Exposure and Charge of the Light Brigade Flashcards
Compare Charge of the Light Brigade with…
Comparison points
1. In COTLB, soldiers are honoured, valued. However in Exposure, the soldiers are neglected, forgotten
2. Enemies are different. In COTLB, the enemy is the opposition, and in Exposure the enemy is the cold, weather
3. War is inescapable, they have no choice and no free will
4. In COTLB, war is exciting and full of action. In Exposure, it is demoralising, repetitive, not much action
Evidence for comparison point 3
- War is inescapable, they have no choice and no free will
‘Theirs not to make reply, theirs not to question why, theirs but to do and die’
No choice in their own life, they must be there, however die for their country in honour.
‘Into the jaws of hell’
Commands, cannot disobey
Exposure :
‘What are we doing here?’
They do not want to be there, but are forced to, no free will, insignificant
Evidence for comparison point 1
- In COTLB, soldiers are honoured, valued. In Exposure, soldiers are forgotten, disregarded
‘Boldly they rode and well’
They are labelled as brave so are highly respected
‘Charging an army’
Requires courage
‘Hero fell’
Each and every soldier is highly honoured
‘All the world wonder’d’
World admires the soldiers
‘Their glory’ ‘Honour’ ‘Noble six hundred’
Highly regarded and honoured, valued
Exposure :
‘What are we doing here?’
Existence is irrelevant, disregarded
‘Forgotten dreams’
Loss of humanity, forgotten
‘We turn back to our dying’
Insignificant, forgotten, doesn’t matter if they die or not
‘For love of God seems dying’
Losing hope, even God has forgotten about them
Evidence for comparison point 2
- Enemy in exposure is the cold, weather. Enemy in COTLB is opposition
‘Into the valley of death’
Biblical reference, metaphor, signalling the battlefield
‘Into the jaws of death, Into the mouth of hell’
Metaphors, demonstrating danger yet bravery
Exposure :
‘Merciless winds that knive us’
Winds are harsh and ‘knive’ them brutally, METAPHOR
‘Silence, sentries whisper, curious, nervous’
SIBILANCE represents wind sounds, adding to effect of harsh wind
‘Bullets streaking the air’
Actual war does not pose any threat
‘Less deadly than the air that shudders black with snow’ METAPHOR, demonstrating how weather is deadly
‘All their eyes are ice’
Brutality of cold
Evidence for comparison point 4
In COTLB, war is exciting and full of action, whereas in exposure, it involves little action and more demoralising
‘Rode the six hundred’
Action, riding into war
‘Charge’ ‘Fought so well’
Action, exciting
‘Volley’d’ ‘Thuner’d’ ‘Shatter’d’ ‘Sunder’d’
Exposure :
‘But nothing happens’
Very uneventful
‘What are we doing here?’
Almost expressing disappointment in experience
‘Bullets streak the silence’
No danger, no excitement, no action