macro (lesson 4) Flashcards
is a network which includes both public and private tourism and hospitality sectors.
Travel industry
Category 1
- Travel Agency
- Hotel
- Retail Shops
- Restaurants
- Airlines
- Ground Transportation
Category 2
- Contract Food Services
- Contract Laundry
- Food Suppliers
- Tour Organizations
- Travel Publications
Category 3
- Planners
- Government Agencies
- Financial Institutions
- Real Estate Developers
- Educational and Vocational Training Institutions
Travel industry is the composite of private and public organizations which are involved in the overall development, production and marketing of different products and services that serve the needs of the tourists and travelers
Gee, Choy and Makens (1997)
is direct providers which include businesses that are related to travel such as airlines, ground transportation, travel agencies and businesses which are involve in providing direct products to tourists such as hotels, restaurants and retail shops.
first category
is support services which lend support to direct providers.
second category
is tourism development organizations which primarily deal with tourism and hospitality development.
third category
Tourism and hospitality supply components are classified into five main categories
I. Natural resources
2. Infrastructure
3. Hospitality resources
4. Transportation and transportation equipment
5. Transportation
consists of all underground and surface developmental construction such as water supply systems, sewage disposal systems, gas lines, electrical and communications systems, drainage systems and other constructed facilities such as highways, airports, railroads, roads, drives, parking lots, parks, night lighting, marinas and dock facilities, bus and train station facilities and similar tourist service installations.
include elements in an area for the use and enjoyment of visitors such as climate, landforms, terrain, flora, fauna, bodies of water, beaches, natural beauty and water supply drinking, sanitation and similar uses.
Natural resources
include the cultural wealth of an area which makes possible the successful hosting of tourists. Examples are the welcoming spirit of tourist business employees, attitudes of the residents toward visitors, courtesy, friendliness, sincere interest, willingness to serve and to get better acquainted with visitors with visitors and other manifestations of warmth and friendliness.
Hospitality resources
include items such as ships, airplanes, trains, buses, limousines, taxis, automobiles, cog railways, aerial tramway and similar passenger transportation facilities
Transportation and transportation equipment
is of utmost important in developing tourism and hospitality
Land Travel (3)
a. Taxi and limousine
b. Bus Service
c. Rail Services