إِسْكاتُالحَقِّلِلرَّجُلِانْصِياعٌ : اِنْقِطاعُهُعَنِالكَلامِ
- squelch ( N .)
- silence
- quiet
- shut up
- whist
- reduce
- hold ones tongue
حَيِّز ( الجذر: حوز - المجال: عــام ) : نِطَاق , مَجَال
- area;scope;extent
- area at a particular latitude
- opportunity or scope
- range, distance,direction
- field; domain; province
- field of activitiy or interest; sphere
- extention; expantion; streching
- particular area or position in space
- space in which one can move and work freely
استغرقَ / استغرقَفييستغرق،استغراقًا،فهومُستغرِق،والمفعولمُستغْرَق
يَسْتَغْرِقُفيالضَّحِكِكُلَّمَاسَمِعَنُكْتَةً : يُغْرِبُ،يُغْرِقُ،يُبالِغُفيالضَّحِكِ
- daydream ( VI .)
- fantasy ( I .)
- meditate ( I .)
- pore ( VI .)
- spread ( N .)
- occupy
خالَفَ ( الجذر: خلف - المجال: عــام ) : خَرَجَعَلَى , عارَضَ
- to disagree
- to disagree; to clash
- to be contrary to
- differ in openion with
- thwart ; frustrate ; oppose (an opinion)
- have a different openion from;refuse to assent to
- expressed strong disapproval of or disagreement with something or somebody
اِعْتَزَلَ ( الجذر: عزل - المجال: عــام ) : تَنَحَّىعنِالشَّيْء
- detach oneself from
- retire or go away; move away or back; detach from
- resign
- renounce
- keep oneself to oneself
تَرْشِيح ( الجذر: رشح - المجال: عــام ) : تَصْفِيَة , تَقْطِير
- draining, filtering
- purification,clarification
- the noun gerund of verb to filter
- noun gerund of verb to leach
- process of making a liquid percolate through some material
عَيِّنَة ( الجذر: عين - المجال: عــام ) : نَمُوذَج
- sample, specimen, pattern, sampling
- shape, mold, application, type or style
- a small part or amount of things
- an individual or part taken as an example
- member of the same class or kind with another
- small-scale reproduction of something; design to be copied; person or thing to be copied
إِستَحوَذَ: ( فعل )
استَحْوَذَعلىالشيءِ : استولى
- obsessive
- excessive; extreme; immoderate
- Obsession
- target acquisition
غَلَط ( الجذر: غلط - المجال: عــام ) : غَيْرُصَحِيح
- lapse, stumble
- wrong, mistaken
- a tactless mistake; a blunder
- an accidental or slight mistake
- a stumble or blunder , or the act of tripping or the state of being tripped up .
- mistaken, not true, incorrect; unsuitable; less or least desirable; contrary to law or morality; amiss, out of order; in a bad or abnormal condition
خَبيث: ( إسم )
الجمع : خبيثونوأخباث ( للعاقلوخِباثللعاقلوخُبُثللعاقلوخُبَثاءُللعاقل ) وخَبَثَة،أخابيث،المؤنث : خَبِيثَة،والجمعللمؤنث : خبيثاتوخبائثُ
خَبيث : رديءمكروه،كلّشيءفاسدوباطل، { قُلْلاَيَسْتَوِيالْخَبِيثُوَالطَّيِّبُوَلَوْأَعْجَبَكَكَثْرَةُالْخَبِيثِ }
- malignant pustule
- anthrax
- malignant anthrax ( = anthrax )
- cerebral anthrax
- pulmonary anthrax
- black quarter ( emphysematous anthrax )
لهَثَ: ( فعل )
يَلْهَثوراءالثَّروة : يسعىبجُهْدٍلتحصيلها
- gasp
- pant
- heave ( I .)
- YALHAS ( ‘ It ( the dog ) breathes heavily with its tongue out ’ )
وَغًى ( الجذر: وغي - المجال: مصطلحاتعسكرية ) : حَرْب
- a battle or war
- fight;fighting,struggle,battle
- a state of war; campaigning; engaging in war
- being hostile, enmity; a state of warfare
- the noun gerund of verb to fight
war, battle, fight(ing)
مُقارَعة: ( إسم ) مصدرقَارَعَ
مُقَارَعَةُالأَعْدَاءِ : مُصَارَعَتُهُمْ،مُضَارَبَتُهُمْ
- fight(ing), quarrel
- fighting
- the noun gerund of verb to fight
عِيَاذ ( الجذر: عوذ - المجال: عــام ) : مَلْجَأ
- secure place
- safe place
- a place of refuge
- sanctuary, retreat
- a hiding-place or place of retreat
- shelter given by a neighbouring object
- a shelter or a place of refuge or protection
- (place giving) shelter or prtection from danger,trouble, pursuit, etc
الجمع : ساسَةوسُوّاسوسُيَّاس
ساسةالبلاد : قادتُهاالذينيديرونشئونالبلادوالعباد
- The politicaians
- pol
- politicians
أَدْلَى: ( فعل )
أدلى / أدلىبـ / أدلىفييُدلِي،أَدْلِ،إدْلاءً،فهومُدْلٍ،والمفعولمُدْلًى - للمتعدِّي
يُدْلِيبِرَأْيِهِفِيكُلِّمُنَاسَبَةٍ : يُعَبِّرُعَنْرَأْيِه
- swing
- adduce
- disclose
- Bring before the committee
- Make a statement
- sag ( T .)
غِبّ ( الجذر: غبب - المجال: عــام ) : عاقِبَة
- a result; a visible effect
- result or outcome
- effect or outcome or of something
- that which follows or is brought about as the result or effect of something
زائِف ( الجذر: زءف - المجال: صفات ) : مُزَوَّر , كاذِب
- counterfeit ; not genuine
- slanderer ; fabricator ; liar .
- false; counterfeit; make-believe
- pretended; not genuine
- false or pretended
- to be false or forged
- false or not real
- deceitful, false
- person who tells a lie or lies
- not real or natural or part of a natural process; deliberately made; made by art; manufactured; fake; not sincere
- made or done in immitation of another thing in order to deceive
حَمَاقَة ( الجذر: حمق - المجال: صفات ) : قِلَّةالْعَقْل
- weak-mindedness
- stupidity, foolishness
- silliness, dumbness
- follishness ; lake of good sense
- stupidity, weak-mindedness
- nonsense ; foolishness ; silliness .
- stupidity; foolishness; fat-wittedness.
- the state of being stupid and foolish
- the state of being weak-minded
- the act of being idiot
مَفْعُول ( الجذر: فعل - المجال: لغويات ) : مَعْمُول , فُعِل
- finished or completed
- done
- performed
- process of doing something; thing done, deed, act or activity
جَوَّعَ: ( فعل )
جوَّعمدينةً : أجاعها،منعهاالطّعامَوالشرابَ
- famish ( I .)
- starve ( T .)
عَريَ: ( فعل )
عرِيَيَعرَى،اعْرَ،عُرْيًا،فهوعارٍوعُرْيانُ / عُرْيانٌ
عَرِيَمِنْثِيَابِهِ : خَلَعَهَا،تَجَرَّدَمِنْثِيَابِهِ { إِنَّلَكَأَلاَّتَجُوعَفِيهَاوَلاَتَعْرَى }
- denude ( VT .)
