Macbeth Last Minute Blurting Quotes Flashcards
Macbeth does not want to kill Duncan
- “I have bought Golden Opinions”
- “We will no longer proceed in this business”
- “I am his Kinsman” “His host”
- “His virtues plead like angels”
- “We still have judgement”
- “Bloody instructions, which being taught return to plague th’inventor”
- “of our poisoned chalice to our own lips”
- “Pity like a newborn babe”
Macbeth wants to kill Duncan
- “With his surcease, success”
- “Whiles I threat, he lives”
- “Fatal vision”
- “Vaulting ambition”
- “The wolf”
Macbeth as violent
- “dudgeon gouts of blood”
- “The wolf”
- “Come, let me clutch thee”
- “Tarquin”
Macbeth as brave and noble
- “O worthiest cousin”
- “Noble Macbeth”
- “Like valour’s minion”
- “I will not yield”
Appearance vs Reality (light imagery too)
- “Let light not see my darkest and deepest desires”
- “Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark”
- “Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under’t”
- Roles have reversed
Lady Macbeth being cruel
- “Art thou a man”
- “Was the hope drunk wherein he dressed himself”
- “When you durst do it, then you were a man”
- “I shame to wear a heart so white”
- “Live a coward”
- “From his time, such I account thy love”
- “Sit” “Speak not” “Go at once” “Are you a man” - imperative verbs, controlling
She is disillusioned
“Without content”
“Dwell in doubtful joy”
Shouldnt dwell on the past
“What is done is done”
“Will all great neptune’s oceans wash this blood clean from my hands? no”
“All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand” - cannot get rid of the blood stains and guilt
“Out damn spot”
“Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor shall sleep no more. Macbeth shall sleep no more”
Banquo being a foil to macbeth
“Fly fleance fly fly fly”
“neither beg nor fear your favours”
“Our captains macbeth and banquo” Started off in the same place
Banquo to macbeth at the beginning
“Why do you start”
“Royal hope that seems rapt withal”
Macbeth’s tyrannical rule
“A hand accursed” Lennox
“Something wicked this way comes” Witches
“Tyrant, whos sole name blister’s out tongue” Malcom
“Hell hound” Macduff
“Dead butcher” Macduff
Poetics of Aristotle
In Poetics of Aristotle, a fall from grace typically incited pity and fear for the audience
Heckety’s speech showing Macbeth is not fully evil
“A wayward son, spiteful and wrathful, who as others do, loves for his own ends, not for you” - He’s not truly evil, structured by Shakespeare to allow the audience to still pity Macbeth (A3S5)
Women in Jacobean audience
Mens properties
Were expected to be obedient to their husbands
LM’s soliloquy A1S5
Supernatural imagery
- “Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts”
- “Murdring ministers”
- “Smoke of hell”
- “Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark”
Shakespeare is a protofeminist
Perhaps showing that women can be strong through LM
Macbeth fears banquo
“He hath wisdom that doth guide his valour” - Doesnt like Banquos goodness. Perhaps evil and good cannot live together
Macduff as a foil to macbeth
- Sacrificed everything for the rightful heir to the throne to restore peace and equilibrium in the country. FAMILY AND CASTLE
- Makes correct actions and choices a king should make
- “Bleed, bleed poor country”
- “O Scotland scotland”
- Repetition shows how he loves his country, like a GOOD KING, UNLIKE MACBETH
- “heaven” - Macduff is heavenly like with God, macbeth is hell like with the devil
- They are both quite similar, both noble, brave and do not surrender to fate. But both have different intentions. FATE.