Magisterium Flashcards
what is the Magisterium?
an authority of the Church made up of Bishops and cardinals and the Pope. They make decisions which become Church doctrine
what is Sacred tradition?
things the church have always done or believed
what makes up the Catholic Church?
magisterium, sacred tradition and sacred scripture
what makes up Protestantism?
scripture alone
Purpose of Magisterium: why does the Church have authority for Catholics?
Through apostolic succession the Bishops were given the power of the Holy Spirit and therefore have authority to make decisions
what are the different forms of the Magisterium and what do they do?
Ordinary Magisterium: original beliefs - reinforced by the Pope in encyclicals. e.g Laudato Si, Evangelium Vitae
Extraordinary - Councilliar: emerging issues discussed by a group of Bishops (council) who make decisions. e.g Nicene Creed
Extraordinary - Pontifical: Pope makes decisions as he is infallible. Only happened twice so is rare. Has immaculate conception and assumption
why was the second Vatican council called?
the world’s rapidly changing in the fields of technology, medicine, science, economics and politics. People were adopting different attitudes towards marriage and family. Pope John wanted the church to move with the times of the modern world
which Pope announced the council would continue? what did he et the four purposes to be?
Pope Paul VI elected on 21 June 1963
four purposes:
- to more fully define the nature of the church and the role of the Bishop;
- to renew the church;
- to restore unity among all Christians
- to start a dialogue with the modern world
who made up the Second Vatican council?
2 Popes. 2000 bishops and lay people. 20 women. Other Christians to observe
how many documents were written?
changes to christian unity? universal call to holiness? eucharist? scripture? technology? renew the church?
- all Christian have things in common, all religions contain faith.
- everyone deserves active faith
- focus on the eucharist as the most important part of mass
- involved in reading the Bible themselves and understanding it
- tv appearances (twitter)
- changes to the mass to include lay people
what were the 4 main documents of the Vatican II?
- Lumen gentium (light of nations)
- Dei Verbum (word of God)
- Gaudium et Spes (joy and hope)
- Sacrosanctum Concilium (constitution on the Scared Liturgy)
changes made + impact of Dei Verbum? (WoG)
changes: - bible study encouraged
- Catholics use the Bible as part of their prayers
impact: closer to God
changes made + impact of Sacrosanctum Concilium? (cotSL)
changes: - priests faces people
- sing
- mass in local languages
impact: made mass more accessible to Catholics because they could engage with the ideas in it.
changes made + impact of Gaudium et Spes? (JaH)
changes: - Catholic encouraged to work for social justice (fairer and more equal society)
- working to end poverty
- Catholics to get involved with the modern world
changes made + impact of Lumen Gentium? (LoN)
changes: - ordinary Catholics became more involved in the Church
- encouraged to become ‘lights of the world’ by serving others
impact: - charity work
- simple prayers said by lay people