- uncover ( VT .)
- divest ( VT .)
- undress ( VT .)
كابَدَ ( الجذر: كبد - المجال: مشاعروعواطف ) : قاسَى , عانَى , تَحَمَّلَ
- to get through
- get through
- undergo or suffer (pain, grief, etc.)
- sustain
- experience
- pass through
- to suffer
مَشَقَّة ( الجذر: شقق - المجال: عــام ) : صُعُوبَة , شِدَّة
- bending
- hard work or exertion
- prolonged or intensive labour ; drudgery.
- weariness ; exhaustion or boredum ; tedium .
- the act or state of being strict; firm; harsh, etc
- difficulty ; distress or bother. vexation or a cause of annoyance .
- unfavourable or unfortunate conditions, event or circumstances; trouble, calamity, disaster; misfortune, affliction
دَمَّى: ( فعل )
دمَّىالجُرْحَ : أَدْماه؛أخرجمنهالدّمَ
- gore
- bleed ( VI .)
- dolls
أَفْتَى: ( فعل )
أَفْتَىفيالمسأَلة : أَبانالحُكمفيها
أفتىفيالرؤيا : فسَّرها،
- come out with
- to give or deliver a ( formal ) legal opinion
- opined
غُفْران ( الجذر: غفر - المجال: عــام ) : صَفْح
- leave , pardon
- confession to priest
- pardoning or forgiveness of sins by God
- pardon, leniency, excuse or pardon
- act of overlooking or forgiving (an offence)
- general pardon especially for offences against the State
- process in Christianity by which one is forgiven
عَلَّلَ ( الجذر: علل - المجال: عــام ) : بَرَّرَ , فَسَّرَ
- justify or vindicate
- to justify, vindicate
- justify; explain
- give a satisfactory record of
- show the justice or rightness of; demonstrate the correctness of; adduce adequate grounds for; vindicate
- clear of blame or suspicion or establish the existence, merits, or justice of (one’s courage etc) or justify (a person, oneself etc) by evidence etc
مُجَافَاة ( الجذر: جفو - المجال: عــام ) : جَفْوَة , إِعْراضٌعَنْ
- unwillingness;disaffection
- dislike;repugnance;aversion
- avoidance; averting; obviation
- calmness; compsure; unexitedness
- state or act of avoiding someone or something
- disloyality;discontent;disinclination
تَقَلُّص ( الجذر: قلص - المجال: عــام ) : اِنْخِفاض , تَضَاؤُل
- decline
- to shrink
- dwindle
- decrease
- a gradual decrease in the quality,quantity,or importance of something
- shrink; contraction; decrease
تألفمن ( تتبعها of ) توقفعلى،يكمنفى ( تتبعها in ) إنسجم ( تتبعها with )
- ambush
- consist
- couch
- waylay
نَشَاز ( الجذر: نشز - المجال: موسيقى ) : تَنَافُرٌمُوسِيقِيّ
- incongruity, inharmony
- discordance
- lack of harmony between sounds
- loud, unpleasant mixture of sounds
- lack of harmony between music sounds
- a combination of musical notes that are not in harmony
زَرِيّ ( الجذر: - المجال: ) : ذَمِيم،حَقِير،وَضِيع،تافِه
- insignificant, trifling, worthless
- despicable, contemptible
- miserable, wretched, poor, bad
- cheap, inferior, menial, low, base
رَمَى ( الجذر: رمي - المجال: عــام ) : أَلْقَى , قَذَفَ , رَشَقَ
- to pelt with
- erect and fix
- throw with
- hurl ; fling ; throw .
- throw; cast; fling
- to throw ;allow to fall or drop
- to abandon or throw away
- to get rid of something or someone
- to get rid of unwanted thing
- throw or hurl (an object) forcefully
تَراوَحَ: ( فعل )
تراوحَيتراوح،تراوُحًا،فهومُتراوِح،والمفعولمُتراوَح - للمتعدِّي
- alternate between
- alternated between
- vary irregularly ;be unstable, vacillate ; rise and fall, move to and fro
- (cause to) sway or vibrate unsteadily from side to side; stagger, stand or go unsteadily; wavervacillate, act inconsistently; quaver, pulsate
تَقَهْقَرَ ( الجذر: قهقه - المجال: عــام ) : تَرَاجَعَ
- recede or go back
- to retreat
- be pulled away
- to withdraw
- move to the back
- to rtreat; back out
- be pulled away
- go away to a place of shelter or privacy
- if a team fades, it stops playing as well as it did before
- move backwards in fear or dislike
- (cause to) move backwards; give up; yield; withdraw from
- accept defeat in a claim, argument, etc; move backwards away from something; stop taking part in something; stop trying to force someone to do a thing
طاغُوت ( الجذر: طغي - المجال: أديان ) : ماعُبِدَدُونَاللَّه
- universal
- idol
- tyrant
قَهَرَ ( الجذر: قهر - المجال: عــام ) : أَخْضَعَ , غَلَبَ , هَزَمَ
- win or gain a victory over
- achieve victory over one’s rivals
- prevail over, master, conquer
- master completely, conquer
- reduce to submission, subdue
- conquer, subjugate or tame enemy, nature, one’s emotions etc
- obtain, win (especially something wanted or needed) or benefit, profit from something or from doing something
- cover somebody or something completely by flowing over or pouring down on it/him or overpower somebody or something by force of numbers
- to use force to make somebody obedient;compel somebody to a course of actions
مَوعِظة: ( إسم ) الجمع : مواعِظُ
المَوْعِظَةُ : عِظَة؛مايُوعَظبهمنقَوْلأوفعْلوتذكيربالواجباتودعوةإلىالسّيرةالصّالحة { ادْعُإِلَىسَبِيلِرَبِّكَبِالْحِكْمَةِوَالْمَوْعِظَةِالْحَسَنَةِ }: القولالرقيق
- sermon
- preachment, exhortation
- sermon or exhortation
- traditional saying; proverb
- a spoken or written spoken
- occurance, example, etc that serves or should serve to warn or encourage
حَسَنَة ( الجذر: حسن - المجال: أديان ) : صَدَقَة
- charity; alms
- handout
- good deed
– money, clothes, food, etc given to poor people
- help to the poor;money,food,etc or neighbourly love or society for helping the needy
- charitable distribution;benefit claimable by the unemployed from the state
صالِح ( الجذر: صلح - المجال: عــام ) : نَفْع , مَنْفَعَة , خَيْر
- benefit; profit; gain
- right
- valid
- benefit; usefulness; profit
- well-being, happiness; health and prosperity; the maintenance of persons in such a condition; financial support given for this purpose
- advantage; profit; help; act of kindness; favour; allowance of money entitled to a person as a citizen, member of insurance society, etc
تَرَمُّل ( الجذر: رمل - المجال: عــام ) : مَوْتُالزَّوْج
- viduity
- widowhood
- the state or period of being a widow
- state or time of being widow; widowhood
سَلَكَ ( الجذر: سلك - المجال: علمنفس ) : سَلَكَالشَّيْءَفيالشَّيْء : أَدْخَلَهُ
- insert into
- to allow to enter
- come or go in or into
- relevant to something
- go along (a route, path, etc.)
