Macbeth Revision Quotes Flashcards
AGAINST - “We will proceed no longer in this business.”
Does not want to kill Duncan anymore
AGAINST - “I have bought Golden opinions”
Suggests he doesn’t need to kill Duncan to become king because he already has a name for himself, which defeats Lady Macbeth’s point (which is to kill Duncan to give yourself a name)
AGAINST - “I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more is none”
I don’t want to murder to become a man
FOR - “With his surcease, success,”
Duncan’s assassination would be a success if he does it quickly and soon.
HE IS CONFLICTED “But this blow might be the be-all and end-all”
Fears the consequences if he is caught but fantasises over the chance of becoming King
AGAINST - “Bloody instructions, which being taught return to plague th’inventor”
Belief in karma
AGAINST - “We still have judgement”
Fears moral compass, religious suffering
AGAINST - “Of our poisoned chalice to our own lips”
Thinks that killing Duncan will inadvertently kill him
AGAINST - “For I am his Kinsman”
Cannot kill Duncan
AGAINST - “As his host”
He doesn’t want to betray Duncan
IDK ASK SATVIK - “That his virtues will plead like angels”
Duncan is a virtuous King
FOR - “Whiles I threat, he lives”
Macbeth convincing himself to kill Duncan
FOR - “Vaulting ambition”
Needs to fulfil the prophecy
“Fatal vision”
Macbeth being enticed by the vision of Duncan’s death
“Dudgeon gouts of blood”
Visualising the scene
“The wolf”
Sees himself as a predator
“Duncan, for it is a knell that summons thee to heaven or to hell”
Doesn’t care if he goes to heaven or hell. Contrasts to previous statement where he feared justice.
Act 1 scene 4
Macbeth confesses to wanting to Malcom, (Duncan’s son) because he was in the way of the throne