- propel ; impel ; shove or intrude ; intromit.
مَطْمَع ( الجذر: طمع - المجال: عــام ) : مايُطْمَعُفِيه
- aspiration; wish; desire; greed
- greed for money or property
- a desire, request or aspiration; an expression of this; a thing desired
كَيْد ( الجذر: كيد - المجال: صفات ) : مَكِيدَة
- deceit; swindle
- plot; conspiracy
- ambuscade, trap
- a snare or trap
- a trick; a fraud
- evil plot or scheme
- trick; artifice
- a deceit, deception
- clever trick or pitfall
- ploy ; fraud ; ruse ; deception .
- a complete structure or connected series; a snare or trap
- the act of finding a way to get round (a law,rule,etc); preventing a plan from being carried out
ذَوْد ( الجذر: ذود - المجال: عــام ) : دِفَاعٌعَنْ
- protecting or being protected
- defending from attack:something used for protection
حَرَج ( الجذر: حرج - المجال: عــام ) : اِرْتِبَاك
- a state of perplexity
- confused or agitated state
- disorder,being confused
- untidy or confused state
- embarrassment; disconcertion
- confusion; tangle; interpenetration
- position hard to escape from ; a dilemma or predicament
- upsetting;confounding;disconcertion;confusion
- the state of making someone feel slightly uncomfortable,annoyed,or embarrassed
مُلْحِد ( الجذر: لحد - المجال: أديان ) : كافِر
- godless
- apostate
- heretic, unbeliever
- disbeliever; unbeliever; infidel
- renouncing former beliefs, etc
- person who disbelieves in God
- renouncing former beliefs, etc
- a person who is unable or unwilling to belies,especially in God
- a person who rejects dogma or authority, especially in religious belief
- a person believing in or practising religious heresy
أَخَلَّ: ( فعل )
أخلَّبـ / أخلَّفييُخلّ،أخْلِلْ / أخِلَّ،إخلالاً،فهومُخِلّ،والمفعولمُخَلّبه
أخلَّبشرفالمهنة / أخلَّفيشرفالمهنةأجْحَفوقصَّرفيها
أَخَلَّبِوَاجِبَاتِهِ : قَصَّرَفِيهَا
- to upset disturb
- to unbalance
- to riot
- to put out of balance
- Go back on his word
لَوْمَة ( الجذر: لوم - المجال: عــام ) : عَذْل , تَوْبِيخ
- severe disapproval or reproach
- rebuke, especially an official one
- blame ; reproach or admonishment .
- (remark, etc) expressing blame or disapproval
- serious blame or warning
- (remark, etc) expressing blame or disapproval
- blame ; reproach or admonishment .
- warning or expression of disapproval about someone’s behaviour
- the act of criticizing somebody or oneself, especially for failing to do something
إِعْلاء ( الجذر: علو - المجال: عــام ) : رَفْعُالشَّأْن
- raising; lifting
- praising and making higher
- noun gerund of verb to boost
- activity of helping of helping something to develop
- giving someone an important rank or position
- furthering or being furthered; the advancement of a scheme, etc
سَرَاب ( الجذر: سرب - المجال: فيزياء ) : مايُرَىماءًوماهُوَبِماء
- mirage
- phantom
- Mirage ( Meteor .)
- illusion; deceitful imagination
- a kind of mirage most frequently seen in the strait of messina between italy and sicily
سَذَاجَة ( الجذر: سذج - المجال: عــام ) : بَسَاطَة , اِفْتِقارٌلِلحُنْكَة
- innocence
- naivete
- simplicity
- artlessness
- gullibility
- naivety - the state of being naïve
رَصِيد ( الجذر: رصد - المجال: اقتصاد ) : المُودَعُمنَالأَمْوالِفيالمَصْرف
- Personal cheque
- outstanding account
- arrangement with a bank to pay in or take out money
- arrangement made with a bank allowing credit for financial or commercial transactions
زَكَّى: ( فعل )
زَكَّاهُ : أَكَّدَمَعْرِفَتَهُبِهِ،شَهِدَلَهُبِمُؤَهِّلاتٍوَأَنَّهُصالِحٌلِلْقِيامِبِمايُسْنَدُإلَيْهِ
زكَّىفلانٌأموالَه : أزكاها،نمّاهاوزادَفيها
- Recommend ( v )
- Second a proposal
- commended
- commends
حاقِد ( الجذر: حقد - المجال: صفات ) : كَثِيرُالْحِقْد
- spiteful; malicious
- malicious; implacable
- despiteful, hateful
- spiteful, malicious person
- feeling or showing intense ill will
- showing a desire to harm someone
- spiteful:malicious:contemptuous
- showing a desire to harm other people
- (of a person etc) virulent; spiteful, malignant
- person who wishes ill for others out of his hatred and envy
تَعَرَّى ( الجذر: عري - المجال: عــام ) : تَجَرَّدَ , عَرِيَ
- undress
- undress;take off
- putting off one’s clothes .
- take off one’s clothes or take the clothes off (a person)
قِنَاع ( الجذر: قنع - المجال: ملابس ) : قِناعُ ( الوَجْهإلخ )
- mask; veil; visor
- something that covers all or part of your face to hide it
- masquerade;something that you wear to change your appearance and hide who you are
دَلِيل ( الجذر: دلل - المجال: عــام ) : فِهْرِس
- legal adviser; lawyer
- a sweetheart or guide
- leader; conductor; advisor
- barrister; group of barristers, giving advice in a law case
- person who gives expert advice (in medicine, business, etc)
- person or thing that leads; person followed by others
- person who guides or conducts(a group of singers, a band,etc)
- guide; a person who leads people to their seats in a theatre
- someone whose job is to give advice in business, law, politics, etc or person who is regularly consulted
- note, etc telling a reader in what other book, article, etc information may be found; book, passage, article, etc referred to in this way
نَوَى ( الجذر: نوي - المجال: عــام ) : قَصَدَ , اِعْتَزَمَ
- aim at
- purpose, mean
- intend ,mean ,or plan
- aim at; seek; intend; mean
- to mean:to be a sign of something :indicate
- mark or point out clearly:give a name or title to
اِضْطَرَّ ( الجذر: ضرر - المجال: عــام ) : أَجْبَر
- fret
- compel
- have
- force
- oblige
- coerce
- impel
have to
مُخَلِّص ( الجذر: خلص - المجال: عــام ) : مُنْقِذ , مُحَرِّر
- rescuer,saver
- a person who rescues
- emancipator; liberator
- rescuer; deliverer; heart-whole
- person who saves somebody from danger
- that is a relief to; that eases from pain, discomfort, etc; that relieves
صَفَا ( الجذر: صفو - المجال: عــام ) : كانَصافِيًا
- to clear, clarify
- be or become unmixed
- (of water, eyes, etc) to be clear; transparent
to be or become clear, pure, undisturbed, untroubled, serene, limpid
مَرْصُوص ( الجذر: رصص - المجال: عــام ) : مُلْتَزّ
- crammed together
- pressed tightly together
- compressed, crowded
- compressed, wedged
- joined or pressed firmly together
- pressed together;got into a small(er) space
- propelled or interpolated ; inserted .
- packed; jammed; crammed; rammed
- closely or neatly packed together or(of body)small or well-proportioned or (of style etc) brief
راشِد ( الجذر: رشد - المجال: صفات ) : عاقِل , حَكِيم
- wise; sage
- very wise
- very wise man
- rightful; lawful
- not foolish or absured
– sagacious;shrewd;sharp
- sensible, prudent; sound in discernment and judgement
- having experience, knowledge and judiciously applying them; sagacious, prudent, sensible, discreet, alert, crafty; suggestive of wisdom
إِنضواء: ( اسم ) مصدرانضوى
الانضواء : ( العلوماللغوية ) ارتباطكلمةبأخرىارتباطًاصوتيًّافيُنطقبهماكأنّهماكلمةواحدة،مثل ( يغريبي ) فيقولالشَّاعر : * وأنثنيوبياضالصُّبحيغريبي *
( مصدراِنْضَوَى ) اِنْضِواءُالجَيْشِتَحْتَلِوائِهِ : اِنْضِمامُهُ،اِلْتِحاقُهُبِهِلِيَصيرَتَحْتَلِوائِهِ
- join
- of inclusion
ذَوَبَان ( الجذر: ذوب - المجال: فيزياء ) : اِنْحِلال
- reducing in rank:to be less
- the condition of being frail
- dissolution; dissolving; melting
- the state of becoming liquid ( by absorbing moisture)
- act of making somethng a liquid or of becoming a liquid
تَصَدُّع ( الجذر: صدع - المجال: عــام ) : اِنْشِقَاق
- division or splitting
- a crack or similar fault
- spilt; crack; break, etc
- division; partition; separation
- fissure, crack, fission, cleavage, jQh]Aildivision or breakup
- deep opening or crack in the ground;abyss;or wide difference(of interests,feelings,etc)
عِدَة ( الجذر: وعد - المجال: عــام ) : وَعْد , عَهْد
- compact, agreement
- agreement; contract
- one’s promise or assurance
- statement that you will definitely do something
- agreement between parties,contract;covenant
- a formally concluded and ratified agreement between states .
- agreement (between persons, etc); agreement to supply foods, do work, etc at a fixed price
عَتَاد ( الجذر: عتد - المجال: عــام ) : عُدَّة , تَجْهِيزات
- tools; instruments
- installations, tools,instruments
- a lot of small things belong to someone
- the furniture and fitments in a house, room, etc
- tools, machines,clothes that you need for a particular activity
equipment(s), outfit, apparatus, gear, material, materiel
- a complete set of equipment etc for a specific purpose or the act of equipping
نَجَّى: ( فعل )
نجَّىالشّخصَ : أنجاه؛خلَّصه،انتزعهمنالخطر،أنقذه { وَنَجِّنَابِرَحْمَتِكَمِنَالْقَوْمِالْكَافِرِينَ } { ثُمَّنُنَجِّيالَّذِينَاتَّقَوْاوَنَذَرُالظَّالِمِينَفِيهَاجِثِيًّا }
- A port in a storm
- escape
- salvation
عَذَاب ( الجذر: عذب - المجال: مشاعروعواطف ) : أَلَم
- extremely painful
- ache, pain, agony
- melancholy; despondency
- the state of being gloomy
- painful from injury or disease
- agony ; pain ; torture or grief .
- noun gerund of verb to torment
- (of pain etc) severe or causing grief or suffering
- sadness; sorrow; unhappiness; trouble
- severe physical or mental suffering caused by extreme pain or worry
- pain; suffering; distress or thing that causes suffering
غَفَرَ: ( فعل )
غفَرذنبَه / غفَرعنهذنبَه / غفَرلهذنبَه : عفاعنه،سامحه،سترهبالعفووالمسامحة { وَقَالُواسَمِعْنَاوَأَطَعْنَاغُفْرَانَكَرَبَّنَا } { قَالَرَبِّإِنِّيظَلَمْتُنَفْسِيفَاغْفِرْلِيفَغَفَرَلَهُ }
- forgive
- condone
- Unforgivable
- unpardonable
- irremissible
ذَنب: ( اسم ) الجمع : ذُنوب
الذَّنْبُ : إثم،جُرم،معصية { وَاسْتَغْفِرْلِذَنْبِكَوَسَبِّحْبِحَمْدِرَبِّكَ }
- forbidden deeds / sins
- trespass ( N .)
- crime
- sin
- trespass
- rear
جَنّات : جمعجَنّة
الجَنَّةُ : دارُالنعيمفيالآخرةوالجمع : جِنانٌ { وَالَّذِينَءَامَنُواوَعَمِلُواالصَّالِحَاتِأُولَئِكَأَصْحَابُالْجَنَّةِ }
جنَّةالخلد : جنّةإقامةللخلود،مكانوضعاللهفيهآدم
- JANNAAT ( Gardens )
- committee
مَخَاض ( الجذر: خوض - المجال: عــام ) : طَلْق
- the pangs of childbirth .
- process of giving birth
- a violent bang of childbirth .
- act of giving birth to a child
- childbirth;act of giving birth to a child
- parturition; childbirth; process of giving birth to a child
parturition, childbirth, childbed, labor, travail, pains
- the process in which a baby is born; childbirth
حَضَارِيّ ( الجذر: حضر - المجال: صفات ) : مَنْسُوبٌلِلحَضَارَ
- cultural Heritage
- related to civilization or enlightened
- related to civilization or development
- having to do with culture; developmental
تَهَاوَى ( الجذر: هوي - المجال: عــام ) : تَسَاقَطَ
- fall down
- fall down ; collapse .
- fall down; drop
- to fall down suddenly
- to drop down
- decrease, deteriorate
- to fall down; collapse
- to collapse or (of rain,etc) fall
- r fall or come slowly downwards or founder
- to slip; err; glide; (of benefice, title) fall in; pass away
- come or go down:to move from a high level to a lower one
- fall or cause to fall ; collapse or sammersault or overturn .
- (of a structure)to(cause to)fall down or in,or(of a person) to break down
صاحَبَ: ( فعل )
صاحبأباه : رَافَقَهُ،لاَزَمَهُ،عَاشَرَهُ { فَلاَتُطِعْهُمَاوَصَاحِبْهُمَافِيالدُّنْيَامَعْرُوفًا }
- Accompany ( v )
- Deflation
- attach ( I .)
- attending meetings
- associate
وَجَع ( الجذر: وجع - المجال: أدويةوأمراض ) : أَلَم
- ache, pain, agony
- suffering
- alg-, algo-, -algia
- agony ; pain ; torture or grief .
- agony, anguish, excruciation, torment
- sadness, grief ,melancholy
- suffering from something
- sadness; sorrow; unhappiness; trouble
- pain; suffering; distress or thing that causes suffering
- extreme mental or physical suffering; anguish; misery; torture
تَنْكِيل ( الجذر: نكل - المجال: عــام ) : تَمْثِيل
- representing
- maltreatment
- the noun gerund of verb to represent
راية: ( اسم ) الجمع : راياتوراي
الرَّايَةُ : العَلَموالجمع : رَاي
- Sign
- white flag
- lineman
- flying the flag
- colour - bearer
مُزَيَّف: ( اسم ) مفعولمِنْزَيَّفَ
نَقْدٌمُزَيَّفٌ : مَغْشُوشٌبَطَائِقُوَوَثَائِقُمُزَيَّفَةٌ
- Forgeries and alterations
- Counterfeit paper money
- Reproductions , copies , forgeries , alterations
- Identification of reproductions , copies , forgeries , alterations
- mountebank ( N .)
مُخْلِص ( الجذر: خلص - المجال: صفات ) : صادِق , وَفِيّ
- whole-souled
- honest
- devoted
- constant
- true-hearted
- faithful
- (of a person) completely devoted or committed; (of an action, etc) done with all possible effort, attention or sincerity; thorough
تَزَعْزَعَ ( الجذر: - المجال: عــام ) : تَقَلْقَلَ
- be shaky
- be tottered
- be convulsed
- to be uncertain
- be unsteady or shaky
- be shaken; disturbed baptist ( N .)
be excited or stirred
- be or become shaky or unsteady
- move forcefully or quickly up and down
- to be or become shaky, unsteady, insecure, precarious
نَصَرَ: ( فعل )
نصَرَيَنصُر،نَصْرًاونُصْرةً،فهوناصِرٌ،وهيناصِرةوالجمع : نُصَّارٌ،ونُصُورٌوهووهينَصِيرٌوالجمع : أَنْصَارٌ،والمفعولمَنْصور
نصَرمظلومًا : أيَّدهوأعانهونجده { إِنْتَنْصُرُوااللهَيَنْصُرْكُمْوَيُثَبِّتْأَقْدَامَكُمْ } ،انْصُرْأَخَاكَظَالِمًاأَوْمَظْلُومًا ( حديث )،
نصَرهمنعدوِّه : خلَّصهوحماهونجَّاهمنه { وَنَصَرْنَاهُمِنَالْقَوْمِالَّذِينَكَذَّبُوا }
- baptist ( N .)
- supports
مَنُوط ( الجذر: نوط - المجال: عــام ) : منُوط ( بِـ : مُعَلَّق , مَشْرُو
- conditional, dependent
- depending upon,containing,a condition
- subject to certain conditions or provisions;having a specified condition
عُنُق ( الجذر: عنق - المجال: عــام ) : رَقَبَة
- the neck
- the throat ; gullet or the windpipe
- a part of the body connecting the head to the shoulders
- the windpipe or gullet or the front part of the neck containing this .
أَخنعَ: ( فعل )
أخنعتهإليهالحاجةُ : أذلتهوأخضعته
بَلَاء ( الجذر: بلو - المجال: عــام ) : بَلْوَى
- disaster; shock
- misfortune or disaster
- ordeal ; trial ; affliction.
- misfortune; blow delivered by fate
- very bad luck or miserable event
- calamity, affliction, misfortune
- harm or injury that causes loss of value
- be exposed to danger, hunger, criticism
- great or sudden misfortune;terrible accident
- affliction; bitter grief; distress; calamity; trouble; problem
a disaster, calamity, catastrophe
- a serious accident, crime, or natural catastrophe .
- event that happens unexpectedly and causes damage, or injury
اِسْتَخْلَصَ ( الجذر: خلص - المجال: عــام ) : اِسْتَنْتَجَ , اِسْتَدَلَّ
- draw a conclusion
- to deduce
- make out
- to extract from or deduce
- to make a judgment about something,based on the informations you have
إِيمان: ( اسم ) مصدرآمَنَ
دَخَلَالإيمَانُإلَىقَلْبِهِ : الاعْتِقَادُبِالَّلهِوَرُسُلِهِ،الرومآية 56 الَّذِينَأُوتُواالعِلْمَوالإِيمانَ ( قرآن ) لاَشَيْءَيُزَعْزِعُإيمَانَهُ
الإيمانُ : التَّصدِيق
الإيمانُشَرعاً : التصديقبالقَلْب،والإِقرارباللّسان
- Faith
- Belief
- A firm belief
- credence ( N
- deism
- conviction ( N .)
رُجُولَة ( الجذر: رجل - المجال: صفات ) : كَمالُالصِّفاتِالمُمَيِّزَةِلِلرَّجُل
- the qualities of a man
- the state of being virile
- the characteristics and qualities considered to be typical of men
- qualities such as strength, sexual power that a man should have
فَوْز ( الجذر: فوز - المجال: عــام ) : حُصُولٌعَلَى , نَيْل
- noun gerund of have
- acquisition or acquirement
- noun gerund of verb to win
- getting or obtaining
- action of acquiring something
- winning; profiting; obtaining; earning
- act of getting new knowledge, skills, or power, land, money, etc
- success in reaching; thing attained, especially skill or knowledge
- obtaining; fetching; earning; holding; gaining or understanding
جَنّة: ( اسم ) الجمع : جَنّاتوجِنان
جنَّاتالنَّعيم : الفردوسالسَّماويّ
الجَنَّةُ : دارُالنعيمفيالآخرةوالجمع : جِنانٌ { وَالَّذِينَءَامَنُواوَعَمِلُواالصَّالِحَاتِأُولَئِكَأَصْحَابُالْجَنَّةِ }
- Paradise
- swallow
- Grapefruit
- Disparity of grades in Paradise
نَجاة: ( اسم ) مصدرنَجَا
النّجَاة : مَكَانُالْخَلاَصِمنالاذى
النّجَاة : ماارتفعمنالأرض
- Safety buoy
لَبيب: ( اسم ) الجمع : أَلِبّاءُ
وَلَدٌلَبِيبٌ : عَاقِلٌ،ذَكِيٌّ
-a word to a wise man is enough
إِشارة: ( اسم ) الجمع : إشارات
الإشارةُ : تعيينالشيءِباليدونحوها
الإشارةُ : التلويحبشيءيفهممنهالمراد
- Anaphora
- teleindication telesignalisation
- signal clipping
- sign language ( N .)
- A word is enough to the wise
وارَبَ ( الجذر: ورب - المجال: عــام ) : لَفَّودارَ
- fool ; deceive ; cheat .
- try to hide the truth
- equivocate ; dodge; evade.
- equivocate or quibble; default on an obligation
- to find a way to get round (a law,rule,etc);to prevent a plan from being carried out
- put together in a makeshift or dishonest way; fake; deal with incompetently; practise such methods
إِطار: ( اسم ) الجمع : إطاراتوأُطُر
الإِطَارُ : كلماأَحاطبالشّيءمنخارج
- plan bracing ; diaphragm
- Checking tire machine operator
- Integrated Framework for Trade Related
- Tire parts checer worker
- Frame source
تَرَقَّبَ ( الجذر: رقب - المجال: عــام ) : اِنْتَظَرَ
- to wait for
- wait for somebody or something, or be ready or waiting for somebody or something
- refrain from going so fast that a person is left behind; watch for somebody or something; ambush
باشَرَ ( الجذر: بشر - المجال: عــام ) : تَوَلَّى , بَدَأَ
- to launch, initiate, mount
- start or engage in
- to plan, organize, and begin an event or a course of action
- to begin, start, commence, set about, set to, embark upon, enter upon, go into
to undertake, assume, set out to, take up, apply oneself to, attend to, pursue, practice, exercise, perform, carry out
تَهَيُّؤ ( الجذر: هيء - المجال: عــام ) : اِسْتِعْداد
- readiness or willingness
- readiness or preparedness
- readiness or being ready for
- the act of being ready to do something
- natural ability or skill, especially in learning
- the process of equipping or being equipped
- watchfulness; heedfulness; perceptiveness; readiness
نَصِبَ ( الجذر: - المجال: ) : جَدّ،اِجْتَهَدَ
- to exert oneself
- work hard, toil
نُكوص: ( اسم )
مصدرنكَصَ / نكَصَعلى / نكَصَعن
نكَصهعلىعقبيه : ردّه
نكَصعنالأمر : أحجَموامتنعنكَصعنتحمُّلالمسئوليَّة، { فَكُنْتُمْعَلَىأَعْقَابِكُمْتَنْكِصُونَ }: ترجعونعنالحَقِّ
- backspace
- character
- Multiple Regression Analysis
مَنْقُوص ( الجذر: نقص - المجال: صفات ) : ناقِص : غَيْرُمَوْجُود
- absent
- not existing; lacking
– lowered, lessened, marked down
إِستجابَ: ( فعل )
استجابالتماسًا : لبَّاهوأجابإليهبالقبول
استجاباللهُفلانًا،ومنه،وله : قَبِلَدُعاءَه،وقضَىحاجتَه { فَاسْتَجَابَلَهُرَبُّهُفَصَرَفَعَنْهُكَيْدَهُنَّ }
- Anti - Stokes luminescence
- Anti - Stokes luminescence
- Frequency selective device
سَخَّرَ ( الجذر: سخر - المجال: عــام ) : ذَلَّلَ
- exploit; make use of
- subjugate or repress
- work as a hard drudge
- use, work or develop fully
خَيْل ( الجذر: خيل - المجال: حيوانات ) : جَمَاعَةُالأَفْرا
- alarm
- Horse carriage
- horse - race
- hostler
تَرَهَّبَ ( الجذر: رهب - المجال: أديان ) : تَرَهَّبَ : تَوَعَّدَ , هَدَّدَ
- be threatening
- to hange over or threaten
- menance ; overhang ; intimidate .
– act and speak in a forceful but rather unsteady, often rather boastful way
- to threaten, menace
- if something unpleasant hangs over you, you are worried because it is likely to happen soon
واهي: ( اسم )
واهي : فاعلمنوهَى
حُجَّةٌوَاهِيَةٌ : تَافِهَةٌ،لاَقِيمَةَلَهَا
- Not have a leg to stand on
- Be built on sand ; be like a house built on sand
- Be built on sand ; be like a house built on sand
مَأْمُور ( الجذر: ءمر - المجال: عــام ) : خادِم
- manservant; ministrant
- servant to a person
- a servant in a royal or noble household
- servant
- ordered
- instructed
- charged
اللّه ( الجذر: اللّه - المجال: أديان ) : الرَّبّ
- God the One and Only
- name of God among Muslims and among Arabs of all faiths
- God Who has all power; powerful beyond measure; very great
تَكَفَّلَ ( الجذر: كفل - المجال: عــام ) : تَكَفَّلَ ( بِـ : تَعَهَّدَوَالْتَزَمَبِـ
- accept an obligation, promise
- promise solemnly to give support
- bind oneself to perform, make oneself responsible for, engage in, enter upon (work, an enterprise, etc)
- begin to act in or exercise something; take on; undertake; set upon; accept; take responsibility for; take up or over
جَوْهَرِيَّة ( الجذر: جهر - المجال: فلسفة ) : نَظَرِيَّةٌفَلْسَفِيَّ
- Material evidence
- immaterial facts
- essentialism
- a theory in philosophy;the most important quality about something
بِأسرِهِ , بِحَذافِيرِه , بِرُمّتِهِ , بِكامِلِهِ
- wholly
- totally
- in total
- entirely
- completely
- all of it
رايَة ( الجذر: ريي - المجال: عــام ) : رَايَات : أَعْلَام
- flag
- banner, standard
- ensign
- a piece of cloth
- Oblong or square
- attachable by one edge to a pole or rope and used as a country’s emblem or as a stand, singal
- a piece of cloth, usu. Oblong or square, attachable by one edge to a pole or rope and used as a country’s emblem or as a stand, singal
أَظْهَرَ: ( فعل )
أظهرَيُظهر،إظهارًا،فهومُظهِر،والمفعولمُظهَر - للمتعدِّي
أَظْهَرَماكانَمَخْفِيّاً : أَبْرَزَهُ،بَيَّنَهُ،كَشَفَعَنْهُأَظْهَرَتْجَمالَها
أظهرهعلىالأمر : أطلعهعليه { وَأَظْهَرَهُاللهُعَلَيْهِ }
- revelation ( N .)
- showing ( N .)
- exhibit ( N .)
- Touch / tug his forelock
راشِد: ( اسم )
الجمع : راشدون،المؤنث : راشدة،والجمعللمؤنث : راشداتورواشِد
الرّاشِدُ : المستقيمعلطريقالحقّمعتصلبفيه
- Mature
- adult
- of age
- legal adult
- Become of age , to ; come of age , to
عامِّيّ ( الجذر: عمم - المجال: صفات ) : مَحْكِيّ , دارِج
- slang; spoken; colloquial
- a vulgar (especially rich) person
- in common use; generally prevalent
- colloquial; vernacular; spoken
- belonging to or proper to familiar conversation,not formal or literary
- (of persons,their behaviour and possessions)vulgar;of inferior quality or taste
- familiar,ordinary,occurring often,or belonging to,used by,coming from,done by,affecting, all or nearly all members of a group or society
يَتِم الرَّبْط
Connect ( v )
- a bond of union, especially that of marriage
- action of associating or being associated; being in somebody’s company; friendship; alliance; partnership; union; combination; bond; correlation
- relation or connection;something in which one is interested or which is important to one
- union , connection
- (state of) joining ;linking together in sequence or in order;associating in occurance or action;uniting with others (by family relationships,etc)
- connecting or being connected;point here two things are connected;thing which connects or relationship,relation
- touching or communication;coming together(connection)
- communication or cooperation
- relashionship between two things or ideas, in which one is caused or affected by the other; relashioship between two or more people, countries, etc
- connection; linkng or link
( الجذر: درج - المجال: عــام ) : كَوْنُالأَشْياءِمُتَدَرِّجَة
- gradation; graduating
- a certain degree in rank, intensity, merit, divergence, etc or an arrangement in such degrees
- gradating; graduating
- not sudden advance(ment) or progress
- gradual advance
( الجذر: حرك - المجال: عــام ) : إِثَارَة , حَثّ , حَفْز
stimulation, whetting
- actuation, moving, motivation
- arousal, (a)rousing, stirring up, working up, awakening, awaking, inspiration, excitement, excitation
- provocation, instigation, incitement, fomentation
- excitation, provocation
- rousing, awakening
- state of strong emotion caused by something pleasant
- the act or an instance of fomenting
- agitation, provokation
- provokation; inciting
( الجذر: شرع - المجال: عــام ) : طَرِيق
vestibule , street
- passage; path; passageway
- a way leading to something; path; road
- a private road through a garden or park to a house
- forward movement in space or time; direction taken by something; line around which something moves; line of action
- narrow road usually between streets or passage made between rows of persons or marked out for runners in race, etc
- way between places, especially one with a prepared surface for the use of motor vehicles
- part of the road used by vehicles contrasted with the footpath, pavement, etc
- way taken or planned to get from one place to another
- a public road in a city
( الجذر: حشد - المجال: عــام ) : مُزْدَحِم , غَفِير
crowded, gathered, rallied, assembled, congregated
- concentrated, massed
- teeming, swarming
- numerous, great, large
- amassed; brought or called together; collected; flocked; gathered; fit together; accumulated; joined
- filled to the limit
- filled to the limit
- gathered,condensed,centered or focused on
- too full;overcrowded or blocked
- gathered together
مُحْتَشِد ( الجذر: حشد - المجال: عــام ) : مُزْدَحِم , غَفِير
- amassed; brought or called together; collected; flocked; gathered; fit together; accumulated; joined
- filled to the limit
- filled to the limit
- gathered,condensed,centered or focused on
- too full;overcrowded or blocked
- gathered together
crowded, gathered, rallied, assembled, congregated - concentrated, massed
- teeming, swarming
- numerous, great, large
الجذر: مرر - المجال: عــام ) : مَضَى , اِنْقَضَى , فاتَ)
- pass, especially tediously; pass (time) gradually away
- be over and in the past
- of time;passes
- finish or stop
- to bring to an end ; come to the end of ; complete
- move lightly ,softly, or rapidly
- be over; be bygone
- to slip; err; glide; (of benefice, title) fall in; pass away
- passed ; be over
- pass; go by
- bring or come to an end.
- be passed, over, done.
في ( الجذر: في - المجال: لغويات ) : داخِلَ , عِنْدَ , عَلَى
- particle expressing exact, approximate, or vague position or time of day; moreover; at that estimate
- as a member of, as the content of
- (in or into a position) covering, touching or forming part of a surface or supported by or attached to something or indicating a time
- prefix meaning in or on
الجذر: طعم - المجال: عــام ) : طَعَام)
- nourishment; food; victuals
- the food
- things that can be eaten
- food
- a nutritious substance ,esp. solid in form, that can be taken into an animal or plant to maintain life and growth
- any substance suitable as food
- sustenance, food
- a substance that provides essential nourishment for the maintenance of life
- nourishing food
- system of limiting and sharing food, clothing, etc
- nourishment, victual, foodstuff
- food, provisions, especially as prepared for use
- nourishment; food
الجذر: ذرو - المجال: عــام ) : ذِرْوَة ’ قِمَّة)
- the highest point in one’s fortunes; a time of great prosperity, etc
- the best and highest level of something; point of perfection
- top or heigest point
- the very top ;peak ;summit
- event,point,of greatest intensity(in a story ,etc)
- top ; height
- the highest point
- the flush or full bloom of youth, vigour, prosperity
- the crest of a hill or of rising ground
- pointed top
- culmination or climax
- the top; peak
( الجذر: عصي - المجال: عــام ) : عَدَمُالطَّاعَة , تَمَرُّد
disobedience, insubordination, refractoriness - insurgence, insurrection, rebellion, mutiny
- failur or refusal to obey
- (especially of soldiers and sailors) open rebellion against lawful authority
- resistance to authority or control
اِسْتِجَابَة| ( الجذر: جوب - المجال: عــام ) : إِجَابَة
- the act of agreeing to a demand
- agreement; approval
- act or instance of complying;obedience to a request,etc,unworthy submission,or the capacity to yield
- voluntary agreement,permission,compliance
- fulfilling or being fulfilled
- receptiveness, acceptance, admission
- act of replying or what is replied; response
- the noun gerund of verb to reply
- answer, or act of feeling produced in answer to a stimulus
- agreement to do or have something; approval
الجذر: - المجال: ) : وَلَد،اِبْن)
descendant, offspring, scion, son
- Them of
- Abstained
- refrain ( VI .)
- hold back
( الجذر: عصي - المجال: أديان ) : خَرَجَعَنِالطَّاعَة , قاوَمَ , تَمَرَّدَعلى
- pay no attentions to orders
- be guilty of mutiny; revolt
- make a rebellion against authority or control
- rebel against
- make rebellion against
to disobey
- to resist, oppose
- to revolt against, rebel against, mutiny against, renounce allegiance to
( الجذر: خلف - المجال: رياضةوهوايات ) : مُخَالَفَةٌلِقَوَاعِدِلُعْبَةٍمعَيَّنَة
مُعَارَضَة , خُرُوجٌعَلَى
breach, violation, infringement, infraction, contravention, transgression – disobedience
being in opposition to
- disagreement in opinions
- refusal to accept an official openion;disagreement
- (expression of a) feeling of dislike, disapproval or opposition
- trespass or infringement .
- failing to comply with (an oath, treaty, law etc)
( الجذر: حقق - المجال: عــام ) : حَقِيقَة , صِدْق , يَقِين
truth - reality ; fact or trueness or the state of being true .
المَرّةَتِلوَالمَرّة , مَرّةبَعدَمَرّة , تَكرارا , طَورابَعدَطَور , كَرّةبَعدَكَرّةٍ , مَرّةبَعدَأُخرَى
- time and again
- time after time
- several times
- repeatedly
- quite often
غَلَبَة ( الجذر: غلب - المجال: عــام ) : سَيْطَرَة
(pre)dominance, superiority, supremacy, ascendancy, mastery, upper hand
- mastery or control
- complete power and authority
- wrong , bad , corrupt or unfair use or treatment
- a position of power, influence or control
- power of effective action;ability to influence someone or something
- order or authority;power(to control)
- power or authority to direct,order or restrain or means of regulating, restraining, keeping in order; check
- command,control; oppression,tyranny
- the act or manner of governing or the office or function of governing
- prevalent governing
- tyranny, domineeringness
الجذر: عدد - المجال: عــام ) : مَحْدُود , قَلِيل)
limited in number, little, few
- (of a distinction etc.) oversubtle.
- very small piece or quantity or portion of anything
- little; insignificant
- certain but no great amount
- not often happening or seen, etc
- scarcity or rarity
- thing that is uncommon or unusual
- little; pint-size; lowercase
الجذر: عمد - المجال: عــام ) : قَصْد)
intent(ion), purpose, design
- the object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim
- purpose:intention:mental plan
- aim; goal
الجذر: سند - المجال: عــام ) : مُسَاعَدَة , عَوْن)
support, backing (up), standing by, standing up for, assistance, aid, help
- advice, treatment, information, or money which is given to people who need it
- amount of money given regularly or for a special reason; money given officially to spend on travel, etc
- help; aid; backing; collaboration; support; cooperation; boost
- action of associating or being associated; being in somebody’s company; friendship; alliance; partnership; union; combination; bond; correlation
- state of work jointly with others
- participation or exchange of thought and feeling;intercourse
- condition of sharing,having things in common,being alike in some way or all the people living in one place ,town,etc
- the conferring of degrees,etc ;instance of this
- granting or bestowing degrees,etc
الجذر: حرم - المجال: عــام ) : تَجْرِيد , مَنْع)
exclusion or debarment
deprivation, privation, divestiture, divestment, dispossession, stripping
- disentitlement
- denial, refusal
- debarment, preclusion, exclusion, barring, shutting out, keeping out
مفردها : لائِحَة
لائِحَة ( الجذر: لوح - المجال: عــام ) : قائِمَة , جَدْوَل
list, roster, roll, scroll, register, table, schedule
- panel
- manifest
- index
- list; register
- official list or register, especially of names
- list of names, places,goods,etc in a special order
- list of names, places,goods,etc in a special order
- biography, an alphabetical list of names, subjects, etc., with references, usu. at the end of a book
- line of people for inspection or list of persons in a team, etc
- set of words, numbers, etc written one below the other, for example so that you can remember them
- list of names showing duties to be performed and the times at which those named are to peform them
- programme; timetable; list of items
( الجذر: وصي - المجال: قانون ) : وِلايَة , حِرَاسَة
care , guardianship, wardship, curatorship, custodianship, custody, care, tutelage - trusteeship
- act of consideration or looking after someone
- state of being in charge of a museum, etc
- guardianship; custody
- guardianship ; custodianship or guardianship .
- wardship ; guardianship or the state or duration of being under this .
اسم رجل
( الجذر: حطم - المجال: عــام ) : تَكْسِير , كَسْر
break(ing), breakage, smashing, crashing, shatter(ing), crush(ing), destruction, ruin(ing), wreckage, wreck(ing), demolition, demolishment, fragmentation, crumbling
- act of breaking; place in, part of, something that has been broken; loss by breaking
- act of breaking
- striking into pieces
- state of being broken; crash; defeat; smash
- (noise made by) violent fall, blow or breaking; ruin or collapse
- act of falling or striking suddenly, violently and noisily
- noun gerund of verb to crumble
مُرْغَم ( الجذر: رغم - المجال: عــام ) : مُكْرَه , مُجْبَر
compelled, coerced, constrained, forced, obliged
being forced to do something because it is the only thing you can do
- forced,compelled
- forced (to do something)
- forced to do it;compelled or confined
- emended, rectified
- pushed forward
- exacted or usurped
- compelled; obliged
- compelled, forced, obliged
- of obligation
- deprived or devoid of liberty
الجذر: حبذ - المجال: عــام ) : فَضَّلَ)
- describe someone or something as being very good
- praise someome or something publicly
- to support or defend
- to praise ; speak favourably of
- give support or approval to ; promot, prefer
- thought favorably of
- choose something rather than something else
- praise something as suitable for a purpose; praise somebody as suitable for a post etc
- support; back; advocate
- favour; give preference to
كَفَّرَ ( الجذر: كفر - المجال: أديان ) : أَكْفَر
charge with infidelity, accuse of unbelief
- to drive a person to blasphemy
- called an unbeliever or an infidel
- charged with infidelity
- accused of unbelief
( الجذر: بعد - المجال: لغويات ) : مُصَغَّرُبَعْد
immediately afterwards
- soon afterwards
الجذر: ربح - المجال: عــام ) : كاسِب)
winner, gainer
- person who gains
- an adjective of remuneration
- a person, racehorse, etc that wins
إِذْ ذَاك
في هذا الوقت
- Then
- Then there
- at that time
- at the same time
الجذر: بلغ - المجال: عــام ) : أَعْلَمَبِـ)
make somebody or oneself aware of something
- give notice of
- to make known ideas, etc to someone
- to state officialy and publicly,say what you think or feel
- to make aware of
- make someone know something he does not notice
- make someone aware of something
- inform of
- give a spoken or written account of something heard, seen, done, studied, etc, especially one that published or broadcast
- tell about or inform of
تتخذ مبدئا
- Adopted
- taken up
- espoused
اسم ولاية في الجزائر
الجذر: فرز - المجال: عــام ) : أَخْرَجَ)
to secrete, excrete, exude, discharge
- arrange in sorts or suit and harmonize with
- to place in a category
- pass out from the system
- produce a liquid
زَكَّى ( الجذر: زكو - المجال: عــام ) : أَوْصَىبِـ
- filter
- to recommend
- commend
- Second , to
- Put in a good word for
الجذر: زكو - المجال: عــام ) : أَوْصَىبِـ)
- filter
- to recommend
- commend
- Second , to
- Put in a good word for
( الجذر: سرب - المجال: عــام ) : تَسَرَّبَ (فِيأوبَيْنَ)
- permeance, penetrance
- a sluggish flow or exudation, or an infusion of oak-bark or other vegetable matter
- an outward flow or the amount that flows out
- noun gerund of verb to slink
- the act or an instance of sliding
- go or convey furtively
- (of a fluid) passing through the pores or interstices of a membrane etc.
- noun gerund of verb ( to trickle )
إرْغام ( الجذر: رغم - المجال: عــام ) : إكْراه , قَسْر
compulsion, coercion, constraint, force, forcing
- act or process of coercing ;compelling
- constraint;obligation or stron and unreasonable desire that is difficult to control
- defeating or overcoming (an enemy,emotion,etc)
- constraining or being constrained;restriction (of liberty,feelings,etc)
- noun gerund of verb (to force)
- propulsion, impulsion, shoving
- the quality of being violent, violent conduct or treatment, the unlawful exercise of physical force
- coercion or compulsion, especially with the use or threat of violence
( الجذر: وصل - المجال: عــام ) : مُتَابَعَة , اِسْتِئْناف
continuation, continuance, continuing, carrying on, going on, proceeding
- resumption, recommencement, return(ing) to, taking up again
- following
- follow-up, follow-through
- pursuit, pursuance, pursuing
( الجذر: بلغ - المجال: صفات ) : شَدِيد
- serious, noticeable; or hurtful and injurious
- violent, intense
- important; significant
- severe; strict; hard
- hard ; untiring ; unyielding
- (of such qualities as stupidity, etc) complete
- not easy;requiring efforts,strength,skill or ability
- strong,sudden, and often severe
- morally bad,wicked or harmful
- wild , untamed, uncultivated
- vehemently aggressive or frightening in temper or action, violent
- vigorous; powerful
- strong, powerful
- of considerable magnitude; wide in range or capacity, comprehensive
- strong and healthy; powerful
- having a powerful effect of body or mind
- rigorous; strict; and harsh in attitude
- aggressive ; pugnacious .
( الجذر: مضي - المجال: عــام ) : تَوْقِيع
- a signature; signing
- distinguishing mark to prove excellence
- act of marking something to prove its authenticity
- official approval or signing
- the noun gerund of verb to finish
- subscription, signature
- a person’s name or mark used in signing a letter
- signature; hand; marking
- signature, approval, contribution or participation
( الجذر: هدم - المجال: صفات ) : مُقَوِّض
- destructive; abolishing; eradicating; exterminating
- destroyer,ruiner,devastator
- a person who destroys things;devastator;ruiner
- devastator;ravager; ruiner
- causing damage to people or things
- ruining;damaging
- destructive;subversive;vandalistic
- desolator;destroyer;ruiner
- causing or ending in death
- fatal; mortal
- person who damages and destroys
- a person or thing that ruins
- bringing ruin; disastrous, or in euins; dilapidated
مَخفَر ( شُرطَةٍ ) , مَركَزُالبُولِيسِأوالشّرطَة , مَركَزُبُولِيس , نُقطَةالبُولِيسِأوالشّرطَة
- police station
- ( control ) post
( الجذر: جزر - المجال: سياسة ) : دَوْلَةٌعَرَبِيَّة
Algiers - Algeria